Sandra Tanner Retiring
Utah Lighthouse Bookstore Closed

"2022 has turned out to be a monumental year. I sold my house that I had lived in since 1964 and moved to a townhouse in Sandy, Utah, in preparation for my retirement in May of 2023.Now the ministry is engaged in disposing of our inventory and furnishings, and the bookstore will be closed as of March 1, 2023. Only PDF versions of our books will be available on our online bookstore. With the publishing of our biography, Lighthouse: Jerald and Sandra Tanner, has come several requests for interviews, which have been posted on YouTube.

"The Utah Lighthouse board voted to sell the bookstore, along with our inventory and land, and move the ministry to an online presence only. While we will no longer need the level of support we received while we had a bookstore, we welcome any small donations to help pay for the ongoing presence of our website. We will be switching to a new post office box, closer to my new home, in the coming months, so check out for our updates.

"Words fail me as I think of all my friends who have faithfully supported us through these many years. I want you to know how much I appreciate you. We thank God for His protection and provision through the years and pray that you enjoy His presence in the future."

     —Sandra Tanner


Utah Lighthouse Ministry
PO Box 64
Sandy, UT 84091