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Product Code: UB020
Title: Answering Mormon Scholars Vol. 2
Author: Jerald and Sandra Tanner
Publisher: Utah Lighthouse Ministry
Price: $6.00
Date: 1996
Pages: 185
Additional Info:

Digital Book Version Available

A Response to Criticism Raised by Mormon Defenders


A continued response to attacks by FARMS-BYU scholars. Important parallels between Book of Mormon and an 1825 history book. Discusses problems in Book of Mormon archeology and geography.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Mormon Scholars Battle to Save the Book of Mormon

  • 37 Years of Silence
  • Clandestine Activities
  • Secret Tanner Project
  • Farms To The Rescue
  • Seven Million Dollars!
  • Farms And Nibley
  • "Garbled And Slander Tantrum"
  • Straining At A Gnat
  • Anti-Mormon Mormons?

Chapter 2: Charged With Lying

  • Durham's Purchases
  • Lecture On Tanners
  • Durham Was Silenced
  • Church History Aborted
  • Making An Example of Reed Durham
  • More About Lying
  • Roper Trips At The First Hurdle
  • Underhanded Use?
  • Reliable Witnesses?
  • Ancient Or Modern?
  • Copying From A Bible
  • The Seer Stone
  • Linked To The Occult
  • Deception With Stones
  • Joseph Had No Bible?
  • Other Books Available

Chapter 3: B.H. Roberts's Serious Doubts

  • Roper's Quotation Muddled
  • Smith The Author?

Chapter 4: Important Parallels

  • Terrible Destruction

Chapter 5: Problems In Book of Mormon Archeology And Geography

  • Shrinking The Land
  • Nephite Lands Skewed?
  • Horses Are Deer?
  • Book of Mormon Metals
  • Plants And Wine
  • The Kinderhook Plates
  • Reformed Egyptian
  • The Anthon Transcript
  • The Missing Characters
  • The Bat Creek Stone
  • Unrecognizable Scripts?
  • Questionable Discoveries
  • Tree Of Life Stone
  • Is Quetzalcoatl Jesus?
  • Increasing Far Too Fast
  • Smithsonian's Statement
  • Eliminating The Myth
  • Ferguson Gives Up
  • Ray Matheny's Comments
  • Book Of Mormon And Bible Archeology Compared

Chapter 6: Back To The Old World

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