7 Reasons We Left Mormonism

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Product Code: XB339
Title: 7 Reasons We Left Mormonism
Author: Michael Wilder & Dr. Lynn Wilder
Publisher: ATRI Publishing
List Price: $9.99
Our Price: $9.00
Date: 2012
Pages: 104
Additional Info: Quick Guide to Doctrinal Differences Between Mormonism and the Biblical Word of God


From back cover:

We had been peacefully married—at least we had survived our marriage—almost 31 years. We had been members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS or Mormon) for 28 years, ever since the LDS missionaries knocked on the door of our four-room home in Indiana in the late 1970s.... But in the spring of 2008, we made the difficult decision to officially resign our membership in the LDS Church. What happened? In short, we read the New Testament with an earnest desire to know the truth from the words of Jesus Himself To our surprise, we discovered Christ Jesus Himself was anti-Mormon doctrine in a number of cases. As we read, we discovered one-by-one the contradictions between what we had been taught in Mormonism and what the Bible said. Each contradiction created a crisis of faith and necessitated a choice. Do we believe Mormon doctrine from Mormon scriptures and Mormon leaders, past and present, or do we believe God's own words in the Bible?

Table of Contents


  1. The Book of Mormon is the Most Correct of Any Book on Earth (including the Bible)
  2. Revelation is an Ongoing Process
  3. God Is Progressing and So Are You
  4. Faith and Works Equal Mormon Salvation
  5. Temple Works Are Part of Salvation
  6. Marriage Is Eternal (Including Polygamy)
  7. The LDS Church Is the True Church

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