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    The Holy Bible on the altar is usually opened at the 123d Psalm and the square and compass placed thereon, the latter open and both points placed below the square. [see pict. 1]

    PREPARATION OF CANDIDATE ENTERED APPRENTICE DEGREE.—He is ushered into the "preparation room," where he meets the Junior Deacon and Stewards who divest him of all his clothing except his shirt. He is then handed an old pair of drawers which he puts on; the left leg is rolled up above the knee; the left sleeve of the shirt is rolled up above the elbow, a hoodwink is fastened over both eyes, a rope, called a cable-tow, is put once around his neck, and a slipper (with the heel slip-shod) is put upon the right foot. [see pict. 2]

    DUE: GUARD OF AN ENTERED APPRENTICE--HOLD out the left hand a little in front of the body and in a line with the lower button of the vest, the hand being open and palm turned upward. Now place the right hand horizontally across the left and about two or three inches above it. [see pict. 3]

    PENAL SIGN OF AN ENTERED APPRENTICE—MADE from the due-guard by dropping the left hand carelessly; at the same time raise the right arm and draw the hand, still open, across the throat, thumb

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next the throat, and drop the hand perpendicularly by the side. These movements ought to be made in an off hand manner, without stiffness.

    SIGN WITHOUT DUE-GUARDS—(The usual way outside the lodge.) Simply draw the open hand carelessly across the throat and let it fall down by the side.

    Worshipful Master to Candidate:—"You will advance to the altar, kneel upon your naked left knee, your right forming a square, your left hand supporting the holy Bible, square and compass, your right resting thereon, in which due form you will say, I, with your name in full, and repeat after me." [see pict. 1]

GRIP OF AN ENTERED APPRENTICE.—Take hold of each other's hands as in ordinary hand-shaking and press the top of your thumb hard against the first knuckle-joint of the first finger near the hand. If the person whom you are shaking hands with is a Mason, he will generally return a like pressure on your hand. [see pict. 2]

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    ENTERED APPRENTICE WORD—Boaz. It is The name of this grip.

    ENTERED APPRENTICE STEP.—Step off one step with the left foot and bring the heel of your right foot to the hollow of your left.

    The Holy Bible ought to be opened at the 7th chapter of Amos and one point of the compass elevated above the square. [see pict. 1]

    PREPARATION OF CANDIDATE FELLOW CRAFT DEGREE.—He is ushered into the "preparation room" as before, and divested of all his clothing as in the preceding degree. In this case the right leg of the old drawers is raised up above the knee, the right sleeve of the shirt is rolled up above the elbow, the slipper is now put upon the left foot, the left heel being slip shod. The hoodwink is again put over both eyes and the cable-tow is put twice around the naked right arm and an apron tied on, in which condition he is "duly and truly prepared" and led by the Junior Deacon to the door of the lodge as before. [see pict. 2]

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    Worshipful Master to Candidate:—You will advance to the altar, kneel upon your naked right knee, your left forming a. square, your right hand resting on the Holy Bible, square and compass, your left forming a right angle supported by the square in which due form you will say, "I," with your name in full, and repeat after me. [see pict. 1]

    DUE GUARD OF A FELLOW CRAFT.—Hold out the right hand a little from the body and on a line with the lower button of the vest, the palm being open and turned down-ward; also raise the left arm so as to form a right angle at the elbow, from the shoulder to the elbow being horizontal and fore-arm perpendicular. [see pict. 2]

    SIGN OF A FELLOW CRAFT.—Made from the due-guard by dropping the left hand carelessly to the side and at the same time raise the right hand to the left breast, with the palm towards the breast and the fingers a little crooked; then draw the hand smartly across the breast from left to right and let it drop perpendicularly to the side. [see pict. 3]

    SIGN WITHOUT DUE GUARD.—The usual way on outside the lodge). Draw the right hand, palm open and fingers a little crooked, smartly across the breast from left to right and drop it carelessly by your side.

    PASS GRIP OF A FELLOW CRAFT.—Take each other's hands as in ordinary hand-shaking and press the top of your thumb hard against the space between the first and second knuckles of the right hand. Should the person whose hand you hold be a Fellow Craft, he will return a like pressure on your hand, or else may give you the grip of an Entered Apprentice. [see pict. 4]

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    PASS OF FELLOW CRAFT—Shibboleth. It is the name of this grip.

    REAL GRIP OF A FELLOW CRAFT.—Take each other by the right hand as in ordinary hand-shaking and press top of your thumb hard against the second knuckle. Should the man whose hand you shake be a Fellow Craft, he will return a similar pressure on your hand, or may possibly give you any one of the two preceding grips. [see pict. 1]

    WORD OF FELLOW CRAFT—Jachin. It is the name of this the real grip.

    FELLOW CRAFT OR SECOND STEP.—Step off one step with the right foot and bring the heel of the left foot to the hollow of the right your feet forming the angle of an oblong square.


    The Holy Bible ought to be opened at the 12th chapter of Ecclesiastes and both points of the compass elevated above the square.

    PREPARATION OF CANDIDATE MASTER MASON'S DEGREE.—He is conducted into the preparation room as in the preceding degree. All his clothing is removed as before; both legs of the drawers are tucked up above the knees, both sleeves of the shirt are tucked up above the elbows, both breasts of the shirt are turned, making both breasts bare. The hoodwink is again fastened over both eyes and the cable-tow is put three times around his body. No slipper is used in this degree. Should the shirt be closed in front, it must be taken off or turned front backwards, as both breasts must be bare. An apron is then tied on and worn as a Fellow Craft, and thus he is "duly and truly prepared." [see pict. 3]

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    Worshipful Master to Candidate, "You will advance to the altar, kneel upon both your naked knees, both hands resting on the Holy Bible, square and compass in which due form you will say, "I," with your name in full and repeat after me." [see pict. 1]

    DUE-GUARD OF A MASTER MASON.—Extend both hands in front of the body on a line with the lower button of the vest with the palms open and turned downward, both hands being close together, thumbs nearly touching. [see pict. 2]

    SIGN of A MASTER MASON.—Made from the due-guard by dropping the left band carelessly and drawing the right across the body from left to right side on a line with the lower button of the vest, the hand being open as before, palm downward and the thumb towards the body. Then drop the hand perpendicularly to the side. [see pict. 2]

    SIGN WITHOUT DUE-GUARD.—(Ordinary manner outside the lodge.) Simply draw the right hand as above described, carelessly across the body and drop it by the side.

    PASS-GRIP OF A MASTER MASON—Take hold of each other's hands as in ordinary hand shaking and press the top of your thumb hard against the space between the second and third knuckles. Should the man whose hand you shake be a Mason he may return or give any previous grip. [see pict. 3]

    PASS OF MASTER MASON—Tubal Cain. It is the name of this grip.

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    STRONG GRIP OF A MASTER MASON OR LION'S PAW.—Grasp each other's right hands very firmly, the spaces between the thumb and first finger being interlocked and the tops of the fingers being pressed hard against each other's wrist where it joins the hand, the fingers of each being somewhat spread. [see pict. 1]

    CANDIDATE AS HIRAM ABIFF FALLING INTO THE CANVAS, having been struck in the forehead by the setting maul of the supposed third ruffian, Jubelum. [see pict. 2]


    Worshipful Master:—Which are the five points of fellowship?

    Senior Deacon:—Foot to foot (Master and candidate extend their right feet, placing the inside of one against that of the other). Knee to knee (they bring their right knees together); breast to breast (they bring their right breasts together); hand to back (Master places his left hand on the candidate's back, the candidate's is placed by the Deacon on the Master's back); cheek to cheek or mouth to ear (Master puts his mouth to candidate's right ear thus bringing the right cheek of each together. [see pict. 3]

    MASTER'S WORDS—(whispered in the ear of the candidate), Mah-hah bone, after which the candidate whispers the same word in the Master's ear.

(The End)

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