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August 2001 Part 2 Aug. 19, 2001 Mrs. Tanner; ...During a genealogy search, my search engine spit out a mormon site or two, which I viewed with a grain of salt and no small degree of amusement, based on my personal experiences. On one of those sites, I ran across a reference to a website run by the Devil incarnate, i.e. you. I made a superficial perusal, and shrugged off both sites as typical wars between true believers. I took it less than seriously, ... Again, I have had searches listing sites not appropriate to my intended target, and a couple of these proved to be documentary materials of yours. One thing I have respect for is good, documented research. I have been able to verify many of your references, and must say you are quite accurate in your attributions, and clearly a serious researcher and reporter. (If only our media would research as well!) No question about it, you have an axe to grind, but your assaults are well reasoned and documented, as far as I have determined. Conversely, the "mormon sites" attacking you relied on conjecture, and their faith in their own righteousness, a faith I cannot share, based on their presentation. Give me something I can see, taste, touch, or feel as being of substance. Opinions are like.....well, you know. Respectfully, Aug. 19, 2001 I have read with great interest your site and the many links associated with it. I have spent a good amount of time looking for a comparison of the LDS and RLDS. I have a good friend who attends a main line protestant church, who let her daughter go to an RLDS summer camp with a friend. She didn't ask for my opinion. She probably didn't want to hear from me. My friend would never think of sending her daughter to a LDS camp, but because the RLDS has made some doctrine changes since the death of Joseph Smith, she thought it would be save to let her daughter go. At times when we are discussing faith and religions she notices that I often will blend the LDS and the RLDS as much to same. Which angers her. I know you are busy, but could you help me out. I'm not looking for a defense or to say that I'm right, but what I am looking for is information that can be added to our conversations. Thank you for you time. God bless you and Jesus is Lord, [Sandra's Note: The RLDS are in a state of transition, neither fish nor foul. Below is an article on it. The Reorganized LDS Church The two major denominations tracing their origins to Joseph Smith are the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, with over 11 million members, and the much smaller Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, with 250,000 members. According to The Salt Lake Tribune, as of April 6, 2001, the RLDS Church will now be known "as the Community of Christ....The RLDS name still will be used for some legal and official work." (The Salt Lake Tribune, April 6, 2001, p.A1) The article went on to state:
RLDS historian Richard P. Howard explained the ways the RLDS Church sought to distinguished itself from the larger LDS Church:
Later in the same article, Mr. Howard observered:
Besides the RLDS rejection of polygamy, there are other differences between them and the larger LDS Church. Howard also stated:
RLDS historian Roger D. Launius wrote about the changing character of the RLDS Church:
Salt Lake Tribune reporter Peggy Stack observed:
The president of the RLDS Church was always part of the Smith family. However, in 1995 W. Grant McMurray became "the first RLDS president who is not a direct descendant of Joseph Smith." (The Salt Lake Tribune, June 29, 1996, p.D1) The article also pointed out:
While the RLDS Church still retains some of Smith's revelatory writings in their canon, they are moving more to the Bible:
In another Salt Lake Tribune article we read: "The appointment of McMurray, who was trained in a Protestant seminary, is part of the RLDS Church's continuing movement toward Protestantism." (The Salt Lake Tribune, Sept. 21, 1995, p.A1) This shift has caused a great division within the RLDS ranks. Peggy Stack reported: "Nearly 15 percent of formerly active RLDS now attend 'dissent congregations,' possibly as many as 150 congregations, according to [RLDS historian Bill] Russell,..." (The Salt Lake Tribune, April 25, 1992, p.A13) Aug. 19, 2001 Subject: I am so sorry! I feel so sorry after reading your testimonies about the mormon church. You have been given a free agency and i am not afraid to say that you're on the devil's side. We, mormons don't walk by sight, we walk by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am not sorry to say that you have been wasting your time, energy, and money to go against the church of Jesus Christ. You will never win the battle. I am a convert and i know the other churches are manmade. They preach about God to get money. Most minister and pastors are satan's tool. You are one of them. However, i like to tell you that the more you criticize the mormon church, the more i grow and stronger in my Faith. May God the Eternal Father forgive you for your wicked knowledge and desires. Aug. 19, 2001 Dear Tanners, First of all, thank you for all of your hard work and research. My wife and I are currently in the thick of witnessing to 2 young LDS missionaries who live down the block from us. We believe God sent them our way because of the interest I've recently developed in understanding cults and my constant reading of your material. Your publications have sure been a blessing. Here's my question: Have you (or anyone else for that matter) done a study to compare the the biblical scriptures quoted in the Book of Mormon with the "Inspired Version" of the KJV that the LDS uses to see how may contradictions lie between them? I would think that since Joseph Smith Jr. quoted so much from the Bible in writing the Book of Mormon, and then later penned the "Inspired Version", that there would be some contradictions between some (possibly even many) of the scriptures found in both places. In His grip, [Sandra's Note: There is some material on this in our booksMormon Scriptures and the Bible and Case Against Mormonism, Vol.3. For a copy of the "Inspired Version" see Joseph Smith's New Translation of the Bible.] Aug. 20, 2001 ERRORS MADE BY MEN DO NOT DIMINISH THE TRUTH OF THE BOOK OF MORMON--WHAT A WASTE THAT ITS TRUTHS ARE NOT BEING PROCLAIMED INSTEAD OF ITS BEING USED TO GET AND SELL GRUBBY MATERIAL TO LINE GREEDY POCKETS Aug. 20, 2001 Subject: Praise I was raised in a SLC Mormon family. My parents both remain devout as do most of my siblings. In my mid-twenties I wrestled with the apparent contradictions. Unfortunately, I concluded that God did not exist. It was twenty years before I set foot inside a church (this time: Presbyterian). I am deeply gratified by God’s patience and love. It has been a long journey made longer by the misconceptions of childhood and the difficulty in finding a good source to illuminate truth. Last week I was in SLC on vacation and picked up a copy of the Salt Lake Tribune. There, in the letters to the editor, I noted your web site. I've just completed a thirty minute scan of what you provide. Please accept my heartiest praise for doing God's work. It's one thing to have such conversations one-on-one with someone who is already questioning their theology. It is quite another to do so in such a public manner in the heart of Zion.... In His love, Aug. 20, 2001 Subject: Membership Dear Mr and Mrs Tanner, I was briefly a member in the LDS church and I still am on membership records with them. Should I ask to be removed from their membership records? I am wondering that if I do ask to be removed from their records that that will only acknowledge that I see some kind authority in the LDS church. The only spiritual authority I want to recognize is Jesus Christ, my Lord. Do I need to be concerned with what LDS records show? [Sandra's Note: There are different points of view on this. Personally, I did not want the LDS Church claiming me as part of their membership. When they boast they have 11,000,000 members, they actually have far less. If everyone who didn't believe in it removed their membership, it would be a big blow to their public image. It isn't a matter of recognizing their authority, it is a matter of taking a public stand that they are not God's true church. They have no right to continue to list someone as a member, which implies endorsement, when the person notifies the church they want their membership terminated. If you look at the instructions on our site (How to Remove Your Name From the LDS Records) you will see that we do not recommend meeting with them, just send a letter. State you are notifying them that you have resigned, you are not asking their permission. State you do not want to meet with them, there is nothing to discuss. But tell them to send you a letter when they get it taken care of, stating that you are no longer listed as a memberAT YOUR REQUEST, not excommunication (which implies you sinned). I don't think it has any bearing on God or His view of you, but it could be a witness to the bishop, who must read all the resignation letters.] Aug. 20, 2001 Subject: Peace be unto you Hello, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I don't know you, but I see what you are teaching here today. ...Jesus is my Savior and I love him, there is peace in my heart as I feel of his love. You say that you agree that Jesus is your Savior. Then look to Jesus for your salvation. ... What can I say that will help you see that you are fighting against His church? If you have read the Book of Mormon then you know the story of the sons of Mosiah. Children of the rightous king and son of the high priest were evil and wicked. Oh, how they were right in saying that they felt an awful trembling for those not saved in Christ. I have my own struggles, I am not a perfect Latter-Day Saint, but I know the way to Him is through the teachings He gave to the Church He restored to the earth through Joseph Smith. ...Have faith that the Lord has brought His Kingdom here to Earth. He is at the head of his people and will not suffer that they shall be persecuted. Your teachings are as Korihor for it tells people that believe that thier hope in Christ is vain. That living with Him is vain and that we are no longer to be families together forever. ...What you teach is that thousands have been deceived for the last one hundred and eight years that all thier lives and sacrifices and example for their children were for pigs and dogs. Pearls before swine and a dog returning to his own vomit. This is most definately not so. God lives. Jesus Christ live. Joseph Smith saw them and testified of them. We have a modern day prophet and apostles and teacher who live and guide us closer to Him.... In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Aug. 21, 2001 Subject: Mormons and public money Dear Tanners: I am writing as a member of a group of civil rights advocates concerned about discrimination against people of color and non-Mormons in the educational system in the State of Arizona. We have encountered what is an interesting phenomena concerning the Mormons and their funneling of public monies to mostly Mormon businesses and entities through the procurement procedures in public schools (including our universities) in Arizona. Many of the rural school board members and quite a few of those in Tucson and Phoenix are members of the LDS Church. They are violating the open meeting laws and procurement laws of the state in order to "treat" or take care of church members who are in a position to contract with the school systems for outside work, e.g. construction, furniture, security services, real estate, etc. We have been observing this for the last 12 years. With the demographics changing in so many of the rural areas, it has now become a major problem in many of our communities. The public was successful recently in replacing LDS board members and a superintendent in one school district in Tucson and subsequently was able to reduce costs enough to give raises to all of the teachers. The Attorney General has fined a number of districts for ignoring the procurement and open meeting laws. My question is: Do you have any literature or research that pertains specifically to our experience of observing LDS church members using public institutions to "take care of their own?" Any help would be appreciated. [Sandra's Note: Sounds interesting, but I don't have any information on this. Sorry.] Aug. 21, 2001 Dear Tanners, I found the "Temple Ritual Altered" article on xmission.com as I have been reading various writings on the temple and other aspects of Mormonism. I am a lifelong member of the LDS church, 49, mission, temple marriage, lots of church callings, etc. and I am only now beginning to validate or come to terms with the fact that I've been troubled by certain doctrines and ordinances. As I went through your material, I kept looking for one thing in particular (among many others) that disturbed me about the old temple ceremony. Only twice was I able to witness this particular element of the live temple session; the first time was when I first went through the temple and the second was when I was married. Each time, I was given one of the front row seats. I believe this may have been the only vantage point from which you could see this fleeting display. The man dressed in black (was it Satan or was it an earthly minister? I guess to the faithful, they may be one and the same!) answers that he does indeed have signs and tokens. At that point, he opens his suit jacket revealing an apron. It's sort of like the one we were all wearing except it had lots of other stuff on it. As I say, I only saw this twice and it appeared to me that he was careful not to give anyone too much of an eyeful of what was there. But I distinctly remember there being about the full assortment of Masonic symbols on that apron! As I have come to find that the Masonic and Mormon temple ceremonies are almost indistinguishable in some places, I have to wonder why we would castigate those Masonic symbols so badly in our temple. After all, many of our own enduring symbols, including the ones on the stonework of the SLC temple and even on our own garments look pretty Masonic to me. Naturally, that was one of the things that was taken out of the later ceremonies. I'm not sure it even survived until the film versions came out. I must admit, though, my own temple attendance also didn't survive much beyond my wedding. My wife and I did consent to taking the temple preparation class a couple of years ago, which concluded with a trip to the temple. (Ironically, I used to teach that same class.) I still couldn't get past my discomfort with the whole ceremony. It just doesn't ring true to me. Anyway, if you can respond to my question, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks. [Sandra's Note: I never went through the ceremony but friends say that the devil wears a dark blue or black apron with embroidered Masonic symbols . The design was said to be similar to the Masonic apron presented to George Washington by Lafayette, with pillars on each side and the checkerboard floor in the middle, along with other Masonic symbols. Washington's apron is pictured in The Craft and Its Symbols: Opening the Door to Masonic Symbolism by Allen Roberts, Macoy Pub,. Richmond, VA., copyright 1974, p.11. You can contact a couple (Dennis and Rauni Higley) that used to be temple workers and ask them about the devil's apron. Their website is at http://www.members.tripod.com/hismin. We have a book called Evolution of the Mormon Temple Ceremony that contains the 1930, 1984, 1990 ceremonies. Also, our books MormonismShadow or Reality? and The Mormon Kingdom Vol.1 have the 1970 ceremony.] Aug. 22, 2001 ...I am particularly fascinated with the instructions given members while in the military regarding the wearing of temple garments. Apparently, garments are now made in khaki color and in T-shirts and so forth. I worked at the Utah Woolen Mill for five years and helped manufacture thousands of pair of longjohns for the faithful. Restrictions for use were much more limited 60 years ago during World War II. One must admire the Church's adaptability in modifying the garment to meet situations that might be encountered. Since GI issue was mandatory during WWII, the member was excused from wearing the garment during active duty, but todays flexibility, color change, etc. are imaginative. All we made were one piece suits with special markings. I thoroughly enjoy dropping by and chatting with you. I currently am reading David Bigler's FORGOTTEN KINGDOM. Much is familiar, but I am picking up some gems I have not encountered in my previous reading. Thanks for suggesting it. I have both Stenhouse's ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAINTS and Fanny's TELL IT ALL, ...Young was an incredible scoundrel. He employed that Church Law of Consecration in 1854 to steal Liberty Park from my uncle Isaac Chase. Aug. 22, 2001 What is the date on the Millennial Star, vol. 45, p. 454 [referenced in the Aug. 1998 Salt Lake City Messenger, p.7]. The Penrose quote on polygamy and is there a title for the article in which the quote appears? [Sandra's Note: It is from the Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star, no.29, vol.XLV, July 16, 1883, p.454, article 'Plural Marriage.' Here is a longer quote from the article:
Aug. 22, 2001 Subject: Hitler's Temple Work I had a comment to share considering the article of Hitler's Temple work... [The Mormon Church Attempts to Conceal Temple Records for Adolf Hitler] As a member of the Church I would have to say that it would be no surprise that Hitler's temple work had been done. Just because he had been baptized for the dead does not mean that we believe that he's saved. ... Hitler would still have his free agency to accept or reject those ordinances. I do not say that after accepting those ordinances he would be forgiven. Likewise, I cannot say that he's going to hell. Again, Christ is the judge. My overall desire is to show that there's no reason for the church to try and hide the fact that such an ordinance has been done. The church goes through documents all of the time. The response received concerning Hitler's work seemed to be a pre-made letter addressing "Famous or Historical Figures." If I were in the church office, I would probably send the same letter if I thought that so doing would answer your question. Another item to address is the fact that if a somebody did try and cover these things up, it probably wasn't "ordered" for them to do so. I'm sure the general authorities have much more important things to be doing than answering minor questions such as this. For that reason, just because a member responds in some way does not mean that it's the official standpoint of the Church itself. Likewise this letter written by me shouldn't be esteemed as such. Now, if truly your intention is to teach people the truth, without biased perspectives, there is no reason that the inclusion of the essential content of this letter shouldn't be on the above mentioned web page..... Sincerely, [Sandra's Note: First, there has indeed been a deliberate effort in the LDS records to remove listings of temple work for Nazis. Helen Radkey has carefully researched this and has the documentation. Second, apparently Apostle Joseph Fielding Smith did not share your views. He stated that temple work should not be done for murderers:
I assume that the work for Hitler was done by someone other than a relative. So what would motivate a Mormon to single out Hitler, and other perpetrators of the Holocaust, for temple work when there would be so many people one could choose who would not have committed murder? While I do not believe the LDS rituals accomplish anything, I find it curious that Mormons would spend the time and money to do work for unrepentant murderers.] Aug. 22, 2001 Subject: Temple Sealing Why must we have permission from Salt Lake to be sealed AFTER my husband was excommunicated (over 17 yrs ago) rebabtised, his Priesthood restored, did everything the church has ask for, also full tithing payer, NOW they want a letter telling ALL his transgressions leading to his excommunication ? ? ? What is the deal ? ? I am a convert, have a temple recommend, live the church standards, but am getting NO answers from my Bishop. THANK YOU [Sandra's Note: The Bible presents a picture of total forgiveness after repentance, not partial forgiveness where past sins are catalogued and brought up time after time. Unfortunately you are a victim of the LDS cult-like behavior of "unrighteous dominion." Mormons object to the application of "cult" to Mormonism, but it fits many of the basic elements. There are two ways to look at the word cult, in the social/psychological sense or in the Christian/religious sense. A social scientist would list marks of a cult as:
Many people coming out of the LDS Church report just such things in their experience as a Mormon, especially the returned LDS missionary. Briefly, a Christian perspective on marks of a cult would be:
These points fit the Mormons as well as Jehovah's Witnesses, followers of Rev. Moon, etc.] Aug. 22, 2001 Subject: Fantastic! I met you at one of your speaking engagements. ...Congratulations on a terrific site. I have purchased many of your publications and have given most of them away. ...I will give out the URL to many now that I know you have such a fantastic site! Good luck to you and God bless you! Aug. 24, 2001 I work with a Mormon girl who was once a Baptist until she married a Mormon man. her children and mother have gotten saved and she is under lots of conviction about the Mormon church. Her husband is willing to learn the truth. I don't know what to give them that would help her husband to understand the truth. Please help me to pick out some simple and straight forward books or pamphlets to compare the bible with Mormon theology. Thank you, [Sandra's Note: Here are several suggestions:
Any one of these would be good.] Aug. 26, 2001 Subject: I want out Can you get me in touch with someone who can help me transition out of the Mormon church? I can't get over this fear that if they are what they say they are, I'll be dooming myself. I have no testimony of Joseph Smith and have tried for 20 years to be a good member, but I just don't fit in. How do I get over the fear so I can leave. Any help would be appreciated. [Sandra's Note: A good book to read is Out of the Cults and into the Church. Many have found my tape, Sandra Tanner Tape No.4, "Struggles of Leaving Mormonism," helpful.] Aug. 26, 2001 Subject: My thanks I just wanted to say that I appreciate this information very much. God bless you. Aug. 26, 2001 There is so much information on your site that has answered many prayers for me lately. The events leading up to my finding a link to one of your newsletters can be explained only as supernatural. I was raised my whole life in the Mormon church. My Mother is still a devout member of the "faith." At age ...I was called into the stake Presidents office. He said "that he knew I had sinned” and needed to confess my wrongdoing to him. Where he got his information I still do not know. To make a long story short a few years later {after being inactive for that period} I was called to come to court. I did not show and within a week I was deemed not worthy to be a member and received my excommunication papers. I'll never forget my feelings of shame and anger. I believe the bible in that no man can judge and it will be the Lord who will determine my worthiness. My question is this: What would you suggest that will be the most persuading book to send to my mother. I would like to send it to her anonymously. My heart is breaking for her because she believe in this farce with every fiber of her being. However, I know that she has not studied the documents that you have available as I have been. Namely because she does not have them made available to her through the church. I would really appreciate any suggestions you can offer. ...It seems that I am filled with confusion about what I should now believe. Sincerely, [Sandra's Note: It isn't usually very effective to send something anonymously. I would suggest you send her a book for Christmas like Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith. You can get this biography of Joseph Smith's wife from the LDS book store, Deseret Book here in SLC. Their phone is 801-328-8191. This is a good starting point to try to raise questions about Smith. It goes into his magic practices, polygamy, etc. It is not 'anti' Mormon but tells things the average Mormon has never heard. It is written by two LDS women historians. You could just tell your mom that a friend in Salt Lake recommended it as a good biography of Joseph's wife and since we don't hear much about her in Mormonism (since she joined the RLDS) you thought she might enjoy reading it. She can't accuse you of sending anti-Mormon literature if it comes from their own store.] Aug. 26, 2001 Why is it that men can be sealed in the temple to more than one woman, but a woman can only be sealed to one man. And where in the book of mormon is this stated? Please help, I've been looking and asking for this answer for years and no one can answer. [Sandra's Note: This all goes back to the basic reason for polygamy, to give birth to as many children as possible, thus making the man a more powerful god, ruling over an ever-increasing posterity. The Mormon answer would be that it wouldn't matter how many husbands a woman had, she still would be limited on the number of babies she could have in a year. However, a man married to ten women can father ten babies. See our online article: Mormons Hope to Become Gods of Their Own Worlds. There is nothing in the Book of Mormon on this (or the Bible for that matter). It comes from the Doctrine and Covenants, section 132.] Aug. 27, 2001 Subject: First Cause Hello, I am a Ph.D. student at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. I am writing a philosophy paper on first cause and infinite causal regress which I later hope to apply to Mormon Eternal Progression. I have asked Mormons how the entire process of one god fathering another began. They have never answered me. I know Orson Pratt deals with it some in "The Seer," but do you know of any other Mormon resources that deal with it (modern or past resources)? Thanks [Sandra's Note: Have you read the chapter on God in The Counterfeit Gospel of Mormonism? It is written by Francis Beckwith and deals with this topic as well as quoting various LDS sources. Another good book is The Theological Foundations of the Mormon Religion by McMurrin.] Aug. 27, 2001 So are you that sacred to slam someone faith? We never do that to any other faith... But you have too huh? You know the truth hurts. Aug. 27, 2001 Greetings Tanners, in the Name, May the LORD continue to bless the work of your hands... We live in Moses Lake, Washington and have for the past 4 years come to a firm conviction that there is a need to educate our brothers and sisters as they are beginning to understand that their LDS neighbours are not Christians. Our home church, Moses Lake Christian and Missionary Alliance, is being challenged at a variety of levels; teenagers wanting to date their LDS contemporaries, couples who have, for years, lived next door to Mormons and are only now beginning to sense some particular differences, co-workers who, in the course of office or work-site conversation, attempt a witness and are met with the faux 'born-again' cliches, etc. Briefly, _____, my wife, was lifted from Mormonism about 6 years ago, and has since be called upon to testify to the regeneration that has placed her in Kingdom on several occasions. I have been born-again since an early age, and spent my adolesence and young adulthood in Magna/Lehi. I am familiar with your ministry and work ( and even met your both, briefly, many years ago ) and feel that it is the best source for beginning an educational ministry here....We were dismayed to find that our little town of 15000 was, at last survey, 60% LDS. Truly the LORD has brought us here to declare His Name. Always and only in Yeshua, Aug. 28, 2001 Subject: The case ...I find it hard to believe that any church would want any copyright for any of their publications. Surely a church wants to spread its message by any means to reach people by as many means as possible. I live in the U.K ...I would have thought that they would be at worst pleased that someone else was mentioning their name no matter in what light to show that they had arrived on the scene after 170 odd years. Oh as an after thought I find it even harder to believe that any church needs a separate company Intellectual Reserve Inc to look after their claims as a church. As a outsider Intellectual Reserve sounds like protection for something that has been "created" by a body or unit or person or free thinking individual that has come up with good idea and doesn't want any one else to reap the financial benefits. Perhaps I don't know enough about U.S. religion. Hope all's well that ends well. Aug. 29, 2001 Subject: The infamous Tanner Are you guys still around?? I am amazed. But then its not unusual. NO Tanners, true CHRISTIAN mormons aren't upset about your constant silly attacks on us. It doesn't bother us really cos every idiot under the sun' has attacked the True Church and where has it gotten them? Nowhere! So you guys keep going because to be quite honest - we have deep pity for you both knowing what is going to happen to you. To be honest even Hitler doesn't get what you 2 have to have. I am sure you are two very nice people who are just ill-informed and misunderstood and have lost the path but fighting against something you no longer believe in seems terribly childish and pathetic to me. You are actually in my prayers and I do wish you to have a happy life cos the next life is not going to be at all happy. Aug. 29, 2001 Subject: Jesus and satan brothers? Good day--I pray that God has kept you well. I am interested to know if/why Mormons believe Jesus, who gave His blood for us to be cleansed, and satan are brothers?!? Thank you and "may the peace of God rule in your heart..." (Col. 3:15). [Sandra's Note: Joseph Smith taught that gods, angels, devils and humans are all the same species, just in different stages. According to Mormonism, our god was once born as a human on some other world (ruled by yet another god, who had also started out at some distant point as a human), married, had children, died, went to heaven, and then earned the right to become a god, as countless men had done before him. Then he and his resurrected wife, from his prior world experience, went on to have born to them the millions of spirit children that would one day be born on our earth. Thus we were first born and raised to maturity in heaven before becoming mortal. Thus we all have two sets of parents, god and his wife begat us in a pre-earth life and then we were born as mortals on earth to a different set of parents (who would actually be our spirit brother and sister. This also means that whoever you marry is also your spirit brother or sister.). Jesus and Lucifer were our two oldest brothers. They each proposed different ways to run the earth. God and Jesus agreed on the plan, Lucifer rebelled, along with 1/3 of the other children of god, and were cast out to become the devils of this earth. The other 2/3 of god’s spirit children were to be born on this earth to be tested to see if they would obey the father's plan and thus return to the celestial kingdom and then go on to godhood themselves. In the Book of Abraham Smith wrote:
LDS president Joseph F. Smith, nephew to the original Joseph Smith, declared:
In 1894 LDS Apostle George Q. Cannon preached
In the current manual of the LDS Church called Gospel Principles it is stated that "Man, as a spirit, was begotten and born of heavenly parents," that "every person who was ever born on earth was our spirit brother or sister in heaven," and that Jesus "is literally our elder brother." When God was deciding on who would be the savior for our world "two of our brothers offered to help." The book then explains that Jesus was chosen over Lucifer, who then rebelled. Chapter forty-seven explains that those who obey the LDS gospel will gain "exaltation in the celestial kingdom" and thus become "gods" of their own worlds. These resurrected couples, now gods and goddesses, "will have their righteous family members with them and will be able to have spirit children also. These spirit children will have the same relationship to them as we do to our Heavenly Father" (p.302). Gospel Principles is on line at http://www.lds.org/library/gos_pri/gos_pri.html. For more on the LDS concept of becoming gods, see: Mormons Hope to Become Gods of Their Own Worlds.] Aug. 29, 2001 Subject: Kings? Dear Mr. and Mrs. Tanner; I read in one of your newsletters about certain mormons being ordained as "kings"-I was just wondering what this entailed and the history of this practiced (who is "worthy") etc. Thank you again, Much Love, [Sandra's Note: There would be a difference between the temple ceremony, where a man is ordained a "king" and his wife as a "queen," and the concept of the president of the church being ordained "king" of the kingdom of God. Heber C. Kimball quoted Brigham Young as saying: " 'Every man that gets his endowment...[has been] ordained to the Melchisedeck Priesthood, which is the highest order of Priesthood. ...those who have come in here and have received their washing & anointing will be ordained Kings & Priests, and will then have received the fulness of the Priesthood, all that can be given on earth, for Brother Joseph said he had given us all that could be given to man on the earth.' Brigham Young, 1845" (Heber C. Kimball, Journal, 26 Dec. 1845) (Quote taken from Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Vol.16, No.1, p.15, "The Fulness of the Priesthood" The Second Anointing in Latter-day Saint Theology and Practice, by David John Buerger) But then there is the concept of the President of the LDS Church being ordained "king" of the kingdom. D. Michael Quinn, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, p.124, wrote:
For more on Smith and Young being ordained "king" see our book MormonismShadow or Reality? or The Mormon Kingdom, Vol.1.] Aug. 29, 2001 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Tanner; I received the packet of info from you just the other day and have been reading it ever since. The amount of information and the QUALITY of it is amazing-it far surpassed my expectations. Unlike other organizations that have endless funds and send just "teasers" of information to queries-your organization sent me in depth newsletters and a book list with prices that are staggeringly affordable!!!!!! Furthermore you have Wm Morgan's Pamphlet on masonry as well-something I failed to find through a book finder (but I've been calling it Illustrations from Freemasonry-that could be the problem, too.) I just want to thank you and say "GOD BLESS YOU ALL" I am hope to receive more newsletters in the future, ...I cannot say enough or thank you enough. May your blessing number the sandgrains on the seashore. [Web-editor: We have that book online as well. See: Exposition of Freemasonry by Capt. William M. Morgan.] Aug. 30, 2001 I have checked over your web pages, particularly those on Mormonism, with great interest. However I am saddened by the fact that most of the information is either negative, out of date, speculative or simply misrepresented. Is there nothing good about the Mormons? I notice that the expansion of the Mormon church is still very good with a replacement temple now being built in Nauvoo where the original one was destroyed by vandals following the persecutions and expulsions of Mormons from Missouri and Illinois. This is despite the hundreds of anti-Mormon web pages on the WWW, some of them CRASS, some downright ugly and irreverent; but all of them doing a fantastic job in weeding out the Tares from the wheat.... In future whenever I require information about any faith group I am going to ask their faithful adherents, not the disillusioned or those who have axes to grind. You are a nasty lot of people. Aug. 30, 2001 [MASONIC CRY?] How well documented is the meaning and intent of Joseph Smith's last words? I've read Reed Durham's article and it sounds right. A former missionary companion of mine, while not exactly questioning this, may think that there is scanty source material for this. According to John D. Lee Joseph says the entire Masonic distress cry while Durham doubts that he did. So just how well documented is this? [Sandra's Note: While most Mormons are not familiar with the early Mormon participation in Free Masonry, their own History of the Church records Smith's entrance into the Masonic lodge in 1842:
The next day Smith recorded: "Wednesday, March 16.I was with the Masonic Lodge and rose to the sublime degree." (History of the Church, Vol.4, Ch.32, p.552) There is ample evidence that Smith attempted to give the Masonic signal of distress when he jumped from the jail window as he was being shot to death. Historian D. Michael Quinn relates the events of the day:
In his footnotes, Dr. Quinn gives numerous references to Smith giving the masonic signal of distress:
President Wilford Woodruff recorded in his diary:
In 1994 Michael Homer discussed the issue of Masonry and Joseph Smith:
Aug. 30, 2001 Subject: Thanks Thanks for going out of your way to prove the book of mormon is true. We need more info going around like this. This builds my faith even more. I had no idea that there were that many books written befor 1830 that said the indians were hebrew and that they were waiting for a book or a lost book (gold plates). Keep searching you'll figure it out. Listen to your heart while your reading. You'll feel the truth it's right there in front of you. Thanks, |
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