Settlement Signed by All Parties


    The settlement offer that Utah Lighthouse Ministry signed on Nov. 29, 2000, has been signed by IRI. (Intellectual Reserve Inc.), copyright holder of the LDS Church.

    The Permanent Injunction and Judgment has also been signed by Judge Tena Campbell and entered into the court record as of December 8, 2000, with only one minor change; on page 3 where it says the Preliminary Injunction is "dissolved, withdrawn and vacated," the word "withdrawn" has been removed and initialed by the Judge. To the best of our knowledge this minor change does not affect the agreement in any way since the Preliminary Injunction is still "dissolved and vacated."

    Contrary to some reports, this settlement agreement was prepared and offered to Utah Lighthouse Ministry by IRI. When Utah Lighthouse Ministry signed the settlement agreement it became a legally binding contract and could not be altered by IRI or the LDS Church. However, the settlement was still subject to the Judge's approval in regard to dissolving and vacating her previous orders.

    Below is the updated (signed) photos of the Permanent Injunction and Judgment and Settlement Stipulation:

Thank You!

    Utah Lighthouse Ministry would like to thank everyone who contributed to our Legal Defense Fund. We would also like to thank those who supported our Ministry with prayers and gifts.

    We would also like to give thanks for all the kind messages and offers of help by organizations like The Electronic Frontier Foundation and others in the legal profession.

    While we have closed the Legal Defense Fund, if you wish to support Utah Lighthouse Ministry and this website, you can still place a donation over the internet through our secure shopping cart, or you can send a check or money order to:

Utah Lighthouse Ministry
PO Box 1884
Salt Lake City, UT 84110

    Utah Lighthouse Ministry is listed with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt organization, so all contributions are tax-deductible.



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