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W | Wadsworth, A., bishop
at Easton, 308.
Wages, 578. Waite, Chas B., associate judge, 605; resigns, 621. Waite, Mrs C. V., The Mormon Prophet, 637. Wakefield, Joseph, sent to Missouri, 84. Wales, miss. work in, 409. Walker, arrest and escape of, 628, 629. Walker, chief of Utes, 313; character, 473-4; treatment of Mormons, 474; war with, 474-5; death, 477. Walker Bros support Godbeite movement, 649; persecution of, 652, 654; first shippers of ore, 741. Walker, Henson, pioneer of '47, 272. Walker, Joseph, expedt. of 1832-3, 25. Walker war, 1853, 473-5; cost of, 479. Wall, Wm, settler at WalIsburg, 595. Wallsburg, settlement at, 595. Walton, Alfred, settler at Willard, 318. Walton, Mrs, conversion of, 404. Wandell, C. W., miss. to Australia, 410. Wandell, Wesley, missionary, 402. Wanship, coty seat, 608. Ward, Austin N., The Husband in Utah, 602. Ward, Elijah, at Sevier River, 316. Wardel, Geo., pioneer of '47, 272. Wadsworth, Abiah. grant to, 483. Warner, John E., killed, 475, Warren, Major, protects Mormons, 223-4. Warren, W. B., com. to Nauvoo, 211. Wasatch coty, judicial dist, 539. Washington coty organized 1852, 450; judicial dist, 539; settlements in, 600-1; coty seat, 608. Washington ter., Mormons in 1880, 693. Washoe Val., settlement in, 592. Watts, Robt, settles at South Weber, 319. Weaver, Franklin, grant to, 609. Webb, Edw. M., missionary, 402. Weber, C. M., in Bartleson party, 29. Weber coty organized, 449; judicial dist, 539; coty seat, 608; settlements in, 700-1. Weber River, Fremont's expedt. at, 32. Weiler, Jacob, pioneer of '47, 272. Weld, John F., col of legion, 146. Wells, Daniel H., university regent, 146, 709; comd of Mormons at Nauvoo, 228; call for vols, 309; Narrative, 331; vice-pres. order of Enoch, 361; in jail, 393; maj.-gen. of militia, 442; atty-gen. 443; legislator, 458; ferry right, 483; actions at Echo Canon, 513-15; witness in Lee trial, 567; postpones militia mustering, 659; arrested, 663-4; at B. Young's funeral, 671-2; biog., 678-9. Wells, J. S., settles at Willard, 318. Wells, Lyman B., settler at Willard, 318. Wellsville, founded, 596. West Indies. miss. work in, 410. Western Monitor, incendiary articles of, 1833, 101. Weston, John, murder by, 569. West Weber founded, 601. Wheeler, John, pioneer of '47, 272. White, O., missionary, 402. White River, expedt. at, 1776, 11. Whitlock, Harvey, sent to Missouri, 84. Whitman, Marcus, in Utah 1842, 32. Whitmer, Christian, plates shown to, 50; of council of twelve, 108. Whitmer, David, baptized 1829, 58; plates shown to, 59; sent to Missouri, 84; pres. council of twelve, 108; secedes, 118. Whitmer, Jacob, plates shown to, 59. Whitmer, John, plates shown to, 59; church historian, 82; excommunicated, 83; asst pres. council of twelve, 108. Whitmer, Peter, baptized, 58. Whitmer, Peter, Jr, plates shown to, 59; miss. work, 75, 78. Whitney, Horace K., pioneer of '47, 272. Whitney, N. K., at Kirtland, 89; bishop, 89-90; university regent, 146; treasurer of ter., 443. Whitney, Orson K., pioneer of '47, 272. Whipple, Edson, pioneer of '47, 272. Wight, Lyman, sent to Missouri, 84; of council of twelve, 108; arrested and released, 122; disperses mob, 123-4; trial and sentence, 131; supervises Nauvoo buildings , 145; address, 192; apostle, 345; leader of Texas colony, 642. Wild, H. B., settler at Coalville, 595. Wild beasts, depredations by, 277-8. Willard City founded, 318. Willes, Wm, miss. to Calcutta, 410. Williams, acts at assassination of Smith, 178-83. Williams, A. B., settler at Coalville, 595. Williams, Alex., trading with Inds, 309; in Ind. fight, 310; saw-mill, 327; legislator, 458. Williams, Almon K., pioneer of '47, 272. Williams, Christopher, bishop, 290. Williams, F. G., conversion, 78; remains at Kirtland, 88; councillor, 94; paymaster Kirtland co., 106. Williams S., presdt of elders, 199. Williams, Thomas, murder of, 489. Willie, James G., capt. of hand-cart co., 423-7. Willow Creek, emigrants buried at, 427. Wilson, arrest and killing of, 628-9. Wilson, Alex., U. S. atty, 539. Wilson, Dunbar, of high council, 198. Wilson, G., ascent Twin Peaks, 265. Wilson, Gen. J., consultation with Young, 446; Ind. agent, 478. Winchester, Benjamin, missionary, 402. Wolfskill, Wm, trapping expedt. 1830, 23-4. Mormon's Exponent, woman's right paper, 716. Woman suffrage, first instance, 282; granted, 657. Wood, G. D., mayor of Springville, 704. Wood, John, in Quincy deputation, 228. Woodward Geo., pioneer of '47, 272. Woodruff, Wilford, asst recorder, 83; address, 192; ordained elder, 197; of travelling council, 198; dedicates temple, 206; joins immigrants, 218; holds service in valley, 263; pioneer '47, 272; Journal, 331; apostle, 345; biog. 435; legislator, 458; pres. scientific soc., 585. Woods, Geo. L., apptd gov., 661; character, 661-2; career, 662-4; retired from office, 667. Woodson, Sam. H., mail contract, 501. Woodworth, L., col of legion, 147. Wool business, value of, 731-2. Woollen-mills, hist. of, 732-3. Woolley, Sam. A., miss. to Calcutta, 410. Woolley, Edwin D., missionary, 402; legislator, 458. Woolsey, Thomas, pioneer of '47, 272. Wordsworth, Wm, pioneer of '47, 272. Workman, Oliver G., delegate to Wash., 447. Wright, Aaron, testimony of, 60. Wright, Alex., miss. to Scotland, 409. Wright, Jonathan C., magistrate, 287. Wyandos, the, miss. labors among, 399. |
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