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C |
Cache coty, judicial dist, 539; origin of name, 596; coty seat, 608; settlements in, 702. Cache Valley surveyed, 464. Cahoon. Reynolds, sent to Missouri 1831, 84. Caine, John T., sec. of order of Enoch, 361; presents constitution to congress, 687. Cairns, Jno., miss. to Scotland 1843, 409. Calder, D. O., see. of order of Enoch, 361; biog., 776. Caldwell coty, Mormons remove to, 117. California, emigrations to, 210, 213, 297-304, 320; Mormon settlements in, 592-3, 693; Gladdenites leave for, 644. California volunteers, arrival of, 1862, 611-12. Call, Anson, settles at Fillmore, 314; builds fort, 601. Campbell, murder of, 472. Campbell, A. G., del. to congress, 447; certificate granted to, 688. Campbell, Robt L., university regent, 709. Camp Douglas, U. S. troops at, 659. Camp Floyd, troops at, 537; sale of supplies, 575-6; Cal. vols at, 612. Camp Rawlins, U. S. troops at, 659; bad conduct of, 660. Camp Scott, winter at, 520-1. Canada, missionary work in, 403-5. Canals, acts to construct, 607. Cannon, Geo. Q., apostle, 345; biog., 434; chosen senator, 605; director Z. C. M. I., 652; arrested, 663; del. to congress, 665; presided at B. Young's funeral, 671-2; on Young's character, 673; elected councillor, 680; certificate of election refused, 688; publishes Juvenile Instructor, 715. Carbonate mine, 745. Cardenas, Garcia Lopez de, expedt. of, 1540, 1-5; map of route, 5. Carey, Wm C., atty in Lee trial, 565. Carlin, Gov. T., friendly to Mormons, 155. Carlin, Thomas, causes trouble at Nauvoo, 227-9. Carn, Elder, ord. to leave Berlin, 411. Carrington, Albert, ascends Twin Peaks, 265; pioneer '47, 272; apostle, 345; draughts constitution, 440; assessor, 443; university regent, 709; biog., 775. Carrying co. established 1849, 298. Carson, Geo., attacked by Inds, 477. Carson, Kit, in Fremont's expedt. 1843, 33. Carson coty defined, 591. Carson Valley, colony at, 505; settlements in, 590-2; mines of, 748. Carthage, actions of authorities, 170-1; death of J. Smith at, 175-83; meeting at, 211; trouble at, 225. Carthage Greys act at death of Smith, 178-81. Carter, John S., sent on mission 1834, 104. Carter, Simeon, sent to Missouri 1831, 84; of council of twelve, 108. Carter, Wm, sent to Missouri 1831, 84; turns first furrow at Salt Lake, 261; pioneer '47, 272. Carter, Wm F., miss. to Calcutta, 410. Case, James, pioneer of '47, 272. Castle Valley, coal deposits in, 737. Caulfield, of Gunnison party, 470. Cave mine, 745. Cedar City, furnace at, 317; ironworks, 327; incorporated, 450; emigrants at, 548; population, 706. Central Pacific R. R., building of, 753-5. Centreville, founded, 305-7; mills at, 327. Chama River, expedt. at, 1776, 9. Chamberlain, S., pioneer of '47, 272. Chapman, Jacob K., missionary, 402. Chariton River, Mormons at, 1846, 222. Charter for Nauvoo granted 1840, 141. Chase, Darwin, capt. in legion, 147. Chessley, A. P., pioneer of '47, 272. Chipman, Stephen, laid out town site, 312. Church, H. W., missionary, 402. Cibola. See Zuni. Cincinnati, missionaries at, 78, 399. Circleville, founded, 601; coty seat, 608. Cisneros, I. P., in expedt 1776-7, 9. Civil govmt, need of, 439. Clapp Benj., missionary, 402; councillor, 450. Clark, Gen., persecution of Mormons, 130-3. Clark, Isaac, judge of probate 1848, 287. Clark, W. O., missionary, 402. Clawson, H. B., biog., 653. Clay coty, refuge taken in, 1833, 102; treatment, 115. Clayton, F. R., editor, 716. Clayton, Wm, clerk to Smith, 83; pioneer of '47, 272. Climate, 691. Clinton, Jeter, councillor S. L. City 1851, 450. Cloward, T. P., pioneer of '47, 272. Cluff, Harvey H., biog., 776. Coal discovered 1851, 317; Green River basin, 322; Summit coty, 594. Coal mines of ter., value, 736-8. Coalville, settlement of, 1859, 595. Coalville Mines, coal deposits, 737. Colesville, Joe Smith and others at, 1830, 68. Colfax, Schuyler, visits Utah, 656. Colonization, system of, 319-20. Collett, Sylvanus, murder, Atkins party, 562-3. Collins, Lyons, teacher at Salt Lake, 324. Colorado, Mormons in, 1880, 693. Colorado River, expedt. at, 1776, 11. Coltrin, Zebedee, sent to Missouri 1831, 84; on mission, 104; pioneer '47, 272. Colville, James, accepts the faith and recants 1831, 80. Commerce, pioneer, 602-3; struggle for control, 651-5; of ter., 762-5. Commandments, Book of, printed 1832, 91. Common roadways, 751-2. Compstock, Capt. N., acts in Haun's mill tragedy, 128. Conferences, the first, 1830, 69; at Fayette, 80; at Amherst, 90; at Nauvoo, 215. Confirmation, ceremony of, 338. Connor, Col, comd. of Cal. vols, 611; actions toward Mormons, 612-13; defeats Inds, 631-2; discovers silver mine, 742. Conover, Col, expedt. against Inds, 474. Consecrated oil, ceremony of anointing, 336-7. Constitution, commt. appointed to draught, 1849, 440. Convention at Salt Lake City, 440. Conyers, Dr, in Quincy deputation, 228. Cook, Fred, missionary to Wales 1840, 409. Cook, P. W., promotes water co., 483; founds Goshen, 601. Cook, Lt-col St George, general order of, 243-4; arrival, 519. Coon, Jos., missionary, 402, Cooper, Samuel, testimony of, 61. Copley, Lemon, conversion of, 1831, 83-4. Copper, discoveries of, 738-9. Coray, Howard, sec. of the council, 1851, 459. Corinne, bank at, 765. Corn Creek, emigrants at, 547. Corrill, John, historian, 83; sent to Missouri, 84; in jail, 102. Cotton, attempt to raise, 1855-9, 599. Coulson, Geo., col of legion, 146; coty commisr, 287. Council Bluffs, Mormons at, 1846, 222; Mormon battle raised, 241; named, 274. Council of twelve, organized 1834, 108. Counties, boundaries defined, 608. Court conflicts, 486-8. Covey, Benj., bishop, 290. Cowdery, Oliver, conversion 1829, 52; aids in translating plates, 57-9; ordained elder 1830, 64-5; ordered West, 69-70; Work of, 77-9, 85-9; secedes, 118. Cox, Orville S., bishop 1849, 290. Cradlebaugh, John, assoc. judge, 500; actions of, 539-40; opposes admission, 606. Cragun, James, sergt-at-arms, 459. Craig, James, pioneer of '47, 272. Creutzfeldt, F., in Gunnison party, killed, 468-70. Crickets as Ind. food, 262; plague of, 279-82. Crismon, Charles, builds grist-mill, 279. Crismon mine, 744. Critchellow, Wm, justice of peace at Ogden, 308. Crosby, J. R., apptd associate judge, 604. Crosby, Jesse W., missionary, 402. Crosby, Oscar, pioneer of '47, 272. Cullom, anti-polygamy bill, 656-7. Cumming, Alfred, apptd gov. 1857, 500; at Salt Lake City, 526-7; departure, 575. Cunningham, Artemas, testimony of, 60. Currant Creek, expedt. at, 1776, 14. Currency, issue 1849, 290-2. Curtis Lyman, pioneer of '47, 272. Curtis: Theodore, miss. to Ireland, 410. Cushing, Hosea, pioneer of '47, 272. Cutler, Alpheus, of high council, 198. |
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