Index | A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. |
E |
Eagle Val., settlements in, 592. Earl, S. H., pioneer of '47, 272. Eastman, Ozro, pioneer of '47, 272. Easton, settlement at, 308. Echo Cañon, Gen. Wells at, 513. Eckles, D. R., chief justice, 500, 539. Eden, founded, 601. Edwards, Esaias, grist-mills, 315, 327; saw-mill, 596. Edwards, F. M., missionary, 402. Edwards, Wm, arrest of, 592. Egbert, Joseph, pioneer of '47, 272; biog., 700. Egan, Howard, pioneer of '47, 272. Egan's route, 751. Eichbaum, Mrs, testimony of, 62. Elders, duties of, 65. Elder's Journal, issue of, 1837, 115. Eldredge, H. S., marshal of immigrant co., 282; brig.-gen. of militia, 442; elected marshal, 443; Ind. expedt., 472-3; director Z. C. M. I., 652. Eldredge, J. S., pioneer of '47, 272. Eldridge, H. J., director of Enoch order, 361. Elkhorn River, rendezvous at, 253, 282; ferry on, 274. Ellerbeck, Thos W., sec. of order of Enoch, 361. Ellsworth, E., pioneer of '47, 272. Emery coty, organized, 705. Emery, Geo. B., apptd gov., policy of, 667. Emigration Cañon, Mormons encamp at, 258; carbonate of soda found, 740. Emma mine, production of, 742; swindles connected with, 742-3. Empey, Wm A., pioneer of '47, 272. Endowment, ceremony of, 357-8. England, miss. to, 405-410; number of proselytes, 406. Enoch, order of, description and members, 359-61. Ensign, Datus, pioneer of '47, 272. Ensign Peak, named, 263. Enterprise, founded 1862, 596. Ephraim City, acct of, 706. Episcopal church, school of, 707-8. Escalante, S. V. de, expedt. of, 1776-7, 8-17. Eureka Hill mine, 744. Evans, David, legislator, 458. Evans, Col G. S., defeats Indians, 632. Evanstown, bituminous coal found, 737. Evansville. See Lehi. Evening and Morning Star, started 1831, 89-92. Everett, Addison, pioneer of '47, 272; bishop, 290. Expenses of terr. 1853, 482. Exports, 759-761. |
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