Index A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

Mackley, Jeremiah, missionary, 402.

Maddison, John F., settler at Providence, 598.

Maeser, R., editor, 717.

Mail service, 320, 500-4, 769-70.

Mallory, Elisha, grist-mill at Willard, 318.

Mallory, Lemuel, grist-mill at Willard, 318.

Mammoth mine, 744.

Manchester, work at, 1839, 406-7.

Mann, S. A., sec. of ter., 658.

Manti, founded, 313; grist-mills, 327; incorporated, 450; coty seat, 608; hist. of, 705-6.

Manufactures, acct and value of, 733-4.

Maps, mythical, 1605, 1611, 6, 7; Escalante's route 1776-7, 10; Timpanogos Val., 13; Utah 1826, 19; Green River country, 24; Bonneville's, 26; Utah and Nev. 1795, 27; Rector's, 1818, 27; Finley's, 1826, 28; war in Missouri, 121; settlements in Illinois, 136: Mormon route 1846, 222; about the Missouri, 237; Mormon route 1847, 254; corral of wagons, 255; fort at Salt Lake 1848, 277; settlements 1852, 306; seal of ter., 406; Gunnison massacre, site, 469; Utah campaign, 513; Mtn Meadows, 550; Salt Lake City 1860, 580; settlements 1862, 594; Deseret alphabet, characters, 713.

Marble, Saml H., pioneer of '47, 272.

Markham, Stephen, actions at Nauvoo, 225; col of pioneer band, 253; pioneer '47, 272.

Marks, Wm, stockholder in Nauvoo, 145; university regent, 146; rejoins church, 641.

Marriage, ceremony of, 353, 354.

Marrion, Francis, biog., 680.

Marriotsville, settlement at, 308.

Marsh, T. B., allowed to preach, 75; sent to Missouri, 84; of council of twelve, 108; secedes, 118; excommunicated, 197; apostle, 344.

Marshall, gold discovery in Cal., 302.

Marshall, Geo., founds Lake View, 602.

Martial law, declared 1857, 509.

Martin, Moses, founds Lake View, 601.

Marvin, Edward, sent on mission 1834, 104.

Matthews, Joseph, pioneer of '47, 272.

Maugham, Peter, locates Wellsville, 596.

Maugham, Wm H., saw-mill of, 596. Maxwell, Geo. R., contests election to congress, 665.

McArthur, Duncan, missionary, 402.

McAuley, Jno., miss. to Scotland, 409.

McCord, Alex., Josephite missionary, 645.

McCreary, M., settler at Willard, 318.

McCue, Peter, presdt of Glasgow conference, 409.

McCulloch, Maj. B., apptd peace commis., 531.

McCurdy, Solomon, asso. judge, 621.

McDonald, A. F., treatment by Military, 660.

McDougal, J. A., commis. to Nauvoo, 211.

McFarland, Dan., at Mtn Meadows massacre, 553.

McFarland, Wm, founds West Weber, 601.

McFarlane, John, atty in Lee trial, 565.

McGaffee, Elder, miss. to Ireland, 410.

McKay, Wm H., stage robbery by, 661.

McKean, James B., apptd chief justice, 662; actions and blunders of, 663-5.

McKee, Redick, testimony of, 62.

McKenzie, David, sec. of order of Enoch, 361.

McKenzie, T., store of, 312.

McLean, Hector, murders P. P. Pratt, 546.

McClellan, W. E., rebuked, 88; of council of twelve, 108; apostle, 344.

McLeod, Rev. Norman, at Lincoln's funeral exercises, 626.

McMurdy, Sam., at Mtn Meadows massacre, 554; witness at Lee's trial, 567.

McRae, Alex., trial of, and sentence, 131; col of legion, 146.

Meeyers, Geo., settler, 307.

Mehrteens, of Gunnison party, 470.

Melchisedec priesthood, conferred 1830, 64, 84; acct of, 341.

Mendon, settlement at, 597.

Merrill, Ira, killed by Inds, 597.

Merrill, Philemon C., settled in Arizona, 694.

Methodists, school, 708.

Mexico, miss. work in, 412; settlement, 694.

Miera y Pacheco, B., in expedt. 1776-7, 9.

Miles, Albert, wounded in Ind. fight, 310.

Miles, Daniel, presdt of seventies, 199.

Mill Creek, bridge built 1848, 279.

Millard coty, organized, 449-50; judicial dist, 539; coty seat, 608; settlements, 702.

Miller, D. A., founds Farmington, 318.

Miller, George, supervised buildings at Nauvoo, 145; university regent, 146.

Miller, John N., testimony of, 60.

Miller, Joseph, testimony of, 62.

Miller, W., legislator, 458; treatment by military, 660.

Mills, Geo., pioneer of '47, 272.

Mills, Wm, killed, 475.

Mills, W. G., song by, 523.

Millville, founded 1860, 598.

Milton founded 1856, 596.

Minerals, list of, 322.

Mineral springs, analyses, 330.

Minersville founded, 599.

Mining, resources of Summit coty, 594; Cache coty, 596; hist. of, 734-50; discouraged by church, 740.

Miracles, the first, 68; limited, 75.

Mirage, description of, 30.

Missionaries sent to Europe, 197, 270; duties of, 354-6.

Missions, labor of missionaries and work done, 397-415.

Missouri, missionaries in, 78-9, 236-251; property in, 96; persecutions, 98-105, 126-136; march to, 1834, 105-8; map of war, 121; expulsion from, 136; affairs in, 1847, 273-4; schism spreads to, 644.

Mitchell, Dr, characters submitted to, 49.

Mitchell, A. J., left on Missouri, 274.

Mojaves, the, treatment of explorers 1826, 23.

Montana, Mormons in, 1880, 693.

Montierth, A. M., settler at Paradise, 598.

Montrose, Mormons at, 1846, 233.

Moore, David, recorder at Ogden, 308.

Moquis, the, expedt. recd by, 1776, 17.

Morgan coty, judicial dist, 539; origin of name, 596; coty seat, 608.

Morley, riot at, 1845, 208-9.

Morely, Isaac, sent to Missouri, 84; farm sold, 88; in jail, 102; signs memorial, 134; settles in S. Pete Val., 308; grist-mill, 327; legislator, 458.

Mormon battalion, organization of, 1846, 241; in Cal. 1846-7, 242-5.

Mormon book, plates discovered 1823, 43; translated, 47-51; contents, 60-2; printing of, 1830, 63; translation continued, 88.

Mormon Island, gold discovered, 302.

Mormons, church organized, 64-6; first conference, 67; period of prosperity, 80-2; persecutions, 98-104; expulsion from Missouri, 135; at Nauvoo, 143-93; expulsion from Nauvoo, 209-35; at the Missouri, 236-51; received by natives, 236; apply for U. S. aid, 240; organize battl., 241-2; sufferings, 246-9; migration to Utah, 252-74; map of route, 254; jubilee 1847, 269; affairs at Pueblo, 273-4; emigration to Cal., 301; prosperity 1850-52, 321-30; first mission, 399; work in foreign countries, 405-15; accused of Gunnison massacre, 470; treatment of Inds, 471-80; tactics 1857, 511; industrial and social condition, 576-90; conference 1877, 677-80; disfranchised, 685; population 1880, 693.

Mormonism, story of, 1820-44, 36-192; what is it, 333-4; tenets of church, 334-41; sacred books, 341; priesthood, 341-9; tithing, 349-52; polygamy, 352-96.

Moroni, appearances of, 1820-7, 42-6.

Moroni City, founded 1859, 601.

Morrill, Justin S., bill against polygamy, 606.

Morris, Capt. R. M., in Gunnison party, 468-9.

Morrisite troubles 1862-3, 615-21.

Morris, Joseph, doctrine of, 615; warrant against, 616; defeat and death of, 617-18.

Morse, Justus, captain in legion, 147.

Moses, Julian, missionary, 402.

Mott, Stephen, laid out town site, 312.

Mountain Meadows massacre, acct of, 1857, 543-71.

Mount Pisgah, Mormons at, 1846, 222; camp at, 246-8.

Mount Pleasant incorporated, 706.

Mowers, Wilson G., settler in Beaver coty, 598.

Muir, W. S., biog., 700.

Mulholland, James, clerk to Smith, 83.

Mulliner, Sam., missionary to Scotland, 409.

Muniz, Andres, in expedt. 1776-7, 9.

Muniz, Lucrecio, in expedt. 1776-7, 9.

Munroe, James, murder of, 460.

Murdock, John, sent to Missouri, 85; of council of twelve, 108; signs memorial, 134; bishop, 290; miss. to Australia., 410.

Murry, Carlos, pioneer of '47, 272; massacred with family, 477.

Murray, Gov. E. H., arrival of, 687; official actions of, 688-90.

Musser, Amos Al., miss. to Calcutta, 310; sec. of silk assoc. 726; biog., 771-2.

Index A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.



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