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P |
Pace, James, settler at Payson, 312. Pack, John, major of pioneer band, 253; pioneer '47, 272; hunting co., 287; miss. to France, 411. Packard, Noah, councillor, 199. Padilla, Father Juan de, exped. of, 1540, 1. Page, Edwin, settler, 307. Page, John E., address, 192; of travelling council, 198; apostle, 345; missionary, 402. Page, Hiram, plates shown to, 1829, 59; controversy with Smith, 69. Pah Utes, massacre by, 1853, 468-70. Palmyra founded, 312; school, 324; incorporated, 450. Papillon Camp, fever at, 248. Paradise founded, 598. Paragoonah founded, 318. Parish, Saml, grist-mill, 327. Park City, settlement, 702. Parker, Zadock, missionary, 402. Parks, Gen., acts towards Mormons, 122-3. Parowan founded, 216; iron-works, 327; incorporated, 450; immigrants at 548; coty seat, 609; leading industries, 706. Parowan agency, 455. Partridge, Edw., conversion and hist., 81; miss. work, 84-5; tarred and feathered, 100; signs memorial, 134. Parvan, agency, 455. Patrick, Mr, meetings at house of, 404. Patten, D. W., organizer of the Danites, 124-5; apostle, 344. Patterson, Robert, testimony of, 60; Who Wrote the Book of Mormon? 61. Payson, migration to Cal. from, 304; founded, 312; incorporated, 450; immigrants at, 547. Peace commissioners, 531. Peery, David H., biog., 701. Peniston, Wm, attacks Mormons, 120. Penrose, C. W. biog., 719. Peoa founded 1860, 595. Perkins, Andrew H., coty commisr 1848, 287. Perkins, Wm G., councillor S. L. City 1851, 450. Perkins, Wm J., bishop 1849, 290. Perpetual Emigration Fund Co. organized, work of, 415-16. Peterson, James J., killed by Inds, 633. Peterson, Ziba, miss. work, 75-8; punishment, 86. Pettigrew, David, bishop 1849, 290. Petty, A., missionary, 402. Phelps, Judge, allays fury of citizens, 190. Phelps, W. W., joins church, 85; church printer, 89; starts newspaper, 89, 92; of council of twelve, 108; secedes, 118; draughts constitution, 440; legislator, 458; university regent, 709. Philharmonic Society, 585. Phillips, Edw., founds Kaysville, 315. Pickett, Wm, conduct at Nauvoo, 226-7. Pied Riche, Chief, reception of Mor. mons, 236. Pierce, Eli H., pioneer of '47, 272. Piercy, Fred., miss. to France, 411. Pioneer anniversary, celebrations of, 293-4, 504. Pitkin, Geo. O., bishop, 598. Pittsburg, Rigdon at, 641. Pittsburg mine, sale of, 743. Piute coty, judicial dist, 539; coty seat, 608; organized, 705; sulphur-beds, 739. Plain City founded, 601. Plano, headquarters of Josephites, 646. Plates, the, finding and description of, 42-4; witnesses to, 59. Pleasant Grove founded, 312; incorporated, 450. Pleasant Valley, coal deposits in, 737. Police statistics 1882, 393-4. Polk, Presdt, Mormons seek aid from, 240. Polygamy, revelation on, reception and practice 1843, 158-68; revelation to J. Smith, 160; as a, church tenet, 370; celestial marriage, 370-1; argument of civilization, 371-5; reply, 375-95; proposed remedies, 395-6; bills against, 606-7, 682-7; attempts to suppress, 772-3. Polysophical Society, 585. Pomeroy, Francis M., pioneer of '47, 272. Poole, John R., visit to Snake River, 693. Population, census returns 1850, 328-9; 1854-60, 484. Porter, James, saw-mill, 327. Porter, W. T., biog., 700. Post, Stephen, missionary, 402. Pottawattamies, the, treatment of Mormons, 236. Potter, arrest and killing of, 628-9. Potter, Wm, of Gunnison party, 470. Powell, David, pioneer of '47, 272. Powell, L. W., apptd peace commisr, 531. Pratt, Addison, miss. to Sandwich Isl., 412. Pratt, Orson, recorder, 83; sent to Missouri, 84; of council of twelve, 108; at New York, 142, 213; prof. at university, 146; address, 192; of travelling council, 198; with immigrants 1846-7, 218, 258; enters Salt Lake Val., 260; holds service, 263; takes observations, 264; apostle, 344-5; miss. work, 402-5; founded St George, 600; death, 681; university regent, 709. Pratt, Parley, conversion and hist., 71-4; miss. work, 75, 84, 92, 197, 253, 400-5, 408; arrested, 78; of council of twelve, 100; apostle, 111, 344-5; trial and sentence, 131; in jail, 139; at New York, 142; address, 192; joins immigrants 1846, 218; companies of, 266-7; in charge of camp, 271; letter of, 1848, 284; explores Little Salt Lake, 315; murdered, 546-7; denounces Gladdenites, 644. Presidency organized 1833, 94. Preston, W. B., settler at Logan City, 597. Price founded, 601. Priesthood, officers of, 1841, 198-9; order, 341-9. Prior, opinion of Smith, 187-8. Provo founded, 310, school, 324, 708; incorporated, 450; immigrants at, 547; troops, conduct at, 660. Provo Canal Co. incorporated, 483. Provo Manufacturing Co. incorporation of, 483. Provo river, expedt. at, 1776, 14. Public buildings at Salt Lake 1849, 292-3. Pueblo, Mormon detachment at, 243; affairs at, 1847, 273. Pulsipher, Zera, presdt of seventies, 199; councillor, 450. Purisima River, expedt. at, 1776, 11. |
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