Index A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

Daily Telegraph, hist. of, 715.

Dairy products, value of, 730.

Dame, Wm H., at Mtn Meadows massacre, 552; indicted for murder, 564.

Dana, Chas R., legislator, 458.

Dana, R., councillor, 308.

Danites, rise of, 1837-8, 124-7; murders imputed to, 569.

Davenport, James, pioneer of '47, 272.

Davidson, Mrs, testimony of, 62.

Davis, Amos, capt. in legion, 147.

Daviess coty, Mo., Mormon persecutions, 122-4.

Davis coty, boundaries defined, 450; judicial dist, 539, coty seat, 608; settlement in, 700.

Davis, Elisha H., missionary, 402.

Davis, Lysander M., missionary, 402.

Dawson, John W., apptd govr, gallantry of, 604.

Day, Henry R., Ind. sub-agent 1851, 478,

Dean, Henry, missionary, 402.

Decker, C. F., mail service, 501.

Delawares, the Mormons among, 1831, 79, 400.

De Mill, Oliver, founds Shoensburg, 601.

Denmark, miss. work in, 411.

Denny, Presley, atty in Lee trial, 566.

Denver and Rio Grande R. R. in Utah, 759.

Deseret, meaning of, 440.

Deseret alphabet, hist. of, 712-14; characters, 713.

Deseret Evening News, first newspaper, 715.

Deseret Iron Co. incorporated, 483.

'Deseret News,' published 1850, 326.

Deseret, state organized 1849, 440; fails to receive recognition, 452.

Deseret Telegraph Co., 771.

De Trobriand, Gen., commun. on conduct of troops, 660.

Devil's Gate, army of Utah at, 513.

Dewey, Benj. F., pioneer of '47, 272.

Diahman, town laid out, 117.

Dillie, David B., councillor, 308; legislator, 458.

Dinwiddie, Thos, director of order of Enoch, 361.

Dixon, John, pioneer of '47, 272.

Dodd, Rev. Cephas, testimony of, 62.

Dodd, E., grave of, 422.

Dolores River, expedt. at, 1776, 9.

Dominguez, Franc A., expedt. of, 1776-7, 8-18.

Donaldson, Wm, miss. to Calcutta, 410.

Doniphan, Gen., acts towards Mormons, 122-4, 131.

Dooly, R. M., biog., 766.

Dort, David, of high council, 198.

Dotson, Peter K., U. S. marshal 1857, 539.

Doty, Gov., rule of, 1863-4, 621-2; biog., 622.

Doty, James D., superdt of Ind. affairs, 604.

Douglas, Senator, commis. to Nauvoo, 211-12; speech, 492.

Drake, Thomas I., assoc. judge, 605; indignation of, 610-11.

Driggs, Starling, pioneer of '47, 272.

Drummond, W. W., assoc. judge, 462; character and actions, 490-2.

Dubois, Robt, testimony of, 61.

Duchesne River, expedt. at, 1777, 11.

Duncan Chapman, founds Duncan's Retreat, 601.

Duncan's Retreat, founded 1861, 601.

Dunklin, Gov. D., Mormons appeal to, 1833, 101; actions of, 103.

Dunyon, John L.. councillor S. L. City, 450.

Durfee, James, sent on mission, 104.

Durfee, Robt, founds Salem, 601.

Durkee, Charles, govr 1865-9, biog., 622; resigns, 658.

Dutton, Simon, arrested, 664.

Dykes, Wm, pioneer of '47, 272.

Index A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.



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