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Product Code: XV011
Title: The Lost Book of Abraham DVD
Publisher: Institute For Religious Research
Price: $12.00
Date: 2002
Minutes: 55
Additional Info:

Contains English and Spanish language tracks.


"In 1835 Joseph Smith, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church), made a remarkable claim: he declared that an ancient Egyptian scroll in his possession miraculously contained an original autograph of the biblical patriarch Abraham—a handwritten text dating back n early 4,000 years! Joseph Smith claimed the ability to translate this scroll, and his translation, called the Book of Abraham, is part of the Mormon Scripture today.

"In 1967 the Metropolitan Museum in New York City made a startling announcement—they had discovered in their pos session papyrus documents that once belonged to Mormon founder Joseph Smith. Could these be the same papyri Joseph used to translate the Book of Abraham? Could his claim about original writings from Abraham finally be verified? Finally, modern Egyptologists could see for themselves whether or not Joseph's claims held true.

"The Lost Book of Abraham retells the story of Joseph's amazing discovery, and investigates the veracity of his translation. This compelling documentary visits prominent Egyptologists and scholars—both Mormon and non-Mormon—in an attempt to uncover the truth about this fascinating episode in Mormon history." (From back cover.)

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