Index A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
L Lafayette coty, refuge taken in, 1833, 102.

Lain, Joaquin, in expedt. 1776-7, 9.

Laird, Jas, settler at Wallsburg, 595.

Lajeunesse, F., in Fremont's expedt. 1843, 32.

Lake, Geo., settles in Arizona, 693.

Lake, Henry, testimony of, 60.

Lake View founded, 601.

Lamanites, hist. of, 51-4, 69; miss. to, 75, 79, 599.

Lamareaux, A. L., missionary, 402.

Lambdin, Mrs, testimony of, 61.

Lambson, A. B., missionary to Jamaica, 410.

Lamoreaux, Capt., trading post of, 298.

Lamoreaux, A. L., legislator, 458.

Laney, Wm, attempted murder of, 569.

Langton, Robt, settles in Cache coty, 547.

Langton, Seth, settles in Cache coty, 597.

Laramie, hand-cart emigrants at, 425.

Lark, Hark, pioneer of '47, 272.

Lathrop, A. A., left for Cal., 273.

Latter-day Saints, church organized, 65; name adopted, 107.

Latter-day Saints Messenger and Advocate, established 1833, 104.

Law, Wm, stockholder in Nauvoo, 145; enmity to Smith, 170; councillor, 198.

Law, Wilson, regent of university 146.

Lawrence supports Godbeite movement, 649.

Layton, Christ., director Utah Cent. R. R., 756.

Lee, John D., Mormonism Unveiled, crit., 150-3; comd of hunting co., 287; store at Tooele, 315, locates ranch, 318; missionary, 402; Mtn Meadows massacre, 548-55; trial, 564-8; confession, 569; execution, 570-1; biog., 571.

Legislature, actions of, 483, 607-9.

Lehi, founded 1851, 311; incorporated, 450.

Leonard, Truman, miss. to Calcutta, 410.

Lewis, Albert, founded Richfield, 706.

Lewis, Tarlton, pioneer of '47, 272.

Lewiston, settlement, 702.

Library in Salt Lake City, 325.

Lincoln, Presdt, first appointments, 604; funeral exercises at S. L. City, 625-6.

Lindforth, James, works of, 602.

Liptoote, of Gunnison party, 470.

Little, Andrew, major of militia, 442.

Little, Ferezmore, direc. of order of Enoch, 361; mail contract, 501, direc. U. Cent. R. R., 756.

Little, Jesse C., seeks U. S. aid, 240; pioneer '47, 272; promotes water co., 483; atty, 489.

Little Salt Lake, explored 1849-50, 315.

Littleton, coty seat, 608.

Liverpool, work at, 197, 407;

Locust Creek, Mormons at 1846, 222.

Logan City, founded, 596; coty seat, 608; Zion's Cooperative Mercantile Institution, branch at, 653; college, 708; banks, 765.

London, work at, 407.

Losee, John G., pioneer of '47, 272.

Loup River, Mormons cross, 255; Pratt's co. at, 267; ferry, 274.

Lovejoy, A. L., in Utah 1842, 32.

Loveland, Chancey, pioneer of '47, 272.

Lowe, David T., apptd chief justice, 665.

Lowry, John, bishop, 290.

Lucas, Gen., persecution of Mormons, 130-3.

Lucas, Gov. Robt, friendly to Mormons, 155.

Lucero, Juan de A. y S., in expedt 1776-7, 9.

Luddington, E., missionary, 402.

Lumber, scarcity of, 262-3.

Lyman, Amasa, in jail, 139; col of legion, 146; councillor, 199; with immigrants, 218; pioneer of '47, 272; apostle, 345; missionary, 402; at Lincoln's funeral exercises, 626.

Lyman, Francis M., apostle, 345, 680.

Lynne, settlement at, 1849, 308.

Lyon, W. P., general of legion, 146.

Lytle, Andrew, expedt against Inds 1850, 309, 310.

Index A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.



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