Aaronic priesthood, 440, 443-44
tokens of, 530-31, 537-38
Abel, Elijah, 298
abolitionists, 302-3
Abraham, 23, 62, 221, 224. See also Book of Abraham
Adam, 22, 62
fell upward, 192-93
is father of Christ, 199-201
is God, 192-203
is Michael, 63
Adam-God doctrine, 192-203
Adam father of Christ, according to, 199-201
Adam father of our spirits, according to, 199
Adam fell upward, according to 192-93
Adam not of dust of this earth, according to, 198
Adam the only God with whom we have to do, according to, 198-99
Apostle Orson Pratt fights with Young over, 196
Brigham Young first preaches, in 1852, 193
Brigham Young not misquoted concerning, 203
Adam's altar, 22-23
Aldrich, Issac, 480
Alexander, Thomas G., 263
Alexandrinus, Codex, 373-74
Alger, Fanny, 215-16
Allen, James B., 148-55, 168-69
Anderson, Nels, 478-79
Anderson, Richard L., 99, 103, 381-82, 390
animal sacrifice, after Christ, 488
Anthon transcript, 141-44, 337-38
Apocrypha, 114-15
Arbaugh, George B., 123
Archer, Gleason L., 371, 374, 377
Arrington, Leonard J., 37, 168-69,
476-78, 481
admits of Joseph Smith's 1826 trial, 73
confirms 1831 revelation on making Indians "white" through
intermarriage, 214
Babbitt, Almon W, 472
Backman, Milton V., 154-55, 169-70, 508
Baer, Klaus, 337, 343, 346-47, 358-60
Bailey, J. W. A., 207
Bailey, Raymond T., 230
Bainbridge, New York, Smith's trial in, 67-75
Ballard, Melvin J., 542
Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 475
baptism for dead, 512-18
Beebe, Calvin, 101
Beecham, Bill, 19-21
Benson, Ezra T, 233
Bernhisel, John M., 247
Berrett, LaMar C., 91
Berrett, William E., 39-41, 189, 258, 299-300, 383, 463
archaeological and historical evidence for, 145-46, 370-83
Book of Mormon charges Catholics removed "many plain and precious
things" in, 378-83
compared with Mormon scriptures, 368-83
Joseph Smith's translation of. See Inspired Version of the Bible
Bidamon, Charles E., 91
Bitton, Davis, 73, 214, 365, 406-7, 415
anti-black doctrine, 291-328
biblical objection to anti-black doctrine, 299-300
black skin a curse, 208-9, 291-96, 324
black woman sealed as servant to Joseph Smith, 305
Book of Abraham and antiblack doctrine, 295-96,
300, 309
Book of Moses and anti-black doctrine, 294-95,
Brigham Young says slavery "divine institution," 304-305
Brigham Young teaches intermarriage with blacks punishable by death, 313
denied the gospel, 300-301
descendants of Cain, 292-96
doctrine grew out of prejudice, 301-3
Elijah Abel and other exceptions to general rule, 298-99
existence of actual revelation questioned, 325-27
interracial marriage now allowed, 312-14
Joseph Smith and slavery, 302-3
leaders taught anti-black doctrine could not be changed, 311-18
Mormon opposition to civil rights, 305-8
one drop of "Negro" blood disqualified a man from priesthood,
pre-existence, 291-94
pressure brings new revelation, 308-9,
recent revision of doctrine on, 291, 308-9
slavery in Utah, 303-5
blood atonement, 490-504
Brigham Young and others recommend transgressors be put to death, 490-91
crimes worthy of death, 493-500
in actual practice, 501-4
Bodmer Papyri, 376
Bonney, Edward, 464-65
Book of Abraham, 23, 295,
300, 309, 329-63, 369, 370
Grant Heward excommunicated for questioning, 356
history of papyri, 331
Mormon apologists unable to explain relationship between Book of
Abraham and papyri, 351-56
Mormon leaders turn papyri over to Dr. Nibley, 335
older than Genesis, 329
papyri rediscovered at Metropolitan Museum in 1967, 330, 334
papyrus is pagan Book of Breathings, 339-48
scholars criticize facsimiles, 332-33,
Book of Breathings, 344-45, 351
Book of Commandments, 38-62, 64-66, 86-87, 443
Book of Mormon, 19-22, 92-147
Anthon transcript and reformed Egyptian, 141-45
archaeology and, 133-41
changes in, 128-33, 183
compared with Bible archaeology, 145-46
condemns polygamy of David and Solomon, 220
contains nothing about baptism for dead, 518
contains nothing on temple marriage, 520
contradicts Mormon teachings on Godhead, 162-63,
contradicts Mormon teachings on hell, 505-9
Dead Sea Scrolls cause serious problems for, 370-73, 379
from gold plates, 21-22, 75, 78, 81, 84-85, 92, 94, 107-9
historical evidence for, compared with Bible, 368-83
many Mormon doctrines not found in, 147,
parallels to Apocrypha, 114-15
parallels to local newspaper, 125-26
parallels to New Testament (King James Version), 116-24
parallels to Old Testament, 115-16
parallels to Westminster Confession and other recent writings, 111-13
relationship to money-digging, 75-85
Roberts' parallels to View of the Hebrews, 126-28
teaches against secret societies and oaths, 544
teaches against three degrees of glory, 510
teaches that God cursed wicked with dark skin, 208-9
translated by stone in hat, 78-84
used to attack Bible, 368-83
witnesses to were gullible, unstable, 94-110
Book of Moses, 173, 369
"drastically changed," 395-96
Book of the Dead, 344-46
Booth, Ezra, 211
Braden, Clark, 106
Bridgeman, Peter G., 67
Brigham Young University, target of racial protests, 319
Broderick, Carlfred B., 180
Brodie, Fawn, 59, 70, 108, 149, 156, 157, 207, 231, 232, 239, 245, 333, 457
Brooks, Juanita, 212, 237, 500
Brown, Hugh B., 440
Bruce, F.F., 374-76
Budge, E.A. Wallis, 332, 344-45
Bullock, Thomas, 403-4
Burgess, brother, 87
Burnett, Stephen, 108
Bush, Lester E., Jr., 299, 322-23, 497
Bushman, Richard L., 169
business interests, 19-21
Cain, father of blacks, 292-96. See also blacks
Campbell, Alexander, 111, 159-60
Canadian revelation, failure of, 417-18
Cannon, Abraham H.
married to plural wife by Joseph F. Smith after the Manifesto, 276-81
on Adam being father of Christ, 200-201
on blood atonement, 500
on Heavenly Mother, 178
on not sealing more than 999 wives to one man, 234-36
on oath of vengeance, 532
on plural marriage, 269-71
Cannon, Frank J., 272, 276, 279
Cannon, George Q.
on Adam-God doctrine, 200-202
on blood atonement, 532
on first vision, 162
on polygamy, 248-49, 256, 266, 271, 279-80
caste systems, 307
Catholics, 27, 378-83, 434, 508-9
cave, in Hill Cumorath, 78
celestial kingdom, 510-11
celestial marriage. See temple marriage
censorship, 29-33
Chamberlin, Thomas, 281
Chase, Willard, 78
Cheesman, Paul R., 84-85, 151-54, 159, 161, 166, 415-16
Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri, 376
is both Father and Son, 162-63
is God, 172
literal Son of Father by physical act, 179-82
a polygamist, 249, 251, 254
proclaimed son of Adam, 199-201
Christensen, Harold T., 554
Christensen, James Boyd, 304
church historical department, suppressed records, 35-37
Civil War prophecy, 413, 424-30
Clarke, Adam, 390
Clayton, James L., 553
Cluff, Benjamin, Jr., 281
Coe, Michael, 134
concubinage, 280-81
converts, 152,000 in 1978, 19
copyright, Book of Mormon, 417-18
Cowdery, Oliver, Book of Mormon witness
accuses Joseph Smith of adultery, 215-16
integrity of, 94-101, 104
uses divining rod, 86-87
writes first history of Mormonism, 160,
Cowdery, William, Jr., 86
Cowles, Austin, 462
Cross, Frank Moore, Jr., 370-71
Cross, Whitney R., 469
cursing enemies, 484-88
Darter, Francis M., 533
David, wives and concubines of, 220
dead, work for. See baptism for dead; genealogical research; temple work
degrees of glory, 509-11
Deseret Book Company, 34
Deseret News, 34
Deveria, M. Theodule, 332
devil, 506, 508-10
denied a body, 189-90
DeZeng, Philip M., 71
diaries of Joseph Smith, suppressed, 412-14
divining rod, 86-87
Cowdery's divining rod, 86-87
Doctrine and Covenants, 38-66
new sections to be added, 437
Durham, Reed, 88-91, 384-85, 545-47
Egyptian language, 332
Egyptian papyri. See Book of Abraham
Ellis, Wilhelmina C., 277-80
endowment, 523-25
in Kirtland temple, 109, 481
Evans, John Henry, 559-60
Evans, R.C., 389
Eve, one of Adam's wives, 193, 196, 249
exaltation, 175, 177, 187-88, 518-20
Eyring, Henry, 352
Farnsworth, Moses Franklin, 234
Farr, Winslow, 281
Far West, Missouri, 97
Ferguson, Thomas Stuart, 140-41, 356
Finney, Charles G., 505
first vision, 148-71
account published twenty-two years after event, 148
another account found in Smith's 1835-36 diary, 155-56, 166
Brodie questions, 149
change made in History of the Church, 157-59
church leaders give contradictory accounts of, 164
contradicts Doctrine and Covenants 84:21-22, 149-50
1832 account of comes to light, 151-54
first account does not mention God the Father, 154-55, 166
importance of, 148-49, 166
missing in church publications in 1830s, 150
no evidence for 1820 revival, 166-71
resembles non-Mormon visions, 159-60
Fitzgerald, John Williams, 38, 185, 321
Flanders, Robert Bruce, 454
Fleming, Monroe, 325
Foster, Charles A., 463
Fraser, Gordon H., 209
Freeman, Joseph, 313
Freemasonry. See Masonry
Garden of Eden, in Missouri, 22
garment, temple, 525-29
genealogical research, 515-18
genealogical society, 515-16
General Authorities, 440
Gentry, Leland, 98
Gibbs, Francis M., 336
Gibbs, Josiah F., 475
glass-looking. See moneydigging
glory, degrees of. See degrees of glory
God, 172-203
has a father, 175
has a wife, 178, 189
Joseph Smith claims to see, 148
literal father of Jesus physically, 179-82
once a mortal man, 175-77
one God in Book of Mormon, 172-73
still progressing, 187
attainable by man, 175, 177
requires celestial marriage, 190
Grant, Jedediah M., 228, 236,
249, 451
on blood atonement, 491, 498
Greek manuscripts of New Testament, 374
Gunnell, Wayne Cutler, 106-7
Guthrie, Gary Dean, 31
Hale, Issac, 80-81
Hall, William, 212-13
Ham, Wayne, 372-73
Hamlin, John Henry, 276-77
Hamlin, Lillian, 276-82
Hancock, Mosiah, 226
Hansen, Klaus J., 286, 419, 422, 456-58, 501
Hansen, Ralph W., 36
Harris, Martin, 87, 94, 100-108, 132, 507
on money-digging, 77, 79
on seer stone, 81-82
revelation on Lamanite wife, 211
visits Anthon, 142-43
Hart, Stephen H., 480-81
Heavenly Mother, wife of God, 177-79
Apostle Widtsoe rejects Book of Mormon teaching of, 507-8
Book of Mormon teaches Protestant view of, 505-8
Joseph Smith accepts Universalists' view of, 506
release from, 508-9
Heward, Grant S., 334, 343-44, 356
Hield, Charles R., 513-14
high priesthood, 445
Hill, Marvin S., 72-73, 87, 107-8, 163, 303, 415
Hinckley, Gordon B., 171
Hirshon, Stanley P., 225-27, 233, 242, 246
History of the Church, 398-416
changes in, 31-33, 156-59, 408-12, 470-71, 485
Joseph Smith's authorship questioned, 400-402
over 60 percent written after Smith's death, 403-4
Hoekema, Anthony A., 378-79
Holy Ghost
does not have body, 189-90
Jesus not begotten by, 179-80
mind of Father and Son, 188
Holy Order, 530
Homans, J.E., 333
Howard, Richard P., 41, 86-87, 362, 396-97
Hunter, Howard W., 36
Hunter, Milton R., 175-78, 190, 397, 519-20
Huntington, Oliver B., 132, 473, 474
on Adam's altar in Missouri, 22-23
on inhabitants of moon, 23-25
Huntington, Zina D., 226-227, 237, 239
Hyde, John, Jr., 213
Hyde, Orson, 187, 249, 251, 429, 455, 496
Independence, Missouri, false prophecy about temple, 420-24
color of, 128, 208-13
origin of, 125-28
revelation commanding Mormons to marry to make them "white"
and "delightsome," 207-14, 324
to vex Gentiles, 426
Inspired Version of the Bible, 45, 383-97
Dead Sea Scrolls cause serious problem for, 370-72
failure to fulfill commandments to print causes it to fall into the
hands of the Reorganized Church, 383-88
not supported by manuscript evidence, 389-91
Joseph Smith adds words discrediting blacks, 392
begins "inspired" translation in 1831, 383
fails to restore "lost books" to Bible, 393
ignored his own "inspired" renderings, 388
inserts over eight hundred words in Genesis 50, which include his own
name, 391-92
revised and rerevised his own "inspired" renditions, 395-97
with blacks, 296-99, 312-14, 324-25
with Indians, 209-14, 324
Ivins, Stanley S., 231-32, 234, 254, 274-75
Jackson County, Missouri, 22, 421-24
Jackson, Joseph H., 246
Jacobs, Henry B., 239
Jacobs, Zina Diantha Huntington, 239
Jakeman, Wells, 114
Jaredites, 21
Jessee, Dean C., 152, 155, 403-5
John, parchment of, 47-49
Johnson, Benjamin, 216, 451, 485
Johnson, Eli, 215
Johnson, James Francis, 281
Johnson, Jeffery O., 413
Johnson, Luke, 452
Johnson, Nancy, 215
John the Baptist, 444
Jonas, Larry, 424-25
Jones, Wesley, M., 118
Jupiter talisman, 89-91
Keen, G.J., 99
Keller, Werner, 371
Kenyon, Sir Fredric, 380
Kimball, Heber C., 175, 189,
counsels elders to electioneer for Joseph Smith, 457-58
curses enemies, 486-88
enters polygamy, 223-24, 232-33
married to Sarah A. Whitney, 244, 258
number of wives, 234
on blood atonement, 490, 498, 500, 531
on hell, 508-9
on Joseph Smith, 448
says "do as you are told," 431-32
says that polygamy cannot be done away, 263
speaks on grogeries and distilleries, 482
Kimball, Helen Mar, 237
Kimball, Lucy W, 232-33
Kimball, Spencer W.
claims Indians becoming "white" and "delightsome," 209, 324
claims "revelation" changing anti-black doctrine, 326-28, 435
discourages intermarriage with Indians, 324
now in his eighties, 439
on becoming gods, 188
on church wealth, 21
speaks on divorce by those married in temple, 554
king, Joseph Smith ordained, 456-57, 461
Kingdom of God. See Council of Fifty
Kingsbury, Joseph C., 243-44
Kirtland Temple
endowment in, 109-10
wine, visions, and cursing in, 478-81,
Knight, Joseph, 87
Knight, Newel, 87
Komatsu, Adney Y., 517
Ladd, George E., 374
Lamanites, Indians, cursed with dark skin because of wickedness, 128, 208-10
Lamb, M.T., 136-37, 141-44, 380
Larson, Gustive O., 503
Lectures on Faith, removed from Doctrine and Covenants, 183, 185-86, 188
Lee, Anna, 101
Lee, John D.
about man being God of woman, 244
on blood atonement, 502-3
on Brigham Young selling wine, 476
on Joseph Smith tearing Rigdon's coat, 451
on marriage to Indians, 213
on oath of vengeance, 532
on polygamy, 237, 242
Lightner, Mary Elizabeth Rollins, 241
Little, James A., 195
Lost Ten Tribes, 126
Lund, John L., 310, 313, 316-18
Lyman, Francis M., 273
Lyon, T. Edgar, 245
McBrien, Dean O., 468-69
McConkie, Bruce R., 21, 124,
condemns present practice of polygamy, 29, 286-87, 289
on Apocrypha, 114
on blacks, 291, 293, 295, 300, 307, 381
on blood atonement, 493-94
on Doctrine and Covenants, 64
on Garden of Eden in Missouri, 22
on genealogical research, 515
on God having a body, 177
on having children after resurrection, 519
on Heavenly Mother, 178
on Holy Ghost, 190-91
on Inspired Version of Bible, 383
on new revelation on blacks, 318, 327
on revelation, 433-34
on seer stones, 82-83
on temple marriage, 519
on temple ordinances, 534
on virgin birth, 180
Mace, Wandle, 488
McGavin, E. Cecil, 103, 535, 540-43
McKay, David O., 166, 299-300, 328, 439
McLellin, William E., 65, 100-102, 109, 481
Madsen, Truman G., 161, 385, 397
magic talisman, Joseph Smith's, 89-91
Malachi, quoted in Book of Mormon, 115-16
Manifesto, to stop practice of plural marriage, 262-90. See also polygamy
Marchant, Byron, 321-22
Marks, William, 456
Marquardt, H. Michael
makes rebuttal to Hugh Nibley, 337, 350
on Apostle Cannon's plural marriage after the Manifesto, 279
on B. H. Roberts's secret manuscript, 127
on Brigham Young's statement that blacks can never hold the priesthood,
on change in recently canonized revelation, 62-63
on 1831 polygamy-Indian revelation, 208-10
on strange marriage between Joseph Smith and Sarah Ann Whitney, 216-18, 242-44
Marriage, article on removed from Doctrine and Covenants, 205-7, 258-59, 262, 520
Masonry, 534-47
Joseph Smith becomes Mason, 535
gives Masonic signal of distress, 535-36
parallels to temple ceremony, 536-45
Reed Durham admits similarities, 545-47
Matthews, Robert J., 388-89, 391, 393-94, 560
Mauss, Armand L., 309
Melchizedek priesthood, 59, 440,
first token of, 526
Menniger, Karl A., 552-53
Mercer, Samuel A.B., 363
Merneptah stele, mentions Israel c. 1220 B.C., 145-46
Merrill, Charles E., married after Manifesto, 272-73, 281
Merrill, Marriner W., 281
Merson, Ben, 285
Metcalf, Anthony, 107
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 330
Metzger, Bruce M., 374
identified as Adam, 63
name removed from Joseph Smith's vision, 62-63
missionaries, 26, 149
full-time, 19
money, Mormonism and, 19, 21
money-digging, 67-91
Book of Mormon from the stone, 80-83
Brigham Young on, 77-78
Joseph Smith's 1826 trial, 67-75
Joseph Smith's magic talisman, 88-91
peepstones, 78-79
revelation on, 87-88
working with the rod, 86-87
moon, inhabited, 23-25
Morgan, Dale L., 74
Morley, Mrs. Alfred, 480
Mormon scriptures and the Bible, 364-97
Moroni, 21
originally Nephi in Pearl of Great Price, 408-10
Nauvoo, Masonic influence at, 546-47
Nauvoo Expositor, Joseph Smith destroys, 460-64
Nauvoo Legion, 454-55
Neely, Albert, justice of the peace who tried Joseph Smith in 1826, 70-71
Neff, A.L., 304-5
Nelson, Dee Jay
Claims concerning doctor's degree proved false, 339
Involvement in ".Book of Abraham" Controversy, 339-40
Translation praised by Dr. Nibley, 339
Nelson, N.L., 333-34
Book of Mormon name found in Apocrypha, 114
Joseph Smith originally wrote that Nephi revealed the Book of
Mormon to him but after his death name was changed to Moroni, 408-10
Nephites, 21, 145, 208, 210
no archaeological evidence for, 138-39
New Jerusalem, to be located in Independence, Missouri, 420-21
new name, given in temple ritual, 524, 539
New Testament, evidence for, 146, 373-76
New Testament passages in Book of Mormon, 116-24
Newton, Samuel S., married after Manifesto, 281
Nibley, Hugh W., 36, 114,
368, 377, 416, 452
involvement in Book of Abraham controversy, 330, 334-39, 361-62
on archaeology and Book of Mormon, 137-39, 145
on Facsimile No. 1, 359-60
on first vision, 149, 166
on Joseph Smith's 1826 trial, 72
on Masonry, 541
on rediscovery of papyri, 330, 331, 363
on Sensen (Book of Breathings) Papyrus, 343-44,
347-50, 354
on translation, 395
Nibley, Preston, 150, 170, 286
Noah, built ark near Carolina, 23
Noall, Claire, 231
Nobles, Joseph B., 190
oath of vengeance, removed from temple ceremony, 532-34
oaths, in temple ceremony, 530, 534, 537-39
Old Testament, evidence for, 145-46, 370-72
Old Testament practices, 484-89
Olson, David, 321
Owen, Charles Mostyn, 284
Paden, WM., 525
Page, Hiram, 94, 96, 100-102, 447
Paine, Thomas, 365-66
Palmyra, New York, 21
revival in, 167-71
Papyri, 23, 329-31, 334-51
biblical, 375-76, 380-82
Parker, Richard A., 144, 340, 346-49, 358
Pearl of Great Price, 173, 324, 329. See also Book of
Abraham and Book of Moses
two visions added to, 62
two visions removed to go in Doctrine and Covenants, 437
Peck, Reed, 490
peep stones. See seer stone
Peter, James, and John, 442, 445
Petersen, LaMar, 151, 443, 481
Petersen, Lauritz G., 161, 170
Petersen, Mark E., 63, 214,
305, 378, 392
on the Bible, 367-68
on blacks, 305-7
on intermarriage, 296, 298
on pre-existence, 293-94
Petersen, Melvin J., 38-39, 47, 49, 64
Phelps, William W., 160, 210-11
Pilate, Pontius, inscription found, 146
plurality of Gods, 173-76
plural marriage. See polygamy
Poffarl, Fred, 71
polygamy, 29, 204-90
Apostles and others who took wives after Manifesto, 281-82
Brigham Young
accusation that Brigham Young married "two
young squaws," 213
proclaims man "God of the woman," 244
says Adam a polygamist, 249
threatens to send wives away, 227-28
Apostle Cannon's 1896 marriage, 276-80
church leaders
admit to breaking "laws of God," 272-73
condemned by Senate committee for continuing
practice, 281-84
deny it publicly, 258-62
secretly continue practice, 271-72
stressed impossibility of giving up, 263-70
church retains doctrine but not practice of, 286-90
concubinage approved, 224, 280-81
section in Doctrine and Covenants condemning removed when
polygamy revelation added, 207
early marriage in Utah, 225-26
1843 revelation
not printed until 1852, 219
critical examination of, 218-24
1831 revelation on polygamy commands Mormons to marry Indians
to make them "white" and "delightsome," 208-14
suppressed, 207
Emma Smith
fights with Eliza Snow, 230-31
threatened with destruction, 222
God and Christ proclaimed polygamists, 251,
impossible to obtain full exaltation with only one wife, 255-58
"indissolubly interwoven" with temple marriage, 522-23
Joseph F. Smith convicted in 1906, 284
Joseph Smith
accused of "affair" with Fanny Alger,
argues with wife Emma over practice of, 218, 228, 230
asked for other men's wives, 236-37
gives revelation sanctioning on July 12, 1843, 204-5
indicted for practice of, 220
married five pairs of sisters as well as a
mother and her daughter, 245
married to at least twelve wives before
receiving revelation, 219
sealed to over two hundred women after his
death, 232
special revelation to marry Sarah Ann Whitney, 216, 218
takes the wives of Henry B. Jacobs, David
Adam Lightner, and Henry Cobb, 237, 239-42
Manifesto issued after intense government pressure, 270
in Mexico after Manifesto, 274-76
Nauvoo Expositor exposed practice of, 462
New Testament opposes, 221-22
no surplus of women in early Utah, 225-26
number of wives of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and Heber C. Kimball, 231-34
one-wife system denounced, 247-48
revelation justifies polygamy because of David and Solomon but Book of
Mormon condemns, 220-21
revelation says that first wife must give consent but Joseph Smith
breaks rule, 222-23
sorrows of, 226-31
still thousands of polygamists in Utah, 284-85
President Woodruff sealed to "about four hundred" dead women,
234, 236
Powers, Orlando W., 475-76
Pratt, Orson, 113, 187,
221, 234, 245, 384, 426, 432, 481, 555
attack on churches, 27, 434
attacks Bible, 366-70, 376
says God and Christ polygamists, 251
on baptism for dead, 514
on Book of Mormon, 92, 145
on degrees of glory, 510
on Holy Ghost, 189
on plurality of Gods, 175
on polygamy, 264, 287, 522
on temple in Missouri, 421-22
on virgin birth, 180-82
opposition to Adam-God teaching, 196
Pratt, Parley P., 34, 234, 420, 444
pre-existence, 293-94, 296, 325
priesthood, 440-47
blacks and, 291-328
changes in revelations concerning, 48, 54-55, 57-61
Civil War, 424-30
Joseph Smith to drink wine with Elder Hyde, 414
the Lord's return, 418-20
Rocky Mountain, 404-8
to sell Book of Mormon copyright, 417-18
temple to be built in Missouri, 420-22,
Protestants, called harlot daughters of Catholic Church, 27
Pulsipher, John, 110
Purple, W.D., 90
Quinn, D. Michael, on working with divining rod, 87
Ralston, Russell F., 513-14
Ramah. See Hill Cumorah
Reed Smoot Case
oath of vengeance discussed in, 534
polygamy discussed in, 220-21, 223, 256, 272-84
revelation discussed in, 432-33
Relief Society, Reed Durham claims "Masonically inspired," 546
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 19, 362, 383-85, 401, 434
restoration of priesthood, 442-47
revelation added to Doctrine and Covenants, 437
changes in Joseph Smith's, 38-66,
current lacking, 432-35
revival, no sign of in Palmyra in 1820, 166-71
Reynolds, Arch S., 83-84, 386, 388, 390
Rich, Leonard, 101
Rich, Russell R., 270
Richards, LeGrand
on Adam-God, 202-3
on Bible, 22, 520, 559
on first vision, 148, 162
on Heavenly Mother, 178
on Holy Ghost, 189
on Journal of Discourses, 437
on Mormons as best people, 553
on polygamy, 220
on priesthood, 445
on progressive God, 177
Richards, Paul C., 310
Richards, Willard, 33, 400, 403
Richardson, Arthur M., 296, 300
Rigdon, Sidney, 59, 88, 386, 442, 451
Roberts, B.H., 88, 170, 207, 445, 506
on Adam-God, 201
on blacks, 293, 305-6
on Book of Abraham 332-33
on Canadian revelation, 418
on changes in revelations, 38
on destruction of Nauvoo Expositor, 463
on Josiah Stowel, 74
on seer stone, 78-79
study on View of Hebrews, 126-28
Roberts, Frank H.H., Jr., 134, 145
Robinson, Ebenezer, 87, 230, 530
Robinson, Joseph Lee, 196, 199, 227, 230, 237
Rockwell, Orrin P., 77-78
Rocky Mountain Prophecy, an interpolation, 404-8
rod, divining, 86-87
Rogers, Lewis M., 372
Romney, Marion G., 188
Rylands Greek Papyrus No. 457, 375-76
Salem, Massachusetts, hidden treasure in, 87-88
Salmon River Mission, 212-13
Sayce, A. H., 333
seer stone, 22, 72, 78-84. See also Urim and Thummim
segregation, 306-7
Sensen Papyrus. See Book of Abraham; Book of Breathings and papyri Septuagint, 392
Sessions, Patty Bartlett, 240, 245
Sessions, Sylvia, 245
Sill, Sterling W., 192
Sinaiticus, Codex, 374
Sjodahl, James, 111
slavery, 302-5
Smith, Don Carlos, 87
Smith, Eldred G., 323
Smith, Elias, 159
Smith, Emma, wife of Joseph
Smith fights with Joseph on polygamy, 218-19,
fights with Joseph's other wives, 223,
Joseph does not want Whitneys to come when she is there, 243
mentioned in polygamy revelation, 205,
Mrs. Lightner concerned about, 241
on Joseph Smith translating Book of Mormon with head buried in
hat, 81
revelation about support from church changed, 59
threatened with destruction, 222
Smith, Ethan, 126-28
Smith, George A., 110, 248,
399, 404, 421
hates enemies, 488
on blood atonement, 494, 496
on first vision, 164
on apostasy of early leaders, 96
on wine and curses, 484-85
on Word of Wisdom, 472, 480, 482
Smith, Hyrum, Joseph Smith's brother, 79, 88, 94, 218, 260
Smith, John Henry, 222
Smith, John L., 336
Smith, Joseph
accepts Universalist doctrine of all being saved though Book of
Mormon teaches endless punishment of wicked, 505-8
accepts Roman Catholic concept of a purgatory or preparatory stage
after death, 508-9
accused of "affair" with Fanny Alger, 215-16
accuses Book of Mormon witnesses of wickedness, 96-99
adds to Genesis over 800 words containing his own name, 391-92
adds to Genesis words discrediting blacks, 392
advises Robert Thompson to get drunk, 474
alters revelations, 39, 55, 65-66
approves concubinage, 281
argues with wife over polygamy, 218, 230
asks for other men's wives, 236
asks United States to let him raise 100,000 men, 454-55
beats up a number of men, 451-52
becomes a Mason and incorporates Masonic ritual into temple ceremony, 534-47
begins writing History of the Church, 398
boasts that he did a better job of holding together the church than
Jesus, 460
"Book of Breathings"-pagan funerary text from Egypt, 344, 346-47
Book of Moses "drastically changed," 395-96
breaks laws of land by living in polygamy, 219-20
changes his concept of Godhead, 162-63
changes text of Book of Mormon, 128-32
claims restoration of priesthood by John the Baptist and Peter, James,
and John, 442-47
claims there is a Heavenly Mother, 178
claims to be a god to his people, 432
copies Book of Mormon characters for Harris to take to Anthon,
curses woman for telling Emma he went into a certain house, 230
declares God only an exalted man and that men can become Gods, 173
departs from Book of Mormon's teaching of only one God, 172-73
departs from Book of Mormon's teachings, 147
diaries suppressed because they discredit History, 412-14
dictates another contradictory account of first vision, 155-56
disobeys Word of Wisdom by drinking wine and beer and using tobacco, 470-72
earlier revelation commands Mormons to marry Indians to make them
"white" and "delightsome," 207-8
encourages breaking Word of Wisdom, 33
encourages cursing of enemies, 484-85
engages in money-digging and "glass looking," 67-70
enjoys wrestling and other tests of strength, 450-51
entertains by describing ancient inhabitants before translating Book
of Mormon, 125
establishes baptism for the dead, 512-14
establishes a secret temple ritual with washings, anointings, garments,
signs, tokens, and penalties, 524-29
fails to fulfill commandment to publish "Inspired Revision," 384-88
fails to restore "lost books" to Bible, 393
finds Adam's altar in Missouri, 22-23
finds seer stone in well, 79
finishes less than forty percent of History, but Church
leaders later falsify material to make it appear complete, 400-404
found guilty by justice Neely in 1826, 67-73
gives lengthy revelation on polygamy, 204-5
gives Masonic signal of distress, 535-36
gives revelation about obtaining gold and silver in Salem, 88
gives revelation endorsing divining rod, 86
gives revelation on Civil War, 424-30
gives revelation temple would be built in Missouri before his
generation passes away, 420-24
gives Word of Wisdom revelation forbidding tobacco and alcoholic
beverages, 467-68
goes far beyond Book of Mormon's teaching, 560
has beer at Mossers, 31
has vision of Adam and Michael, 62-63
helps prepare Lectures on Faith, which contradict present teachings on
Godhead, 183, 185
indicted for polygamy, 220
ignores own "inspired" renderings, 388
jailed at Carthage and attacked by mob, 464-65
likes strong tea, 414
likes to be called Lieutenant General Joseph Smith, 454
loves military display, 454
makes an "inspired" revision of Bible, 383-84
makes four changes on Godhead in Book of Mormon, 183
many changes made in History after his death, 399-400, 408-12
marries five pairs of sisters as well as a mother and daughter, 245
married to at least twelve women when 1843 revelation received, 219
marries Sarah Ann Whitney by special revelation, 216-18
misinterprets Facsimile No. 1, 358-60
mistakenly claims revival in Palmyra in 1820, 167-71
number of wives he had, 231-32
obtains gold plates, 22
obtains papyri and mummies from Chandler, 331
ordained king, 456-57
orders Nauvoo Expositor destroyed because it exposes polygamy
and political schemes, 460-63
organizes army and marches to Missouri to "redeem Zion," 452
organizes Nauvoo Legion, 454
possesses magic talisman, 89-90
prophesies Book of Mormon copyright would be sold in Canada, 417
prophesies would drink wine in the east, 414
publicly denies plural marriage, 258-60
publishes "translation" of Book of Abraham in 1842, 331
publishes account of first vision twenty-two years after it was
supposed to have occurred, 148
quoted on inhabitants of moon, 23-24
racist tendencies of, 303
revised and rerevised his own "inspired" renderings, 396-97
Rocky Mountain Prophecy a forgery, 404-7
runs for presidency, 457-58
says 56 years should wind up the scene, 418-20
says one roll of papyrus written by Abraham, 331
sealed to over 200 women after his death, 32
sets up bar, 473
shoots two or three men but falls into hands of murderers, 465-66
smokes cigar in Nauvoo, 31
takes wives of Henry B. Jacobs, David Sessions, Adam Lightner, and
Henry Cobb, 237, 239-42
teaches a God above God the Father, 177
teaches Blood Atonement, 490, 493, 497
teaches temple marriage necessary for highest exaltation, 518-20
teaches three degrees of glory in heaven, 509-11
tells brethren to kill lamb and offer sacrifice in Kirtland Temple, 488
threatens Emma with destruction, 222
tells Heber C. Kimball he would lose apostleship and be damned unless
he entered polygamy, 458
translates Book of Mormon with stone in hat, 80-81
translation not supported by manuscript evidence, 389-91
views on slavery, 302-3
violates rules of revelation by taking wives without Emma's consent, 222-23
visited by angel, 22
visited by Nephi, later changed to Moroni, 408
writes account of First Vision, which does not include God the Father, 152-54
Smith, Joseph F., 189, 214,
284, 305, 434-35
on garments, 255
on plural marriage, 255
testimony in Reed Smoot Case, 220-21, 223, 272-73, 278-79, 432-33
Smith, Joseph Fielding, 36, 189-90,
328, 380, 385, 439
anticipates living plural marriage in heaven, 522
on blacks, 292, 300, 316
claims Mormons best people, 553
claims work for dead "greatest responsibility," 517
on History of the Church, 398
on animal sacrifices being restored, 488
on blood atonement, 493, 501-2
on Doctrine and Covenants, 147
on 1831 polygamy revelation, 207
on first vision, 162
on God being an exalted man, 177
on hereafter, 506
on Heavenly Mother, 178-79
on Joseph Smith 26-27
on revelation, 39
on seer stone, 82-83
on spirit prison, 508
on temple marriage, 518-19
on temple to be built in Missouri, 422-24
on virgin birth, 170-80
on Word of Wisdom, 469, 481
on revelations of Joseph Smith not included in Doctrine and
Covenants, 418
says woman can have only one husband in heaven, 523
teaches those who respect gospel still may be saved, 510
Smith, Joseph Fielding, Jr., 180, 378
Smith Joseph, Sr., Joseph Smith's father, 79-80, 94
Smith, Joseph III, son of Prophet Joseph Smith, tells of his father's establishing a bar, 473
Smith, Lucy, Joseph Smith's mother, 34, 125
Smith, Mae, 71
Smith, Mary Ettie V., 450-51
Smith, Samuel H., 94
Smith, William, 108
Smithsonian Institution, denies using Book of Mormon, 133-34
Snell, Heber C., 364
Snow, Eliza, 230-31
Snow, Lorenzo, 219, 269, 280, 422
Solomon, wives and concubines of, 220
Sorenson, John L., 136
Spalding, FS., 332-34
Sperry, Sidney B., 49, 132, 143, 329, 333, 343, 373, 391
spiritual wives. See polygamy
Spring Hill, Missouri, 22
Stenhouse, Fanny, 225, 246, 254
Stenhouse, T.B.H., 212-13
Stewart, EL. 471
Stewart, John J., 301, 308,
on marriage and morals, 553
on Nauvoo Expositor, 461-63
on plural marriage, 204, 215-16, 228, 230-31, 233, 241, 254, 258-60, 269, 522
on plural marriage in the future, 287
on plural marriage today, 284-85, 289-90
on political missionaries, 458
on Word of Wisdom, 31, 468-70
Stodard, G.W., 102
Stoddard, Calvin, 451
Stout, Hosea, 80, 199-200, 472, 474
Stowel, Arad, 69
Stowel, Josiah, 67, 69, 74, 77, 79, 87, 91
Stowel, Simpson, 69
Strang, James J., 100-101
sun, inhabited, 25
Syphers, Grant, 292
talisman, Joseph Smith's, 89-91
Tanner, J.M., 281
Tanner, N. Eldon, 316, 339, 362
Tanner, Obert C., 308
Taylor, John, 26-27, 29,
164, 263-64, 485, 514-15
denies polygamy, 262
on curse of Cain, 295
on Joseph Smith's death, 466
violates Word of Wisdom, 471-72
Taylor, Joseph E., 298-99
Taylor, Samuel W., 35
Teasdale, George, 266, 272, 281
telestial kingdom, 510-11
temperance. See Word of Wisdom
temple, to be built in Missouri, 420-24
temple ceremony, 524-25
changes in, 530-33
Masonic ritual in, 536-47
oaths and penalties in, 530-34
temple garments, 525-29
changes in, 526-29
mark on, 528-29, 540
Temple Lot Case, 219, 232-33, 255, 543-44
temple marriage closely connected to polygamy, 520-23
declared essential for highest exaltation, 190,
temple work, 512-47
terrestrial kingdom, 510-11
Thompson, J.A., 376
Thompson, Jonathan, 69, 85, 91
Turner, Wallace, 274, 285, 292, 308, 323, 515-16
Tvedtnes, John, 352-54
United Order, 59
Urim and Thummim, 47, 49, 52, 79-84
Urrutia, Benjamin, 354-55
Van Wagoner, Merrill Y., 392
Vaticanus, Codex, 373
View of the Hebrews, 126-28
Wagner, Eugene, 326
Walker, Charles L., 480
Wallace, Douglas A., 320-21
Wallis, J.H., Sr., 533-34
Walters, Wesley P., 67, 70-72, 91, 164, 167-71, 220, 405
Wandell, Charles Wesley, 400
Washburn, J. N., 142
Webb, Robert C., 333
Weston, Joseph H., 549-50
Whalen, William J., 525-26, 542-43
Wheaton, Clarence and Angela, 43
White, Owen Kendall, Jr., 192-93, 323, 550-52
Whitmer, Christian, 94
Whitmer, David, 94, 97,
claims God told him to leave Church, 105
gives false revelation, 102
on Book of Commandments, 42, 45, 52, 55, 64-66
on Kirtland endowment, 109-10, 481
on Oliver Cowdery, 104
on priesthood, 55, 59, 442-43, 446-47
on seer stone, 80-82
on Smith's revelation to sell Book of Mormon copyright, 417-18
Whitmer, John, 94, 100, 102, 104, 108, 110, 216, 445
Whitmer, Peter, Jr., 94
Whitney, Newel K., 216
Whitney, Sarah Ann, 216, 242-44
Whitney, S. F., 211
Widtsoe, John A., 94, 105,
199, 258, 334, 384
denies changes in revelations, 39
on Doctrine and Covenants, 38
on 1826 court record, 70
on fall of Adam and Eve, 192
on first vision, 148, 157, 162, 166
on History of the Church, 398
on Masonic lodge in Nauvoo, 535
on plural marriage, 214-15, 224-25, 232, 240
on secret societies, 544-45
on seer stone, 83
teaches no hell, 507-8
Wild, Asa, 160
Wilson, John A., 144, 146, 340, 346-47
Wine and curses, 484-85
and visions 479-81|
Joseph Smith drank, 470-72
produced in Utah, 478-79
Witness to Book of Mormon, 94-108
Wolfe, Walter M., 273-74
Wood, Nathaniel, 86
Woodbury, Angus M., 478
Woodbury, Naomi, 356
Woodruff, Wilford, 201-2, 280,
issued Manifesto on polygamy, 267-71
on baptism for dead, 512, 515
on progressive God, 187
sealed to about 400 dead women, 234
Woods, Lyman L., 454
Word of Wisdom
Brigham Young builds distillery and sells liquor, 474-76
Joseph Smith broke by using alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and tea, 470-72
Joseph Smith's bar, 472-73
Mormon Church produces wine in early Utah, 478-79
revelation forbidding hot drinks, strong drinks, and tobacco, 31, 33, 399, 413-14, 467-83
wine and visions in Kirtland temple, 479-81
Young, Brigham, 21, 27, 101, 367
believed in slavery, 304-5
broke Word of Wisdom, 474
builds distillery and sells wine, 474-76
claims leaders will not lead astray, 431
last words of, 450
number of wives, 233
on Adam being a polygamist, 193, 196
on Adam-God doctrine, 193-203
on anti-black doctrine, 295-96, 311-17
on baptism for dead, 512
on blood atonement, 490
on Book of Mormon witnesses, 94
on 1831 revelation to remove curse on Indians through intermarriage, 210, 212-14
on first vision, 164
on God, 175, 187, 190
on hell, 507
on inhabitants of moon and sun, 25
on Joseph Smith, 448, 452
on man being God of woman, 244
on money-digging, 77-78
on Mormons producing their own tea, coffee, tobacco, wine, and whiskey,
on natural man, 552
on origin of Word of Wisdom, 468
on polygamy, 29, 218-20, 226-28,
233, 248-49, 251, 258, 226, 287, 289
on temple endowment, 525
on virgin birth, 179-80, 182
plays down Joseph Smith's Inspired Version of the Bible, 383
proclaims his sermons Scripture, 437
says Elders will electioneer for Joseph Smith, 457
says Civil War cannot free slaves, 426
suppresses Lucy Smith's book, 34
tells of doctrinal division among Apostles, 439
Young, Brigham, Jr., 272
Young, Kimball, 225, 227, 234, 244, 246, 258, 267
Young, Levi Edgar, 150-51
Zion, Jackson County, Missouri, 22, 420-22