Index A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
R Railroad overland, mem. for, 462-3.

Randall, Pugsley, & Co., facty of, 733.

Randolph, settlement, 702.

Rappelye, Tunis, pioneer of '47, 272.

Rayboult, Benj. G., biog., 709.

Real and personal property, value 1860, 577.

Reddin, Jackson, pioneer of '47, 272.

Reed, Amos, sec. of ter., 621.

Reese, John, settles in Carson Val., 590.

Reese, John and Enoch, business of, 763.

Reid, Lazarus H., ch. jus. of ter., 461.

Remy, Jules, works of, 602.

Reorganized Church of Latter-day Saints, creation of, 644-6; headquarters, 646; creed of, 646.

Revenue of ter. 1853, 482.

Reynolds, Geo., conviction of, 683.

Rice, Joel, in Quincy deputation, 228.

Rich, C. C., gen. of legion, 146; of high council, 198; apostle, 345; draughts constitution, 440; advice to emigrants, 547; biog., 775.

Rich coty, judicial dist, 539; settlements, 702.

Richards, F. D., asst recorder, 83; Narrative, 330; apostle, 345; pres. of church in Scotland, 409; over. takes immigrants, 425; biog., 436, 774; director of Iron co., 483; at Lincoln's funeral exercises, 626; newspaper, 716.

Richards, Mrs F. D., Reminiscences of, 246, 330.

Richards, Jos., miss. to Calcutta, 410.

Richards, Phineas, missionary, 402; legislator, 458.

Richards, Sam., miss. in Scotland, 409, 416; councillor, 450; university regent, 709.

Richards, Willard, recorder, 83; maj. of legion, 146; confined with Smith, 178-82; address, 189, 191-2; of travelling council, 198; joins immigrants 1846, 218; holds service in valley, 263; city named after, 318; editor Deseret News, 326, 715; apostle, 344-5; biog., 435; elected sec. of state, 443; legislator, 458.

Richardson, Darwin, miss. to Jamaica, 410.

Richardson Point, Mormons at, 1846, 222.

Richfield, founding of, 706.

Richland coty, coty seat of, 608.

Richmond, Mormons in prison at, 139.

Rider, Simonds, apostatized 1832, 90.

Rigdon, Sidney, conversion 1830, 75; miss. work, 76-87; vision, 90; persecution, 90; apptd councillor, 94-5; lectures by, 111; oration, 120; trial and sentence, 131; in prison, 139; prof. at university, 146; aspirations, trial, excommunicated, biog., death, 198-202.

Rivers of ter., 322.

Road companies incorporated, 608-9.

Roberts, Clark, attacked by Inds, 474.

Robins, T. F., founds Scipio, 601.

Robinson, E., publisher of Times and Seasons, 109; university regent, 146.

Robinson, G. W., church recorder, 83; in prison, 139; gen. of legion, 146.

Robinson, King, murder of, 627-8.

Robinson, Lewis, councillor S. L. City, 450.

Rock Salt, mountain of, 739.

Rockwell, O. P., attempts assassination Gov. Boggs, 156; pioneer '47, 272; left for Cal., 273; murders by, 562-3; arrested, 663.

Rockwood, A. P., gen. of legion, 146; pioneer '47, 272; legislator, 458.

Rogers, David, conversion of, 401.

Rogers, Noah, miss. to Sandwich Isl., 412.

Rogers, Ross R., house at Provo, 311.

Rolfe, Benj. W., pioneer of '47, 272.

Rollins, J. H., bishop at Minersville, 599.

Rooker, Joseph, pioneer of '47, 272.

Rose, Stephen B., Ind. sub-agent, 478.

Roseborough, Judge, disgust of, 362-5.

Roundy, Shadrach, presdt of bishopric, 199; in charge of cattle, 265; pioneer '47, 272; of carrying co., 298.

Rowberry, John, explores Jordan Val., 314; legislator, 458.

Royle, Henry, miss. to Wales, 409.

Ruddock, S. A., claim of, 20.

Rush Valley dist, mines of, 742.

Russell, Amasa, erects carding-machine, 279.

Russell, Isaac, miss. to England, 405.

Russell, Wm G., settles at Kamas, 595.

Rust, W. W., ascent of Twin Peaks, 265.

Index A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.



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