Index A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

Safety Society Bank, hist. of, 1836-8, 113-14.

St Charles, coty seat, 608.

St George founded, 600; coty seat, 608; described, 707; banks, 765.

St John founded, 601.

St Louis, Mormons at, 79, 399.

San Antonio de Padua River. See Provo River.

San Bernardino, Mormon colony at, 505, 592-3, 642.

San Buenaventura River. See Green River,

San Clemente River. See White River.

San Cosme River named 1776, 11.

San Diego, Mormon battal. at, 245.

Sandusky, missionaries at, 78.

Sandwich Islands, missionary work in, 412.

San Francisco, Mormons at, 285.

San Francisco dist, mines of, 744-5.

San Juan coty organized, 705.

San Juan River, expedt. at, 1776, 9.

San Pete coty organized, 449; judicial dist, 539; coty seat, 608; settlements, 705-6.

San Pete Valley, settlements in, 313-14; coal deposits, 737.

Santa Clara founded, 601.

Santa Fe, expedt. from, 1775, 9; return to, 1776, 17; Mormon battal. at, 243.

Santa Isabel River named 1776, 16.

Santaquin founded 318.

Salem founded, 601.

Salina settlement, 706.

Salt Lake City, site chosen, 264; named, 265; immigrants at, 297-301, 547; population 1850, 328; warm spring baths, 330; hand-cart immigrants, 428; convention, 440; election, 1849, 443; incorporated, 450; peace commis. at, 531; advance of army, 533; city deserted, 535; description of, 580-5, 694-9; charter amended, 608; Lincoln's funeral exercises, 626; Josephite movement, 645-6; Godbeite meeting, 648-9; constitutional convention, 687; hospitals, 693; banks, 765.

Salt Lake coty organized, 449; acct of, 699.

Salt Lake Daily Herald, 715.

Salt Lake Daily Times, 716.

Salt Lake Tribune established, 654.

Salt Lake Valley, co. selected to go to, 1845, 215.

Salt Lake water-works, co. incorporated, 483.

Salt Lake and Western R. R., building of, 758.

'Saluda' steamer blown up 1852, 274.

Savage, Levi, opposition of, 424.

Saw-mills at Salt Lake 1848, 279.

Sayers, H., missionary, 402.

Schettler, P. A., sec. of order of Enoch, 361; treasurer silk assoc., 726.

Schiel, Dr James, in Gunnison party, 468.

Schindle, George, col of legion, 146.

Schisms and apostasies 1844-69, 641-55.

Schofield, Joseph S., pioneer of '47, 272.

Schoes, Geo., pioneer of '47, 272.

Schools, hist. of, 707-13.

Scientific society, 585.

Scipio founded, 601.

Scotland, miss. work in, 409.

Scott, Capt., fight with Inds, 312.

Scott, Jacob, sent to Missouri 1831, 84.

Scott, John, col of militia, 442.

Scott, Gen. Winfield, opinion of expedt., 497.

Scovil, L. N., capt. in legion, 147.

Searle, John C., settler at Payon, 312.

Sericulture, value of, 726.

Serra, Junipero, memorial of 1773, 8.

Sessions, Peregrine, founds Bountiful, 307.

Seventies, duties of, 346, 347.

Sevier coty, judicial dist, 539; coty seat, 608; organized, 706.

Sevier Lake, expedt. at, 1776, 16.

Sevier River, Gunnison party at, 468; Aitken murder, 562.

Shaffer, J. Wilson, apptd gov., 658; career, 658-661; death, 661.

Sharp, John, director order of Enoch, 361; woollen-mills, 732; biog., 755.

Shaver, Leonidas, asso. judge, 461.

Shearer, Dan., missionary, 402.

Shearer, Norman B., missionary, 402.

Sheets, Elijah, direc. of order of Enoch, 361.

Sherwood, Henry G., stockholder in Nauvoo, 145; of high council, 198; pioneer '47, 272; legislator, 458.

Shilling, W. N., biog., 766.

Shirtleff, Vincent, councillor S. L. City, 450.

Shirtliff, L. A., missionary, 402.

Shirts, Peter, besieged by Inds, 633.

Shoensburg, founded, 601.

Shoshones, hostility, 472; treaties, 477, 634; attack settlements, 630; defeated, 631.

Shumway, A. P., pioneer of '47, 272.

Shumway, C., pioneer '47, 272; at Sevier River, 316; saw-mill, 327; legislator, 458.

Silver Bell mine, richness of, 743.

Silver Reef City, incorporated, 746.

Simpson, G., leads mob against Mormons, 1833, 100.

Simpson, J. H., explor. expedt., 752.

Simpson's route, 751.

Sinclair, C. E., assoc. judge, 500; actions, 539-40.

Singleton, Col, actions against Mormons, 227-8.

Sioux, the, robberies by, 268-9.

Sirrine, M., missionary, 402.

Skelton, Robt, miss. to Calcutta, 410.

Slater, Rich., at S. L. from Cal., 285.

Slaterville, settlement, 308, 318, 701.

Sloan, Edw. L., editor, 716.

Sloan, James, col of legion, 146; dist clerk, 287; miss. to Ireland, 410.

Smelting-works, production of, 748-9.

Smith, Capt., pilots co. to Cal. 1849, 299.

Smith, A. J., left on Missouri, 274.

Smith, Alexander, at Nauvoo after exodus, 644; Josephite missionary, 645-6.

Smith, Alfred, joins Gladdenites, 643; arrested, 644.

Smith, Alvin, death of, 1825, 44.

Smith, D. B., col of legion, 146.

Smith, D. C., publisher of Times and Seasons, 109.

Smith, Dan., settles at Uintah, 319.

Smith, David Hyrum, at Nauvoo after exodus, 644; Josephite missionary, 645-6.

Smith, Don Carlos, presdt of highpriests, 199.

Smith, Elias, university regent, 709; biog., 775.

Smith, Emma, hymn-book of, 74.

Smith, Geo. A., recorder, 83; address, 192; ordained elder, 197; of travelling council, 198; joins immigrants, 218; holds service in valley, 263; pioneer '47, 272; building at Provo, 311; lays out town site, 312; builds fort, 316; apostle, 345; promotes canal co., 483; grant to, 451; legislator, 450; director Z. C. M. I., 652; biog., 671-2.

Smith, Hyrum, baptized, 58; plates shown to, 59; receives P. Pratt, 71-4; sent to Missouri, 84; trial and sentence, 131; in prison, 139; stockholder in Nauvoo, 145; university regent, 146; arrested, 175; death, 179; patriarch, 198.

Smith, James A., grist-mill, 327.

Smith, Jedediah S., trapping expedt. 1826, 22-3.

Smith, Jesse, sent on mission, 104.

Smith, John, biog., 679.

Smith, John G., bishop, 597.

Smith, John H., apostle, biog., 345, 681.

Smith, John S., biog., 700.

Smith, Joseph, parentage and birth, 40; spiritual manifestations, marriage, persecutions, translates plates, organizes church, 1820-30, 40-70; missionary work 1830-34, 74-110; tarred and feathered, 92; banking operations, 113; starts newspaper, 115; persecuted, 122-31; in prison, 139; founds Nauvoo, 141; actions at, 1840-4, 143-88; revelation on polygamy, 160; candidate for presidency, 168; arrest and murder, 175-83; character, 184-88.

Smith, Joseph, Sr, character and family, 40, 41; revelation to, 50; conversion, 58; plates shown to, 59.

Smith, Jos., Jr, missionary, 402; establishes reorganized church, 644; pres. Josephites, 646.

Smith, Joseph F., apostle, 345; biog., 434; actions against Josephites, 646; councillor, 680.

Smith, Maj. Lot, operations of, 515-16.

Smith, Oliver, testimony of, 60.

Smith (Peg-leg), in J. S. Smith's expedt., 23.

Smith, S. H., sent to Missouri, 84; university regent, 146; death, 189; converts B. Young, 195; pres. of bishopric, 199.

Smith, Samuel, baptized 1829, 58; plates shown to, 59.

Smith, T. L., mountaineer, offer of, 291.

Smith, Wm, legislator, 142; address, 192; of travelling council, 198; apostle, 344-5; goes to Illinois, 642.

Smith, W. H., settler at Coalville, 595.

Smithfield, founded, 597; hematite beds, 735.

Smoot, A. O., assists immigrants, 283; bishop, 290; meets army, 503; woollen-mill, 732.

Smoot, Wm C., pioneer of '47, 272.

Snake River, first Mormon visit to, 693.

Snell, Geo. D., biog., 704.

Snider, J., supervised buildings at Nauvoo, 145; university regent, 146; miss. to England, 405.

Snider, Sam., settles in Summit coty, 594.

Snow, B., amateur actor, 584.

Snow, Eliza R., biog. and bibliog., 719; vice-presdt silk assoc., 726.

Snow, Erastus, enters Salt Lake Val., 260; pioneer '47, 272; apostle, 345; missionary, 402-11; draughts constitution, 440; director iron co., 483; founds St George, 600; biog., 775.

Snow, Lorenzo, presdt of camp, 247; aids immigrants, 283; founds Brigham City, 318; apostle, 345; miss. to Switzerland, 412; presdt Polysophical Sec., 585; biog., 774.

Snow, Willard, maj. of militia, 442; legislator, 443, 458.

Snow, Wm, magistrate, 287; alderman, 450.

Snow, Zerubbabel, assoc. judge, 456; university regent, 709.

Snyder, J. A., in Gunnison party, 468.

Snyder, Sam., grant to, 609.

Soda Springs, military post-at, 620; Z. C. M. I. branch, 653.

Soil, character of, 322, 724.

Sorrow, John C., survivor of Mtn Meadows massacre, 558.

Sotomayor, Pedro de, in Cardena's expedt., 1, 4.

Southern Utonian, newspaper, 716.

South Pass, Mormons arrive at, 256.

South Weber, first located, 318.

Spaniards, discoveries of, 1540-1777, 1-17.

Spanish Fork incorporated, 450: founded, 601; settlers at, 704.

Spanish Fork reservation, 630.

Spanish River, expedt. at, 1776, 14.

Spaulding, John, testimony of, 60.

Spaulding, Rev. S., fictitious hist. by, 60-2; The Manuscript Found, 60.

Spencer, Daniel, deposed as mayor, 206; legislator, 458; university regent, 709.

Spencer, Orson, professor at university, 146, 709; legislator, 458.

Spicer, Wells, atty in Lee trial, 565.

Spiers, J., founds Plain City, 601.

Spring City, incorporated, 706.

Springville, founded, 318; incorporated, 450; immigrants at, 547.

Staines, A. W. C., adopted by Brigham Young, 361.

Staines, Wm C., librarian 1852, 325.

Stakes of Zion, division, 347-8.

Stansbury, Capt. H., survey expedt. 1849-50, 463-7; An Expedt. to the Valley of the Gt. S. L., 465.

Stayner, Arthur, miss. to France, 411.

Stenhouse, T. B. H., works of, 636-7; supports Godbeites, 649; editor D. Telegraph, 715.

Steptoe, Lt-col, investigations by, 492-4.

Stevens, wounded in Ind. fight, 310.

Stevens, Roswell, pioneer of '47, 272.

Stevens, Sidney, biog., 716.

Stewart, And. J., settler at Payon, 312.

Stewart, Benj. F., pioneer of '47, 272.

Stewart, Ivin, occupies Harrisville, 318,

Stewart, Levi, missionary, 402.

Stewart, James W., pioneer of '47, 272.

Stiles, Geo. P., assoc. judge, 462; chief justice, 488; character, 489.

Stoal, Josiah, Joe Smith works for, 1825, 44.

Stock-raising, description and value of, 729-32.

Stoddard, John, biog., 733.

Stokes, Rev. G., at Lee's execution, 570.

Stoker, John, representative 1851, 458.

Stout, Hosea, maj. of legion, 146; capt. night guard, 282; legislator, 458; atty, 489; arrested, 663-4; university regent, 709.

Strang, J. J., revelations of, 641.

Strangites, the, sect of, 641.

Strickland, O. F., assoc. judge, 662.

Stringham, Briant, pioneer of '47, 272.

Sugar Creek, first Mormon camp 1846, 218.

Sulphur, discoveries of, 739.

Summe, Gilburd, pioneer of '47, 272.

Summit coty, judicial dist, 539; coty seat, 608; limits, 702; coal deposits, 737.

Supply trains, burning of, 515-16.

Sutherland, atty in Lee trial, 565.

Sutter's Mill, gold discovery 1848, 301-2.

Sutter's Fort, cannon from, 278.

Sweden, miss. work in, 411.

Sweetwater, emigrants encamp at, 426.

Switzerland, miss. work in, 412.

Index A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.



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