Index A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
H Hadlock, Reuben, presdt of English mis., 408.

Haefle, Leo, editor, 716.

Haight, Isaac C., missionary, 402; at Mtn Meadows massacre, 552; accuses immigrants, 549; indicted, 564.

Hale, Emma, marries Joe Smith 1826, 45.

Hale, Isaac, daughter marries Joe Smith 1826, 45.

Hall, Alfred, missionary, 402.

Hall, Joseph, editor, 716.

Hall, Wm, Abominations of Mormonism, crit., 150, 152.

Halsey, W. L., of Uintah Road Co., 609.

Hamblin, Jacob, witness in Lee trial, 567; miss. of, 599; founded Sta Clara, 601.

Hamblin, W., founded Gunlock, 601.

Hamilton, church organized 1836, 403.

Hamilton, of Mtn Meadow party, 551.

Hancock, Joseph, pioneer of '47, 272.

Hancock, Levi, sent to -Missouri, 84; pres. of seventies, 199; song by, 244; legislator, 458.

Hancock, Oliver, sent to Missouri, 84.

Hancock, Solomon, of council of twelve, 108.

Hand-cart emigration, acct of, sufferings and mishaps, 422-430.

Hanks, E. K., mail service, 501.

Hanks, Sidney A., pioneer of '47, 272.

Hanson, Hans C., pioneer of '47, 272.

Hardin, commis. to Nauvoo, 211-12.

Harding, S. S., apptd gov., 605; rule, 609; superseded, 621.

Harmon, A. M., pioneer of '47, 272.

Harmon, Jesse P., capt. of militia, 442; alderman, 450.

Harney, Brig.-gen., comd of expedt., 497; remarks, 512.

Harper, C. A., pioneer of '47, 272.

Harriman, H., sent on miss. 1834, 104.

Harrington, L. E., laid out town site, 312.

Harris, B. D., sec. of ter., 456; disputes with, 458-60.

Harris, G. W., signs memorial, 134; of high council, 198.

Harris, Martin, aids J. Smith, 47-50; plates shown to, 59; character, 63; pays for printing Mormon book, 63-4; sent on miss., 104; secedes, 118; death, 675.

Harris, Moses, founded Harrisburg, 601.

Harrisburg, founded 1860, 601.

Harrison, E. L. T., trial of, 647-9.

Harrisville, founded, 318.

Hartnett, John, sec. of ter., 539.

Harvest feast in 1848, 282.

Haslem, James, testimony of, 544; witness at Lee trial, 567.

Haun's mill, tragedy at, 1838, 128.

Hawkins, Thos, convicted of polygamy, 393, 663.

Hawks, Nathan, at Salt Lake from Cal., 285.

Hawks, Wm, at Salt Lake from Cal., 285.

Hawley, C. M., assoc. judge, 662.

Haws, Peter, supervised buildings at Nauvoo, 145; missionary, 402.

Head, Norwell M., missionary, 402.

Heber City, coty seat, 608.

Heddrick, Bishop, goes to Missouri, 612.

Hedlock, Reuben, miss. to England, 197.

Heitz, Capt. A., discovers copper mine, 741.

Hendrix, James, bishop 1849, 290.

Henrie, Wm, pioneer of '47, 272.

Herriman, H., presdt of seventies, 199.

Hewd, Simeon, pioneer of '47, 272.

Heywood, J. L., bishop, 290; settles at Nephi, 313; draughts constitution, 440; supervisor of roads, 443; U. S. marshal, 456.

Hibbard, Davison, general of legion, 146.

Hickenlooper, Wm, bishop, 290.

Hickman, Wm A., arrested, 663.

Hicks, John A., presdt of elders, 199.

Hicks, Samuel, capt. in legion, 147.

Higbee, C. L., col. of legion, 146.

Higbee, Elias, apptd histn 1838, 83; coty judge, 124; university regent, 146.

Higbee, F. M., col of legion, 146; enmity to Smith, 170.

Higbee, Isaac, bishop, 290; rept on Inds, 309; grist-mill, 327.

Higbee, John M., at Mtn Meadows massacre, 552-3; indicted, 564.

Higbee John S., pioneer of '47, 272.

Higbee, Joseph, killed in Ind. fight, 310.

Higgins, Alfred, in charge of mail, 501.

Higgins, Edwin, sec. of ter., 658.

Hill, Alex., settler at Mendon, 597.

Hill, Robt, settler at Mendon, 597.

Hills, G., publisher of Times and Seasons, 109.

Hinckle, G. M., acts of, accusations against, 131.

Hiram, Smith removes to, 1831, 88.

Hockaday & Magraw, mail contract, 501-2.

Hoffman, Col, at Camp Scott, 628.

Hoge, Judge. atty in Lee trial, 565.

Holladay, Ben, of Uintah Road Co., 609.

Holland, miss. work in, 411.

Holman, Jacob H., Ind. agent 1851-4, 478.

Holman, John G., pioneer of '47, 272.

Holmes, Milton, sent on mission 1834, 104.

Holmes, Nathan, missionary, 402.

Homans, Sheppard, in Gunnison party, 468.

Homer, Russell, of carrying co., 298.

Hooper, Wm H., chosen senator, 605; Uintah Road Co., 609; director Z. C. M. I., 652; del. to Congress, 665; biog., 666; director silk assoc., 727.

Hooperville, settlement, 701.

Hopkins, Chas, grant to, 483.

Horne, M. J., director Silk Assoc., 727.

Horner, J. M. & Co., merchants, 763.

Horn Silver mine, outcrop, 744.

Houses at Salt Lake 1847, 276-7; description of, 292.

Houston, Isaac, founds Alpine City, 318.

Howard, Nahum, testimony of, 60.

Howard, Sumner, dist atty in Lee trial, 566.

Howd, Simeon F., settler in Beaver coty, 598.

Howell, Wm, miss. to France, 411.

Hudson's Bay Co., traders 1848-51, 327.

Huitt, W., missionary, 402.

Humphrey, S., sent to Missouri, 84.

Hunt, Jefferson, pilots co. to Cal., 299; founds Huntsville, 601,

Hunter, Edw., bishop, 290; order of Enoch treasurer, 361; biog., 774.

Hunter, J. D., missionary, 402.

Huntington, D. B., capt. in legion, 147; trader with Inds, 310.

Huntington, Wilford, of high council, 199.

Huntsville founded, 601; settlement, 701.

Hurlbut, Dr, trial of, 95.

Hurt, Garland, report on Inds, 477; Ind. agent, 478.

Huston, J., missionary, 402.

Hyde, John, Mormonism, crit., 125, 150-2.

Hyde, Orson, baptized, 89; apostle, 111, 344; secedes, 118; address, 192; of travelling council, 198; dedicates temple, 206; joins immigrants, 218; missionary work, 253; lays out Ogden, 307; editor Frontier Guardian, 325; missionary, 402; promotes canal co., 483; probate judge, 591; biog., 773.

Hyde Park founded, 597.

Hyde, Wm, miss. to New Zealand, 410.

Hyrum founded, 598.

Index A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.



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