- Pace Memo
- Ritual
- Sexual
and physical
- #80 Messenger,
Ritualistic Child Abuse and the Mormon Church
- #81 Messenger,
Mormon Leaders Fight Satanic Infiltration
- #91
Messenger, Mormonism's Problem with Child Sexual Abuse
- #91
Messenger, Joseph Smith and Women
- #91
Messenger, The Mormon Alliance
- #91
Messenger, The Fall of George P. Lee
- #92
Messenger, Sexual Abuse Update
- #94
Messenger, Marrying a Child
- #97
Messenger, Incest and Abuse
- #97
Messenger, Polygamy in Other Areas
- #97 Messenger, ABUSE
- #100
Messenger, Polygamist Abuse Cases
- #37 Messenger, The Book That Can Not Exist!
- #39
Messenger, Ambushing the Tanners
- #46 Messenger, The Browns' Attack
- #68
Messenger, Another Forger
- #68
Messenger, Forgery Demonstrated
- #79 Messenger,
Trojan Horses in Mormon Land
- #82
Messenger, Roper Attacks
- #82
Messenger, Thirty Years of Silence
- #82
Messenger, Tripping At the First Hurdle
- #86
Messenger, LDS Scholars Very Upset
- #86
Messenger, A Condescending Review
- #86
Messenger, A Fierce Battle Within
- #86
Messenger, Wolves In Sheep's Clothing?
- #86
Messenger, A Disgusting Joke?
- #86
Messenger, Plagiarism From John?
- #90 Messenger, FARMS
- #100
Messenger, Tanners Criticized
- #110 Messenger, Hugh Nibley's Footnotes
- #118 Messenger, PLAYING FAIR? An Evaluation of Joseph Smith's "Rocky Mountain Prophecy"
- Tracking
the White Salamander, More on the Salamander Letter (Appendix
Audio Programs
- Apologetics Profile (Podcast)
- Backpack Radio | street-level apologetics |
- Bible Answer Man: Hank Hanegraaff
- Colson Center: Strong Women (Audio Podcast)
- Cultish Podcast
- Family Shield Ministries
- 90.7 FM KY - The Wind
- Razor Swift
- Signature Books Podcast (Audio)
- Viewpoint on Mormonism Podcast (Audio)
- June 2022 Interviews
- August 2021 Interviews
- March 2021 Interviews
- January 2018 Interviews
- Wesley P. Walters
for the Dead (see
Temple Ceremony)
(see Racism)
- #56 Messenger, Blood
Flows in Utah
- #77 Messenger,
Brigham Young and Wild Bill Hickman
- #81
Messenger, Blood Atonement Ritual
- #81
Messenger, Interesting Parallels
- #81
Messenger, Recent Murders
- #92
Messenger, Mormon Blood Atonement
- #101
Messenger, Fundamentalists and Violence
- #101
Messenger, The LeBarons
- #101
Messenger, Dan and Ron Lafferty
- #101
Messenger, The Fruits of Joseph and Brigham
- #121 Messenger, 7. Blood Atonement.
- Bancroft's
History of Utah (Contents):
- Blood atonement, theory of, 340.
- Danites, rise of, 1837-8, 124-7;
murders imputed to, 569.
- Brigham's
Destroying Angel by Bill Hickman
- Changing
World, Blood Atonement (Chapter 20)
- Mormon
Claims Answered, Blood Atonement
- Mountain
- Sermons,
Talks, Interviews: Blood Atonement
- Brigham Young
- Heber C. Kimball
- Jedediah M. Grant
- Tracking
the White Salamander, Insight on Hofmann
of Mormon
- 116
Missing Pages (see also Black hole)
- Ancient
or Modern?
- #43 Messenger, B. H. Roberts' Manuscripts Revealed
- #59 Messenger, Novel Or History?
- #59
Messenger, Roberts' Doubts
- #63
Messenger, Ancient or Modern?
- #84
The Book of Mormon: Ancient or Modern
- #86
Messenger, A Fierce Battle Within
- #86
Messenger, Wolves In Sheep's Clothing?
- #100
B. H. Roberts' Manuscript
- #100
Messenger, Book of Mormon - History or Fiction?
- #107 Messenger, Book of Mormon Challenge
- #112 Messenger, Understanding the Book of Mormon
- #120 Messenger, What's Hidden in the New Headings?: Book of Mormon
- Changing
World, Ancient or Modern?
- Changing
World, Origin of the Indians
- Delusions: An Analysis of the Book of Mormon (.pdf) by Alexander Campbell
- King
James 1611 Preface and Joseph Smith's "Cloud of
- Where
Did Joseph Smith Get His Ideas for the Book of Mormon?
- Apocrypha
- Archeology
- Black hole
- Changes
- Changing
World, The Book of Mormon (Chapter 5)
- Chiasmus
- Egyptian
- General Info
- Geography
- Gold Plates
- #49 Messenger, The Gold Plates And Magic Characters
- #49 Messenger, Enoch's Gold Plate
- #58 Messenger, Cowdery's History
- #63 Messenger, Mormonism and Plagiarism
- #72 Messenger, A Black Hole in the Book of Mormon
- #74 Messenger, A Cover-Up Revealed
- #105 Messenger, Book of Mormon Plates: Artifact, Vision or Hoax?
- #116 Messenger, The Plates
- An Address to All Believers in Christ
- Anthon
Transcript Article
- Book of Mormon Plates Source Information
- Changing
World, The Anthon Transcript
- Changing World, A Marvelous Work? (Chapter 1)
- Changing
World, Joseph Smith and Money-Digging (Chapter 4)
- General FAQ: Is the Book of Mormon a translation of ancient writings? Where are the gold plates?
- Interview
with Martin Harris in Tiffany's Monthly
- Memorandum,
made by John H. Gilbert, Esq.,
- Mormon Claims Answered, ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF MORMONISM (Chapter 1)
- Mormon Claims Answered, THE BOOK OF MORMON (Chapter 4)
- Stolen Manuscript: The lost 116 Pages of the Book of Mormon (The)
- Where is Cumorah?
- Mormon
Claims Answered, THE BOOK OF MORMON (Chapter 4)
- Names
- Printing
- Plagiarism
(also see Black Hole)
- #59
Messenger, Roberts' Doubts
#59 Messenger, Crisis In LDS History
- #59
Larson Forced Out
- #63 Messenger,
Mormonism and Plagiarism
- #71 Messenger,
Satanic Verses and Mormonism
- #78
Messenger, Moses or Joseph?
- #84
The Book of Mormon: Ancient or Modern
- #86
Messenger, Plagiarism From John?
- #89 Messenger,
- #100
B. H. Roberts' Manuscript
- #114 Messenger, Smithisms in the Book of Mormon
- #114 Messenger, Smith's Common Phrases
- #114 Messenger, Doctrines Missing From the Bible?
- #116 Messenger, Plagiarism of the Bible
- King
James 1611 Preface and Joseph Smith's "Cloud of
Plagiarism in the Book of Mormon (PDF) By Sandra Tanner
- Spalding
- Translation
- Witnesses
- #71
Messenger, Changing Revelations
- #71
Messenger, Another Trap
- #82
Messenger, Tripping At the First Hurdle
- #105 Messenger, Who Saw the Plates?
- #117 Messenger, "Too Mean To Mention": The Book of Mormon Witnesses
- An
Address to All Believers in Christ
- An
Address to All Believers in the Book of Mormon
- Bancroft's
History of Utah (Contents): Witnesses, 59
- Changing
World, The Witnesses
- Interview
with Martin Harris in Tiffany's Monthly
- Memorandum,
made by John H. Gilbert, Esq.,
- Mormon
Claims Answered, The Witnesses of the Book of Mormon
- #37 Messenger, An Eternal Cover-Up
- #46 Messenger, Listen To His Voice
- #48 Messenger, The Best Medicine
- #60
Messenger, Only One Life
- #61
Messenger, An Eternal Cover-Up
- #62
Messenger, Jerald Tanner's Testimony
- #66
Messenger, Another Gospel?
- #68
Messenger, A Treacherous Path
- #74
Messenger, A Selfaholic
- #76
Messenger, Wesley Walters' Hope
- #77
Messenger, The Worst War?
- #79
Messenger, Walters' Last Sermon
- #81
Messenger, There Is Hope!
- #83
Messenger, "We Have No King But Caesar'
- #86
Messenger, Is There Something Better?
- Changing
World, Facing Reality (Chapter 23)
- David A.
McCament Testimony
- Jerald and
Sandra Tanner's Testimony
- Other
Websites: Christian Resources
- Other
Websites: Bible
- Tracts
- True Church (The) by By Bishop J. C. Ryle
Cowdery, Oliver
- #58
Messenger, The Secret Vault
- #58
Messenger, Cowdery's History
- #58
Messenger, An Eyewitness
- #105 Messenger, A Cave Full of Plates?
- #105 Messenger, Who Saw the Plates?
- #106 Messenger, LDS Abuse of Dissenters in Missouri
- #106 Messenger, The Danites
- #117 Messenger, "Too Mean To Mention": The Book of Mormon Witnesses
History of Utah (Contents): Cowdery, Oliver, conversion 1829,
aids in translating plates,
ordained elder 1830,
ordered West,
Work of, 77-9,
secedes, 118.
- Changing
World: Cowdery, Oliver, Book of Mormon witness, accuses Joseph Smith of adultery,
215-16, integrity of,
104, uses divining rod,
86-87, writes first history of Mormonism,
and Covenants (Book of
- #71
Messenger, Changing Revelations
- #100 Messenger, 1833 Book of Commandments
- #109 Messenger, Back to the Book of Commandments
- #113 Messenger, Book of Commandments
- #116 Messenger, 3. Doctrine and Covenants
- #120 Messenger, What's Hidden in the New Headings?: Doctrine and Covenants
- Bancroft's
History of Utah (Contents): Commandments, Book of, printed 1832, 91.
- Changing the Revelations [Chapter 6 of Case Against Mormonism Vol. 1]
- Changing
World, Changes in the Revelations (Chapter 3)
- Changing
World, False Prophecy
(Chapter 14)
Cross Index: 1833 Book of Commandments, 1835 Doctrine and Covenants, 1981 Doctrine and Covenants (PDF)
- Doctrine
and Covenants Section 10 (see 116
Missing Pages)
- Doctrine
and Covenants Section 132 (Polygamy Revelation)
- General FAQ: What
is the Doctrine and Covenants?
- Lectures
on Faith
- Mormon
Claims Answered, The Doctrine and Covenants
Sample of Joseph Smith's False Prophecies (A)
Español (Spanish)
(see Discipline)
Thomas Stuart
Foreign Language Resources
Gainsayers (The)
[Darrick Evenson]
Godmakers I & II
[Ed Decker]
- #62
Messenger, Obsession With Lucifer?
- #64
Messenger, Devils All Over?
- #65
Messenger, Lucifer-God Doctrine
- #67 Messenger,
Covering Up Syn
- #68
Messenger, Charges Against Us
- #69
Messenger, CRI Statement Ends Witchcraft Dispute
- #69 Messenger,
Complete CRI Statement
- #75
Messenger, Witchcraft Controversy Rekindled
- #76
Messenger, The Tanners:
Demonized Agents of the Mormon Church?
- #76
Messenger, Was Ed Decker Poisoned?
- #79
Messenger, Promoting Dissension
- #84 Messenger, The
Godmakers II
- #85
God Makers II Lawyer Threatens Tanners With Suit
Main Topic |