Selections and Extracts from Email |
October 1999 Oct. 13, 1999 What more proof does anyone need than this McConkie'-lawfirm's letter to see that they (LDS) have sooooo much to hide! No Christian church would care if the whole country quoted from their manuals! Lies and deceptions need this kind of "protection" it also confirms Hinckley's statement a few years ago in BYU, when he couseled, "Do not be counted among those who have studied themselves out of the Church." Learning is a dangerous thing.... Oct. 15, 1999 You are fullfilling prophesy... You can leave the Church, but you can't leave it alone.... Oct. 15, 1999 About 16 years ago I divorced (I was married in the temple, etc.), lived in Sandy and quit going to church. (This is making a long story short). 8 years ago I moved to Idaho and remarried which meant a name change. Even though I have family in Idaho who are active church members, I was never contacted by the church in the 8 years I lived there. I moved back to Utah in March of this year, still using my new married name, and in May I was contacted by the Ward Clerk asking if this was me only using my name that I used while living in Sandy 16 years ago when I was active in the church........How on earth do they do that.....I could understand them contacting me using my current name but they didn't even know my current name......Do they have access to social security numbers from the utility companies or the banks? I don't bank with Zions but I do bank with FSB.......I find this very disturbing to think they have such access to my life.......I told the Ward Clerk I didn't want my name on the church rolls but he called again wanting me to update my information and the Elders and the Relief Society continue to call me......My children are semi-active in the church and I support them because I feel I gave them a foundation to make their own decisions......I, however, prefer not to be associated with an organization that fosters bigotry and hate...... Thank you for listening.....I needed to get that off my chest. Oct. 15, 1999 I have to admit a little bit of shock and surprise with your most recent actions (Salt Lake Tribune, 15 October 1999). I find that these actions hit more than possible legal issues. They hit on an ethical, and even unchristian-like, areas. Although I recommend staying "in the lines" of the law, I would also challenge you to become more ethical and Christian-like. I mean that you should not "attack" the Mormon or any other faith. I assume that you might disagree and say either (1) our attack on the Mormon faith is warranted in the name of Christianity (the "end justifies the means") or (2) our negative propaganda is NOT to be considered an attack, as much as it is to be considered educating people of the evil of the Mormon empire (hate justified by dispelling of ignorance). I think that these types of thoughts are wrong in the Mormon religion and OUT of the Mormon religion. Mormons, Ex-Mormons, and Non-Mormons that follow the tactics of illegal, unethical, and non-Christian behavior are NOT furthering the cause of our Savior and the Lord, Jesus Christ. Oct. 15, 1999 I recently got on your website after reading that the LDS will sue over posting portions of the GHI. I like the site. Thanks for posting the information. In case you're wondering, I was LDS for 25 years. Now out for asking too many questions. Oct. 15, 1999 Dear Tanners, I just saw on the news at noon that the mormon church is suing you for some information you posted on the internet. I would like to say thank you to both of you for bringing us the information both through your bookstore and the internet, living in Utah especially right here in Salt Lake City we are confronted almost daily with relatives or even casually by co-workers with the dominancy Mormonsim has over our State. My husband and I recently stopped in at your store and picked up some information that has informed us greatly, for my husband has been witnessing to a friend of his at work. I just wanted to let you know through this time of the mormon church's threats that you are a blessing to many of those of us who have questions. Oct. 15, 1999 Just wanted you to know how much I like the information you have on your web site. I have never appreciated Mormonism very much, but when I am asked why, I really don't have an answer. The information you provide gives me what I need to respond intelligently. Oct. 15, 1999 I am writing to say that i read about your story in the Salt Lake Tribune and I commend you on your efforts to make the Mormon Question accessible to as many people as you can. I am a Catholic and am 22 years of age. I have often dealt with Mormons as just another Christian denomination until I really started to look into the heart of their religion and their various beliefs. I have come to realize that the lie they are perpetuating is grand and centered on disinformation. I never knew that there is a website where you can get so much information to challenge the self-riteous all-knowing Mormons who point to their religion as the one true religion. They almost always point to the Book of Mormon as the alpha and omega of their doctrines and beliefs, while knowing full well that it is only a small portion of what they believe. I want to thank you and once again commend you on your efforts to curb this Great Lie and make information more accessible to the public who get bogged down by Mormon rhetoric. Oct. 15, 1999 I don't mean this as a flame mail in any way. I honestly want to know why someone would dedicate their whole life to attempting to tear down the beliefs of a group of people. It seems like there would be a better, more fulfilling way to live one's life in a more positive way. Your life is one big unwinnable argument. You'll never prove that the church isn't true, just like we can't empirically prove it is true. Oct. 15, 1999 It was with great concern that I read the headlines in today's Tribune! May I just say that I will be in prayer for you over this issue!! Your web site and your research and your many books and articles have been a God send to me and my sister, both of whom have left the Mormon church and now know the real Jesus Christ! Thank you for your efforts and your love for the Mormon people! Oct. 15, 1999 I was reading the Tribune this morning and read an article on your website. I immediately went to the site and started reading the questions and answers. Wow! I've been a member of this church all my life (not necessarily by my own choicewhat does an eight year old know?) and I did not know a lot of the information there. Thank you! I was disappointed that there is no information on how to have your membership cancelled. I understand that you are in litigation over information that was posted on your site, but I was wondering if you have any of your own advice on how to GET OUT. I was noticing in the article in the Tribune that you requested to be removed from their membership and they excommunicated you. Not that I care what the church thinks of me, I'd still rather have it on record that the end of my membership was my choice, not theirs and I'm wondering if you have any advice on the issue? [Web-editor note: See How to Remove Your Name from the LDS Records.] Oct. 15, 1999 [Web-editor: message has been edited with und_rscores.] i'm not usually one to criticize or codemn others for their beliefs, but when it's all about a 'crusade' to spread sh_t about others, then i must speak out. y'all need to get a grip and get over your hatred. if the lds church ain't your cup o' tea, then leave it alone and go about your ways. i'm currently an inactive lds member, but did serve a mission a decade ago to independence, mo., and still believe that the church is a positive orgainization that does a lot of good for a lot of people, and is the most true form of religion on earth. it's certainly not a 100% perfect organization, but it's closer than anything else i've experienced. yeah, the church is pretty rigid in its affairs, and i can see how people can get offended by others. but to spend your whole life sowing seeds of discord? get a clue in life. i'm not a violent person - i've only been in a couple of brawls in my life, and have never struck another man out of anger or for any other reason. but y'alls attitude/'mission' in life to talk sh_t about the church riles me up. someone needs to smack you upside the head or something. don't bother responding to my email - cause frankly, i don't like hearing about lies. go tell pres. clinton - he's the best lier there is. maybe he'll join your pathetic cause. Oct. 15, 1999 What breath of fresh air!! Raising a Christian daughter in a Mormon world can get lonely. I read the article in the Tribune about the suite the LDS Church has against you. I tried ten years ago to remove my name from the church registers and was told I had to attend some sort of court. In all honestly, I was frieghtened to attend this "court" and so my name remains. Through prayer and faith, I decided that it is no longer an issue in my life. The occasional phone call from the ward is irritated but I find it to be a chance to witiness my beliefs. Oct. 15, 1999 I think it's sad that your spending so much effort and time on something like this! Oct. 15, 1999 I have been a Born Again Christian for 3 years and counting, after spending 35 years as a cultural Mormon.(5th generation Mormon to finally break the cycle) I can't thank you enough for all you do in bringing the Light Of Life to all those who sincerely seek the Truth. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless your work in exposing the secrets and discrepancies of Mormonism so that people like myself and two sisters, can make informed decisions about their eternal destiny. The Truth can indeed stand in the Light, unashamed. My God, the God of the Bible does nothing in secret. Oct. 15, 1999 I befriended a Mormon online...we're both married. I admire his strong morals, but wanted more information about his religion. He sounded too intelligent to believe what he said he believed. I found your website to be completely informative. It answered most of my questions about the Mormon religion. I, by the way, am a practicing Roman Catholic... Oct. 15, 1999 Hi, Sandra. I can't believe that you are being sued by the LDS church over this. All that will happen is that even more people will want to read the material. Oct. 15, 1999 I was baptized and subsequently confirmed into the mormon church at the tender age of eight. I have since gone on to receive advanced degrees in Anthropology and have developed a different epistemology and paradigm. My question is this: how do I petition the mormons to have my name removed from their church records? I have tried calling the church office building, and all I got was the run around. [Web-editor note: See How to Remove Your Name from the LDS Records.] Oct. 15, 1999 Today was the first time I saw your site! Good information! Thank you for being here! Briefly; I was LDS for 10 years, served a mission and did the whole temple thing and even attended BYU. I left the church in the mid 80's and returned to my former faith (Jewish) and even changed my name to simply get on with my life. I've never contacted the LDS church since I left but I still have an annoyance that the church has my old name on church records. I have no idea where my records may be. Any suggestions? Knowing that I am still counted as part of that organization does bother me. Oct. 16, 1999 I think this is a great service you provide. I used to be LDS and found that there were things that just did not wash with me. Thank you for a voice of reason in all this madness!!!! Oct. 16, 1999 Thank you for having such a wonderful and informative web site - I came across it after reading the article in the on line version of the SLC Tribune. Many years ago I asked to have my name removed from the "records" and it took two years of harrassment, wanting me to go to bishops court, etc before I finally got a letter of excommunication. I had done nothing wrong but felt so terribly guilty. Finally their actions are being brought to light by your work. Oct. 16, 1999 I was interested to read in the Provo Daily Herald this morning about the Church's letter to you and lawsuit requiring the removal of the Church Handbook from your website. I don't understand why the the Church does not want people to know what is required to have your name removed and why they seem to make it so difficult to obtain any information about this. I called the Church office building and they told me that I needed to send a letter to my Bishop. It is my understanding that in addition to that I must meet with my Bishop. Could you help me to know what I need to do? Unfortunately I have delayed in taking this action which I now feel is necessary. I do not want to remain on the rolls of the Church for various reasons and I do not want the Church to have the ability to ex-communicate me since that would be acknowledging that they have the authority to do so. I have spoken to several people who have told me that a Church authority contacted them and told them that a Church court was going to be convened. When these individuals told the caller that they would rather just have their name removed from the rolls the authority told them it was too late for that and the court was going to be held. I don't understand why they make it so difficult for people and create animosity as a result. I support your efforts in trying to provide information to the public. I generally support the Church and feel that many good things are accomplished but I do not agree with the attempts to withhold information from people. Thank you. Oct. 16, 1999 Enjoyed the article about you in the Tribune on Friday. I look forward to exploring your website further in the near future. One quote in the newspaper article struck me. It was talking about people requesting removal of their names from LDS membership roles. You said, "You can quit going, and never go for 30 years, and they still call you a member." That is EXACTLY what's happened to me. Thirty years ago, about three months after I returned from my LDS mission, I decided that I could no longer accomodate a religion that I honestly didn't agree with. At the time, it was more the people than the doctrine. I witnessed numerous falsehoods, hypocracies and workings of ego, rather than the basic honesty that I believed was inherant in active churchgoers. I "dropped out" of the church and haven't been in an LDS ward or stake house since ... except for funerals, which I'm sorry to say, are quite often glorified testimony meetings! More recently, it's the political actions of the LDS church are what have irritated me to the point of seeking membership withdrawl. Can you give me advise on how to do that without the harassment (phone calls and unsolicited visits) that I understand are the result of such requests? I could care less about their excommunication "court" proceedings. I just want my name stricken from their membership list. [Web-editor note: See How to Remove Your Name from the LDS Records.] Oct. 16, 1999 How sad, how sad, how sad, Your forebears deserve better from their descendants. It is amazing to me that two obviously bright people with so much to offer should choose to spend their lives so ill-advisedly. To not participate in a faith is one thing, but to willfully malign? Even if the LDS Church were not true, it seems to give joy and purpose in life to so many. Surely that is what Christ would want from all of us. Love, acceptance, CONSTRUCTIVE, not destructive activities. Oct. 16, 1999 I am a "member" of the mormon organization. I have tried to obtain information on how to get my name removed from the LDS offical church records, with no results but "contact your bishop". I heard on the radio this morning "570 KNEWS" that you were being sued for posting information from a mormon handbook that the mormons were abjectionable to. I feel that this information should be available to anyone who wants it. What kind of religion keeps secrets from it's members? I have read your recommendations on how to get my name removed, and will have it done. I sincerely wish you the best of luck with the lawsuit and thank you for much desired information. I hope that you can keep up the good work. Oct. 16, 1999 If you do anti-mormon stuff at least make it interesting this was a boring site. Re treaded information is not breaking news. Oct. 16, 1999 I considered myself one of the more scolarly Mormons, but your stuff is really good. I still have too go to church to keep the peace. I joined at 15 and did all the right things. Mission, BYU, Temple Marriage and then bondage. Oct. 16, 1999 I just learned about your apparent copyright problems with the LDS Church. In some way, the lawsuit is a blessing. Your noble and honest actions will now be visible to so many more people, while at the same time the LDS Church's secretive and totalitarian structure is exposed. I am not a lawyer so I do not know the legal ramifications of the lawsuit. But, I do know that there is nothing that the LDS Church can do to stop the truth from getting out. In a very real way, the LDS Church has created the opposite effect by sueing you. The information that they had wanted to hide has now spread much faster. They will also likely alienate LDS members and the public by their actions. I wouldn't be surprised if someone in the LDS Corporation lost their job over this spectacle. Again, thank you for your commendable work. Your web site is a treasure to the public and internet community. Oct. 16, 1999 Perhaps the Tanners can claim that they received the book from an angel who visited them after asking God to direct them to LDS excommunication rules. Clearly the Mormons will never challenge the prima facie plausibility of that claim. :-) Oct. 16, 1999 Dear Sandra, I read the newspaper article in both the SaltLake Tribune and the Ogden Standard. About how they are going to sue you over copyright infringments on that book. I think this is the most unchristian thing I have heard of in a long time. If they are such a Christian chruch, as they claim to be. Then they should be wanting to share everything for they would have nothing to hide. God would not want secrets nor lies and by them sueing you, they must have both in great quainties!!! I left the Mormon church many years ago and just became a Christian 3 years ago and I refeer your webpage to many of my LDS friends that have come to God by reading your web pages. I have never gotten my name removed for I have no idea how to go about the process without them bugging me. My dad who is Mormon read the ariticles too. Went to your web page to see what the big deal was all about and has spent hours and hours reading all your aritcles and he told me 'it was the most eye wakinging experiance ever'. I love what you are doing for exmormons and people getting cought in the cult and how you bring them to God. Oct. 16, 1999 You are wacked.... of course it is going to be different than worldly christianity.. That is of man.. The church could not be true, if it was mainstream.. No one gets paid , like worldly christianity.. My grand father was harold B.Lee.. That is my credetials.. You can not go further than that.. Do, all you want.. Frankly, Most of my baptisms, were from your work.. So, keep it up.. Oct. 16, 1999 Sandra, I have read MUCH of your research writings in the past. I am neither for nor against the Mormon Church. I guess I'm indifferent, who cares if they're right or wrong. ( I know, you do.) I didn't even know you had a web page until I saw that article about them suing you in the Tribune. Now I've spent hours pursuing it. Man you gotta lot of stuff on there. Anyway, my point is; I wonder if the Mormon Church has done themselves more damage than good by giving you a tremendous amount of free advertising for your packed web page. Oct. 17, 1999 Great job, keep up the good work!!!! It does not surprise me that the Mormon Church would sue to hide the truth. If they must copyright their doctrine and rules of church discipline procedures, does the Mormon Church want the truth to be known? Who are the trying protect the church or the members? If they are so defensive about this they must be ashamed of many more things, Joseph Smith, Doctrines and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, the true history of the chruch and etc, etc, etc... Oct. 17, 1999 According to the item in the newspaper this is just a matter of revealing Mormon procedures for removing people from the membership rolls. It is hard to believe that they would get upset over such a small thing. Is there more to it than this? Oct. 17, 1999 Hi, I just wanted to write and thank you for the information on getting my name removed from the Church records. I've been wanting to do this for years, but always thought that it was impossible to quit the church. I thought you had to be excommunicated from the LDS cult. I've never believed in the mormon church, the only reason I'm even connected with the church is, because of family. And thank you again for all the information on your website. It's to bad that most mormon's are afraid to find out the truth about their religion. Below is the letter I wrote to have my name removed from the church records.
Oct. 17, 1999 Sandra, I received the article ... pertaining to the Copyright suit brought against you by the Mormon Church you for printing their Material. This is right out of the latest method of the Church of Scientology, in silencing their critics. The Mormon Church has certainly gotten in bed with some very hard hitting Cultists, as far as suits are concerned. Oct. 17, 1999 One must wonder: why would the Mormon church be so concerned with their handbook being posted on the internet, if there is nothing to hide? hundreds of churches have their doctrinal statements and bylaws posted on the net. Oct. 17, 1999 Dear Sandra, As a former Mormon, I was saddened to see the story in the Salt Lake Tribune dated, October 15, 1999. I am very interested in the topic of having your name removed from LDS records as I have not yet done that, unfortunately I did not download the information before you were required to remove it. I have visited your bookstore often and you have been a great help with the many questions my husband and I have had. We have also been to the support group you offer former Mormons or those thinking of leaving Mormonism several times ... You have always been very pleasant and patient with our concerns and confusion. I wanted you to know that you are in our prayers. Oct. 17, 1999 Dear Jerald and Sandra, In 1992 our family joined the LDS church in a metropolitan Phoenix ward. Everything seemed just fine initially, but as time went on and we had doubts as to the validity of the church's practices. When we expressed these "doubts," Bishop Claire (our bishop at the time) sat us down personally to try and satisfy to our family that all the concerns were unwarranted. So for some time everything went flawlessly. Our family was content with the path that we had chosen. However, as our eldest child Michael entered high school and began to make new non-Mormon friends, the church and those Mormons his age began to persuade him constantly that he doesn't need friends of that caliber. (We suppose they ment of the non LDS faith!) As open-minded parents who are in doubt of their religious beliefs, we ask you for guidance. We feel, as our questions of the LDS faith have not been satisfied, we look to alternate guidance in our quest for truth. We have recently been made aware of your legal battles with the LDS church, and the circumstances that surround it. To sum up, we would greatly appreciate a way to obtain the documents you have posted. Oct. 17, 1999 I have spent at least 15 hours this weekend on your web site and want to thank you for all the work you have put into it. It has been very educational for me. Oct. 18, 1999 Dear Sandra, I have been raised in the LDS Church, taught it's principals, served a mission proclaiming it's truths, and have served in various ecclesiastical responsibilities and positions throughout my life. Interestingly, today I taught a lesson to the Teacher's Quorum in my ward on the principals of charity. All of the attributes of the "pure love of Christ", the two great commandments, and common ethics and courtesy seem to be in absentia in nearly all of your links on the web page. I'm sorry your great heritage you attest to with the prominent Tanner and Young people is no more than an attestment of "we once were." I studied in 1974 to 1976 many of the writings of your organization to put my faith to the test. I found much of it to be ill-founded, much distorted, much taken out of context, some of it just plain false, and some of it just not that important. For that I am grateful. It served to strengthen my faith. I only returned to this site on the internet to quickly bring myself "up to speed" on what has changed in 25 plus years with the Tanners. I guess I found that not much had changed. I perused most links and found some of the same old mis-guided quotes, some of the same "former Mormon" proclamations, rehashing of the same old kingdom and Godhead baseless issues, and a bunch of interesting "why the Book of Mormon is a forgery" anecdotes. I was especially humored by the Book of Mormon name fabrication expose and the racial issue. In 1973, biased media wasn't tooting that horn quite so loud. I chalked that up to "a new harp to strum" to replace the Salamander Letter gotchas that left as fast as Mark Hoffman went to prison. I realize that the sacredness of someone's different belief structure never has been reverenced by Jerald and Sandra Tanner as it pertains to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, i.e. the publication of the temple ceremony and public discussion of a procedure that to the active LDS, despite naiveté, is held in deep personal kinship to deity. However, I was amused that the publication of the Handbook of Instructions escaped your legal prowess as it pertains to copyright law. Would it then be appropriate for me to surmise that you and your husband, since you avow your illegal action online, might have obtained, distributed, fabricated, or prevaricated other of your "historical" information? I decided that you did just that following my serious study of your materials (which I interestingly enough still have) from 1974. This latest doesn't lend much to your credibility. Where did you get it from anyway.....50 East North Temple? I don't think you want to discuss that....unless of course you can claim a bishop or stake president with curled lip at "the brethren" hand delivered it to you. Oh, I'm sure you'd relish a testimonial from such a person...almost like a victory. Curious, what Salt Lake City "Christian church" are you a part of? Do you not say because of the drum you beat "that it doesn't matter?" Maybe you're afraid of all those "horrid Mormoners" that might tar and feather you. Despite your hatred toward the Mormon belief structure and your life's pursuit against it, I am of the opinion that it is the antithesis of the things I studied in our common ground, the Holy Bible, today in preparation to teach my lesson on charity. Plates, gold digging, visions, becoming Gods, maybe a Methodist...maybe not, giving up translation were it not for Martin Harris, a possible renegade "elect lady" and on and on all put aside, you and I would both agree that charity is the pure love of Christ. I'm confident that we'd both agree that the two great commandments are mutually exclusive; that if you or I hate our brother we're a liar when we say we love God. Why then, my dear sister in Christ, do you still continue to hurt with vehement and disparaging words His little ones? My prayers for us all is that we can develop a more pure love of Christ....especially for Jerald and Sandra Tanner whose life goal appears to be to clamor about the path that does NOT return to our Maker instead of how to actually get there. And last, but certainly not least, to the naive Mormons that can't tell you how you're misled, even if the Savior would sanction such action, but instead beat their own stupid drum of name calling. I'm sure I'd shutter at some of the e-mail you receive from such idiots. May God bless you in your life and may you and I both have the peace of charity in our lives, I pray earnestly and humbly. Oct. 18, 1999 Glad to see the truth shining out there! Keep up the good work :-) You made the news in phoenix, AZ. Keep up the good work.... Oct. 18, 1999 Hi! I find your website very interesting. My husband became a Mormon in the 1960's while in high school. He was active for just a few years (less than five). I would imagine that they still count him as a member. How do I find out? Also, we have two children, are they considered to be Mormons and counted as members? Are people who are baptized as Mormons after they die counted as members? This concept is very strange and bizarre to me. Thanks for your help and information. [Sandra's note- Once you have been baptized into the LDS Church you are counted as a member until you die, unless you demand that your name be removed or they excommuncate you. If your children were baptized into the LDS Church they would still be counted as members.] Oct. 18, 1999 I found your page very useful to me. I thank god for people like you with boldness in declaring the truth of salvation. You have ministered to me and it will but only help my Witness for Jesus Christ. I found out about your page through my newspaper's article about your current litigation with the LDS church. !Praise Jesus! Oct. 18, 1999 "THEY'LL DO IT EVERY TIME"? -- or, HAVE MORMONS ''SHOT THEMSELVES IN THE FOOT" . . . AGAIN? Just when the Mormons were trying to improve their image by giving away the King James Bible via television, welcoming the Southern Baptist Convention's meeting in Salt Lake City, assisting Southern Baptists in a building program ...and continuing efforts of conciliation in regard to the infamous Mountain Meadows' murders in 1857 ... "Pow!" . . . then they go and shoot themselves in the foot . . . again! Across the 170 years or so of their history, one could hardly find a sect which has been as blunder-prone as the Mormons. They have contributed abundantly to the perpetuity of the old saw, "We have met the enemy, and it is us," as well as the saying, "With friends such as ourselves, who needs enemies?" While LDS insist they have been a persecuted lot, who could possibly compete with their provocations and public agitations? From the outset, their prophet Joseph Smith (1805-1844) got them off on the "wrong foot" with professing Christian churches such as the Baptists, the Methodists, and the Presbyterians when he claimed to have received a heaven-sent "vision" in which all of these "sects" were repudiated by God as "all wrong, and . . . all their creeds were an abomination in His sight," and "that those professors were all corrupt." ... Henceforth, Mormon reputation among the "sects" descended downward until in the minds of many the LDS constituted a "cult" of the first order. Many times since, the Saints have "shot themselves in the foot," and continued to follow the same Smithian pattern of poor public relations from time-to-time. Only a month from the dedication of a new monument designed to help pacify for the 1857 involvement in the "Mountain Meadows Massacre" wherein a wagon train of 120 or more immigrants from Arkansas were hornswoggled and slaughtered near St. George, Utah, the disciples of Smith are at it again . . . shooting themselves in the foot. According to an article in The Salt Lake City Tribune, they are filing a lawsuit against Sandra and Jerald Tanner, alleging copyright violations. ...According to a letter posted on the Tanner's website, the LDS' attorney who signed the letter is named "Zenger," and after reading the letter, one wonders if his name might not more appropriately be spelled as "Zinger," for this is a "zinger" of a lawsuit. It is but one in a long line of LDS blunderbusses. It can only bring wider sympathetic publicity for the work of the Tanners, and humiliation upon the LDS for its obvious lack of perspective. Here we have the big, rich, multi-million member religious sect suing the meek and humble, aging ex-Mormon couple who are guilty of nothing more than publicizing some of the secretive practices published in an LDS Handbook. The allegation that the Tanners violated copyright law appears at best to be a vain attempt to intimidate. Surely, the LDS' law firm is not "serious" about their allegation. If they are, then again "true to form," they have shot themselves in the foot. . . . Should the church persist in hounding the Tanners, it will undoubtedly receive more unsavoury publicity and the well-deserved scorn of the evangelical denominations. It does not appear to have a "leg to stand on" in its allegation of copyright violation, as law permits "fair use" of copyrighted materials, whether published or unpublished. Furthermore, the design of the copyright law is not for protection of the peculiar secrets of a religious sect. Why should a sect even have "something to hide" from the public at large? Oct. 18, 1999 The LDS church must be true, or Satan wouldn't be using you to try and condem it. Thanks for helping thousands find the true church! Oct. 18, 1999 Just a thought, perhaps in view of the relative success of the Church of Scientology strategy to silence critics by means of litigation, the LDS church is changing tactics towards your endevours. Keep up the good work! Oct. 18, 1999 Sandra, My family and I "left" the lds church about 6 & 1/2 years ago. We were born again. About 4 years ago we asked in writing to have our names removed from the roles of the lds church. Of course, nothing was done. It was brought to our attention by a new neighbor who is lds that we are still listed in the directory (and hence still members of record). Oct. 18, 1999 Hi: I'm a 30 yr. old mother of two and a Christian. I saw you on the news last night and I applaud your efforts. I'm not surprised that the LDS church won this round. (In this state nothing surprises me). We are from the east coast and knew nothing about Mormonism when we moved here. We have been bombarded with people trying to convert us. I read your website last night and it cleared up a lot of questions I've had. The blessing that has come out of this lawsuit is the publicity and the people who will now visit your website (like I did). Keep up the good work. Oct. 18, 1999 Hello! I just learned of you on the news. I guess even bad publicity is still publicity, and can be used for the glory of the Lord. Oct. 19, 1999 I have been reading in the newspaper about the copyright lawsuit the mormon church has instituted against you for publishing parts of their hand book. I am especially interested in the portion related to having names dropped from their rolls. I have had a letter on my word processor for some time now, requesting just that, but didn't realize, until I read about their lawsuit of you, that it was so difficult. The only reason I haven't sent it is, I don't want to create any problems for my children. Oct. 19, 1999 I am surprised that you find it necessary for your entire lives upon this Earth to be spent bashing other people's Religion. I understand that you are both ex-Mormons with doubts. Most people have doubts. It's not easy to believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true Church of Christ. Why do you find it necessary to use what little time you have here in an attempt to destroy other's faith? If you were truly representing Jesus Christ, you would spend your time preaching of Him. You would not waste your time in talking-down people's beliefs. . . .Please, please, please, be fair and un-biased in your reporting and your documenting of the Mormon Church. I am certain that people are fair in their treatment and reporting of your Organization! Oct. 19, 1999 I was watching the news last night, and saw a most interesting article about your organization and the LDS church (I live in Roy, Utah and get the local Salt Lake news). The news story told of how the LDS church is going after you for "copyright infringement". . . . I am just curious as to what could be in their own documents to make such a fuss about. I mean, if they are so straight-and-narrow, what could they possibly have to hide? The curiosity is killing me! Oct. 19, 1999 YOU SAY YOU DON'T WANT HATE MAIL, WHEN YOUR ENTIRE WEB PAGE IS ABOUT HATE. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU BELIEVE ANYWAY? Oct. 19, 1999 Boy, was I glad to read that article in the Arizona Republic about you yesterday - not that they are suing you for giving out "private" information, but because it is so encouraging to see someone from SLC tell the truth!! I was born and raised in SLC in 1947 and lived there until I "escaped" in 1986. I, too, had a strong Morman upbringing and am considered the "black sheep" of the family. It would take too long to tell you (and most of it you probably already have encountered) of all of the things that I questioned - but was always told to "just believe" or that "you are not ready to know that yet." It's amazing what you believe when you are so brainwashed from the time you are born. Now I understand why they do not want you to go out into the "real world" or to ask too many questions - you might just find out the truth. I always wondered why we had to turn in our old Book of Mormon when a new version came out, or why when the "God Makers" was touring it was banned in Utah - or why Sonia Johnson should lose her family because she questioned - or why the church had a revelation that it was OK to let blacks into the church the night before a Supreme Court ruling! I guess one of my biggest "whys" was how they cover up all of the child molesting within families - first hand experience more than once on this. Also, why they thought they could get away with knowing, and not telling, a young lady that her recently RM was gay - they just let them get married (thinking it will "fix" him) and then let her walk in on him and discover this for herself - What kind of lunacy runs that church??? When I moved to Arizona in l986, I was absolutely shocked that there were so many different kinds of churches in the world and that you could go to anyone of them and no one gave you a bad time. At first, I just started to go just to see the churches and see what they had to say. After a wile, I started to question the mormon teachings more and more. It finally occurred to me that they are not truly a Christian belief. But, true to the methods of operation, of the church, when people started pointing that out and more and more things became known about them, they started to advertise as Christians. The first commercial I heard where they mentioned Jesus and the Bible, I almost fell off the chair! That certainly was not the way I was taught. "We believe the Bible to be the word of God, SO FAR AS IT IS TRANSLATED CORRECTLY" (I may not have it word for word), but that is sure the way I was raised. If it didn't fit into the churches books, it wasn't correct. Now after all of these years away, and believing fully in the Christian religion, it amazes me how anyone can let themselves be so brainwashed. But when that is how you are raised, it happens in all cults. The sad thing is that they teach young children this and then send them out into the world to convince people they are right. Over the years I knew there was "something wrong" - I just didn't know what it was. I tried unsuccessfully many times to get my name off of their membership rolls. I even went to the Bishop and after trying nicely, I said that I thought Joseph Smith was a liar, theif, womanzier, murderer and a fake - then they had to nerve to tell me that I was to come to a "trial" and if I was found guilty, they would excommunicate me. I told them that I would not subject myself to that - and besides, if I didn't believe in the teachings and God knows where my heart is, then it really doesn't matter if I'm on their silly roles or not. Anyway, I guess I just needed to get some of the years of frustration out!! I am so glad that I found your site as there are so many things I have always wondered about and so many unanswered questions, that it is going to be wonderful to finally have a place where I can find out the truth. an afterthought: it has been so hard for me to read and learn the Bible with my background, but I am keeping at it - amazing - the Bible doesn't seem to change it's mind every few years!!! Oct. 19, 1999 I saw the news coverage on channel 5 last night. Hang in there. You're doing a great job. I love your website. Couldn't find what the church was upset about, but it did make me wonder if in fact my name has been removed as I have requested. Oct. 19, 1999 I have found that any group that spends its time criticizing the LDS church follows a pattern of mischaracterization, misquoting, and disingenuousness in how they present their materials. Unfortunately, when I visited your web pages, I found two examples of this (among many) immediately. First, on the Email page, you said that you are not trying to disparage members of the church. This is patently untrue. There is no other reason to create a website like this one. If you do not want to disparage the members of the church, I would suggest changing your website to show people what you do believe in. In essence, let your light shine to the world. The second, and more sinister example of deceit on your site, is in the first quote from Joseph Smith. I am sure that you have read the entire quote, so your choice to leave out information giving context, and especially omitting the sentence leading to last part of the quote is proof that you are not at all willing to examine all of Mormonism, or that you would want others to carefully examine it. I have taken the liberty to copy the full text into this email, in case you haven't read it.
He is referring to the "wolves," or those who persecuted the church, and not the members of the church, when he said "when they can get rid of me, the devil will go also." And he is not referring to himself as the devil either. Fortunately, information that you give out to people, only increases their curiosity, and they end up going to church members for answers to questions of your creation. There are many other things on your web site that I would take issue with, but we both know that this would be a waste of our time. Please do not add me to any mailing list. I hope that you will take my advice and change your website to reflect something positive about your belief in God, rather than wasting so much effort to discredit the church. You will find that your credibility and your spirits will soar when you take the venom out of your lives for the LDS faith. There is nothing you can do to stop the stone, cut from the mountain without hands, from rolling forth until it fills the entire earth. I believe the doctrines of the church to be true. I believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I believe that Gordon Hinckley is a living prophet. I love the Lord, Jesus Christ and I have felt His love and power in my life. I have no doubt that Jesus Christ lives and loves us and that He can answer our prayers and lead us in the right way. I have heard the whisperings of the spirit of God witness to me that these things are true. Contrary to your FAQ, prayer is enough for people who have faith in the power of God to manifest truth, as he did to Paul, Peter, Stephen, and the Ethiopian in Acts. Your efforts to destroy faith, will only increase it one hundred fold. Oct. 19, 1999 Dear Sandra, I was always taught as a child that if you have something to hide then it must be wrong. I suppose that is why the mormans are having such tizzy fit about some of there documents being made public. Oct. 19, 1999 This is absolutely wild. I've mailed copies around the US requesting prayer. Boy, this should pick up the number of hits on your web site. Oct. 19, 1999 I just wanted to drop you a note and let you know that you and your husband are in our prayers and that the work you do is considered invaluable to us. It seems like the church can't contradict what you present, so they have to do like everyone else in this poor pathetic little world, and sue for something - anything to make their point. You would wonder why they are so secretive about their works. I would remind them that in Jn:3:19 it says: "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." ... and Mk:4:22 says "For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad." Oct. 19, 1999 I feel that you have committed a grave injustice to publish a writing from a differing culture without their permission. Whether it is the LDS church, Catholic church, or a Native spiritual group is not relevant, what is relevant is that your behaviors are incredible unethical. If your going to self title yourself as "researchers" on your web site, please begin by reading introductory research textbooks that outline ethical and unethical research behavior. Your misconduct paints an ugly picture of research, which I find personally bothersome. I would advocate that you stop acting in an unethical manner and, instead, "conduct research" that helps humanity. Oct. 20, 1999 I just want to say I am praying for you as you go through more trials with the mormon church (they don't deserve to be capitalized). My daughter in law has finally gotten her name off of the roll, we think. The fact that you were giving information on how to do it and that they are sueing you is proof that they are not Christian - What are they afraid of? That people might try to think for themselves? May God protect you in this journey. Oct. 20, 1999 Dear Tanners: When I was young my family joined the Mormon church. I was baptized but do not and never really felt like I was a part of that religion. In fact part of my family has made me feel like an outsider when it comes to religious things. I feel very comfortable in that I feel that I have a good relationship with Christ although I do not practice any formal religion. I have recently found out some very interesting things which have astonished me in regards to the Mormon religion I would like to find out if I am in the Mormon records and especially if my wife, 2yr old child, and 2 mo old child are being enrolled into their system. Please help me. I am writing because I saw you on the news. It really was a wake up call in that these things have been weighing heavily on my mind for the past several years. Seeing you on the news was like an answer to my prayers. I really do not want anything to do with that church. Oct. 20, 1999 I am so very glad I watched the news today. It was the report of your ministry. I praise our Lord that you and your husband are still in ministry. I, too, am an ex-mormon for Jesus. My sister, who was a temple mormon, witnessed to me and I received the Holy Spirit about 15 years ago. Oct. 20, 1999 IRI's Satan inspired attack gave you millions in free advertising!!! God bless you for your work. Oct. 20, 1999 Sandra -- I found out via a friend about the current trouble the church is giving you! I have always thought that you and Gerald had a very high integrity level & I see this as nothing more than a scare tactic by the church. Fear not -- truth will prevail. Oct. 20, 1999 Thanks for your work, this latest shows the world how wierd the goings on are with in this so called "mainstream" white bread american religion. Sorry for what you have to go through, but it does help all those who can't put the whole story together, to have a chance to see they aren't crazy. Oct. 20, 1999 I think that there has to be many, many Mormons who are starting to see the web they are in by this information. I am sure that many are starting to ask themselves, WHY this book that deals with their membership in this organization, is a secret? And why they cannot even find out how the leadership deals with their request of having their names removed! I think this SHOULD get them leaving in masses! Our prayers are with you - and that this thing will back-fire on this Goliath, BIG TIME! I don't think that prayer for destruction of the enemy of 10 million souls, the organization they belong to, is wrong. King David asked God to destroy his enemies in almost every Psalm! I know of many, many that are praying for you - hang in there! Our God is greater than their gods! Remember Elijahand prophets of Baal! Oct. 20, 1999 Having viewed your web site I feel compelled to relay the following thoughts: First of all I am a christian. I reside in Utah and attend a local ministry, however I respect the mormons. I find it hard, however to accept your method of slander. You seem to know the Bible and its contents, yet your opposition and work against another church is in direct opposition to the most of its contents. For " their fruits you shall know them..." The only, and I emphasise only, fruits you seem to display are those of hate, greed, and deception, to name a few. How can you claim to be a christian when all you focus on is slandering a descent organization. I urge you to discover or re-rediscover your christian roots and focus on the miraculous saving powers of Christ. It is not only damaging to your soul but to others and their search for christ. Your site, bookstore, and ministry as a whole, do absolutely nothing to bring others closer to christ. Oct. 20, 1999 Sandra, I've only met you once or twice, but I wish to send you a bit of encouragement during your most recent battle. I find your efforts in attempting to publish the truth about Mormonism inspirational. The Lord is certainly using you and all you do for His good. I visited your web site for the first time and I will let people know about it. It is outstanding! Oct. 20, 1999 I took off my rose colored glasses several years ago and was finally exed in May for Behaviour Contrary to the Laws and Order of the Church. I followed my Bishop out the door! He was exed minutes earlier over the same issue. We would not shut up and approve of action by a SP that were clearly out of line and constituted unrighteous dominion. After 31 years in the Church, I am still getting used to being out, but I can see clearly enough to be glad I am. I believe the Church is trying to stuff a quart back into a pint container in trying to regain control over the existance of the GHI on the net. They are going to have to serve a lot or supoenas. I was sent what may be a copy of the GHI several months ago unsolicited. It has no copyright information stated on it. The only thing the church is really accomplishing is to prove what pricks they really are. In an open society, why is a secret set of rules needed if members are to be measured and handled by them? Oct. 21, 1999 Just a quick note to say keep up the good work, I commend you in spreading the good news of truth, and the Gospel of the true Jesus Christ. I too live in Utah, and come from a family liked by ancestry to the Mormon Church. I am a decendant of the McKays, but after reading the Bible left the Lds church and became Catholic. I have been seeing you in the news lately, and pray that you will be able to continue your work through the internet. I have often looked to your sites for information and inspiration. Keep up the good work, and keep your faith in Christ. Oct. 21, 1999 I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU FOR ALL THIS INFO. ON YOU'R SITE. LET THE TRUTH BE KNOWN !!!! I FEEL THE COURT ORDER IS ANOTHER PLOY/COVER UP. Oct. 22, 1999 I am a nineteen year old college student in Salt Lake and have recently resigned my membership in the church. After a year of self-exploratiion I decided the church was not right for me. I felt it insulted my intelligence. It is nice to know there are others out there like me. My question pertains to my resignation. I sent a signed letter requesting this, and the bishop has been leaving messages that he needs to hear it directly from me. Is my signed letter not enough? He also for several weeks only addressed my mother before even attempting to reach me. At nineteen I consider myself an adult, is this common for a bishop to do? Or is it that I am female and young... Sorry I have rambled on, I needed to vent! Oct. 22, 1999 I live in Nevada and I heard the news here about your organization and how it is against the mormon church.I am so glad there is someone out there to fight this out of control cult. I bet you had something pretty powerful to get them mad enough to go to that extreme. They think they can do anything, and its pretty sickening that they can. I tried to find info about this searching news in your local city and the mormons are even controlling that-trying to hide as much as they can. They are as bad if not worse than the mafia. But like the story of David and Goliath, David wins and if we can pull together we can too. I am so proud of you! Oct. 22, 1999 I'm so sorry for your trouble with the Mormon church regarding your site. Just a thought of which you are more than likely aware, others may find you who might not have otherwise had the church not sued you. I found you because of an article in the paper. I'm a Christian that desires to see these precious people come to know the Lord. Thank you for your help and work in this area of ministry. Oct. 23, 1999 If it wasn't for "anti mormon" people like you, the LDS Church would probably be having a tougher time spreading the message they have to deliver. I would never have investigated the Church had I not been given "garbage" that made me wonder "is what they're saying really true? Could anybody really be like that?" So thank you...because of people like you, no matter what your intentions, you're bringing a lot of people into the LDS Church! I found that what you, and others like you, had to say to be a total joke. I used to be part of the so called main stream "Christiantity", and when I learned what I did learn, no longer want any part of it. You see, what I found was that true Christianity doesn't preach hatred, contempt, or any sort of "anti". The Jesus Christ I have come to love wouldn't think of doing that. From my understanding, he doesn't like people that do that kind of work. I challange you, try and prove what you're saying to be true. Don't bother to respond, you're wasting your time. Some one who knows better Oct. 23, 1999 Thanks for having such a wonderful Web sight. I learned about it just last week when I read about The LDS church forcing you to remove the pages from their instruction book. I am nor a Mormon, but I find their beliefs and History to be fasinating and I do beleive they are a cult. Keep up the good work and thaks again for such an interesting site Oct. 24, 1999 Hi, A few weeks ago, I sent a letter to the Mormon Church's records department, telling them to remove my name from thier records. I told them not to contact me about it or hold it against my family. Well, the calls have already started. My bishop is trying to get a hold of me and he's harassing my Mother about it. Is there any way I can put a stop to it? This is one of the main reason I do not care for the Mormon Chruch, they do not respect anyone's feelings. Oct. 24, 1999 Subject: I left the church because of your book Hello Sandra, I was a very active convert to the church. I was sealed in the temple and my children were born under the covenant. I started having doubts if the church was true. They became stronger. About that time a friend gave me Mormonisn Shadow of Reality. I read the first 100 pages and knew the church was never the true church but had been something Joseph Smith dreamed up. There were just too many inconsistencies for me. Thank you for writing the book and helping me out of the church by showing me the things that were altered and misleading to me as a member of the church. Thank you for the help to find the truth. Oct. 24, 1999 I found the Church's action against you surprising, but long over due. I read your "big blue book" over twenty years ago, as well as some of your other publications. Those who are week minded and easily confused might fall for your misrepresentations and BOLD FACE lies, but there are three people you can never deceive. The first two are Jesus Christ and God the Father, the third is yourself. The scriptures make it clear that Satin's servants (you) will do everything in their power to discredit the one and only true Church of Christ. I find it amazing (but not surprising) that the LDS Church is criticized and persecuted more than any other religion on the Earth today, if that is not a clear sign of it's divinity, I don't know what is. The day of your reckoning will be soon enough. Unlike those who have never received a witness to the truthfulness of the Gospel, you have forfeited not only eternal salvation but eternal life itself. Does that fact haunt you as you get closer to the end of your earthly life. I am not judging you, the scriptures leave no doubt as to your future (or lack there of). How frustrating it must be for you to watch the Church continue to grow in leaps and bounds; realizing that you have failed in every aspect of what you have tried to accomplish. Maybe its not too late for you to repent and return unto the fold? Oct. 25, 1999 I heard today that the local paper had an article on you and your ministry in regard to your efforts to shed light on operations, even covert perhaps, used by the LDS church. I think this one was in regard to a manual of standard procedures for "Bishops" and other leaders when dealing with potential public relation difficulties, etc. Reportedly the existence of this manual is not well publicized and is available only to certain higher ranking brothers. . . . I am a convert of 3 years that is in the process of de=converting since I now have been made privvy to the "meat" of the LDS myth and realize the folly of my having become involved with the mormons. Oct. 26, 1999 I cannot understand why you are so anti Christ you are a traitor to the gospel. Judus betrayed Christ with a Kiss it seem you have fallen into that same hateful greedy pattern. Oct. 30, 1999 My daughter lives in SLC. She e-mailed me and said there is something going on with the LDS (church, I hate to call them a church) & Lighthouse Ministry. Is there an article concernig this? Lighthouse Ministry has done much for me and my family. In the 60's, I went to a Bible Study that you were involved in and then I accepted the Lord as my Savior. My oldest son,____ is involved with the Mormon Church. Please pray for his salvation. Oct. 30, 1999 Well, it looks like God is working. As usual the LDS Church has overplayed it's hand. (Salt Lake Tribune today) I do not think anyone would have noticed the excerpts from the LDS Handbook in your instructions on how to have a name removed from the LDS Church, until the LDS Church decided to sue ULM. When the cat is out of the bag on the Internet, it is gone. Oct. 30, 1999 The LDS lawsuit apparently in no wise involves any alleged financial gain by the Tanners, as the Mormons seem to be interested in protecting the "secrecy" of the materials. Of course, the Tanners have not been selling the material, for it has been provided purely for informational purposes. They have the right to use the material for this purpose under the United States Copyright Law. Oct. 30, 1999 I heard about everything that is going on and I want to tell you there are so many people who are standing behind you 110%. You have a lot of people praying for all of you and the bookstore. This is such an awesome ministry and you are all such great people. Oct. 30, 1999 I visited your website last week after reading about the "Handbook" fracas in the paper. The information you provide to seekers of truth is invaluable. I was baptized LDS by my father. He was excommunicated years later. I have not attended the Mormon church for the last 30 years. I do not consider myself a Mormon...afterall, if you don't believe it, how can you identify with it? However, every time I move...despite unlisted telephone numbers, name change etc. ... I get visited by the "Ward". I was contacted by two Mormon neighbors today. I told them that that person doesn't live here anymore. I was amazed at the reaction I felt physically and emotionally after that contact. How do you CLEAR the brainwashing of childhood? I am a practicing Christian having been confirmed by the Bishop of the Episcopal Church. I love the Bible, Jesus, glory to God...but I cannot seem to lose the grip of that early indoctrination. I have prayed to be released and receive the Lord's peace. I want to come down on the "side of love" and not be antagonistic to my Mormon neighbors, family and friends. How did you finally "clear" yourself of childhood programming? Why does that sick feeling, increased pulse and confusion reign even after a simple knock on the door by one of the Mormon neighbors? Can you give me some real specifics? I know the Mormon church is not for me. I do not believe the Mormon prophet speaks for God. How can I be free of the hauntings of my childhood? [Sandra's note- I would suggest you read Out of the Cults and Into the Church. It deals with the emotional struggles of leaving something like Mormonism and the process of healing. Also, you might enjoy listening to Sandra Tanners Tape No. 4 'Struggles of Leaving Mormonism.'] Oct. 30, 1999 Thank you so much for your great web site. I discovered it only a week ago. I have been following your resent legal problems with the LDS church in the newspapers, I want to thank you for standing up to them and commend you for your stand. In saturdays issue of the Salt Lake Tribune the article about you and the church, there was a web site given that had the church handbook that you had to remove from your site. It was _______________ I tried a search for this site and my computer said that there was no web site found. If you have another web site that I could obtain this information and e-mail me with the site address it would be very appreciated. Oct. 31, 1999 Dear Sandra: I was appalled at the news article that I read concerning the suit against you for publishing excerpts from subject handbook. But guess what? If other people like me read that article and had the sense to log on to the web site and download the complete handbook, then what does that do to the Church's lawsuit against you. I only hope that a publication such as the City Limit (I think that's what it is called) would publish the whole book what a slam that would be and you could certainly see the suit thrown out. Keep it going. I am thinking of sending my copy of the handed to Robert Kirby [Salt Lake Tribune cartoonist] for grins. Oct. 31, 1999 I am writing you this to get as much information as I can about the mormon religion. I have been reading the info on your site and it is very helpful. My husband is LDS and I am not. His father is a Stake president. So hopefully you can see the difficulty I am going through trying to prove to my husband the mormon religion is not right. I am very interested in reading the church handbook of instructions. Oct. 31, 1999 This morning's Standard Examiner in Ogden carried an article titled "LDS critics agree to handbook ban. I am so glad I read it because it helped me find you online. I have long admired you and your husband for the work that you do and praise God for your ministry. I came to Utah 34 years ago after living all over the US and Far East. During that time I had never heard of Mormons. It was quite a shock to move here. I quickly educated myself about Mormons and made sure my children knew what they taught. Living here has made me a stronger, more committed Christian. Hope others are drawn to your website through this article. God is so good! Oct. 31, 1999 Thank you so much for your great web site. I discovered it only a week ago. I have been following your resent legal problems with the LDS church in the newspapers, I want to thank you for standing up to them and commend you for your stand. |
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