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Product Code: XB380
Title: Sharing the Good News with Mormons
Author: Eric Johnson & Sean McDowell
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
List Price: $19.99
Our Price: $16.00
Date: 2018
Pages: 340
Additional Info: Practical Strategies for Getting the Conversation Started


From back cover:

Someone you know is a Mormon—a family member, a coworker, a friend, or a neighbor—and you long to present the truth about Jesus and what God's Word teaches. But where do you start? How can you convey what's on your heart in a way that will be well received? Every relationship and situation is unique, and that's why these essays from respected scholars, apologists, and pastors—including Sandra Tanner, Robert Bowman, David Geisler, Bill McKeever, Mark Mittelberg, J. Warner Wallace, Lynn Wilder, and others—lays out a variety of creative methods for sharing the gospel effectively so you can...

  • respond with compassion and clarity to Mormon teachings
  • initiate authentic conversations
  • understand your Mormon friends and find ways to keep the dialogue going

Speaking the truth to Mormons can feel daunting when you're unprepared. Let the suggestions in this book give you solid ideas for reaching those who are lost but don't realize it.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Josh McDowell

Introduction: Should Christians share the Good News with Mormons?—Eric Johnson

Section 1: Basic Training Approaches

  1. Helping Our Friends Evaluate Truth Claims: The Straight-Thinking Approach— Mark Mittelberg
  2. Sharing the Reasons for God: The Evidence Approach—Dr. Sean McDowell
  3. Did God Really Say So? The Reliability-of-the-Bible Approach—Matt Slick
  4. Who is the Real Jesus? The Christ-Centered Approach—Dr. Rob Bowman

    Spotlight: Brett Kunkle

Section 2: Reasoning Approaches

  1. Investigating Mormonism: The Case-Making Approach—J. Warner Wallace
  2. Undermining Confidence in a Mormon's Personal "Testimony": The Police-Lineup Approach—Dr. Corey Miller
  3. Joseph Smith's First Vision and the Book of Mormon: The Historical Approach—Bill McKeever
  4. Using Surveys to Reveal Truth to Mormons: The Polling Approach—Chip Thompson

    Spotlight: Micah Wilder

Section 3: Personal Approaches

  1. Sharing with a Mormon Family Member: The Keeping-Good-Relations Approach—Carl Wimmer
  2. When the Elders Come Calling: The Missionaries-at-Your-Door Approach—Sandra Tanner
  3. Sharing the Truth with LDS Women: The Compassion Approach—Becky Walker
  4. Preaching from an Asbestos Suit: Reasoning-with-Mormons-on-the-Internet Approach—Fred W. Anson

    Spotlight: Brody Olson

Section 4: Invitational Approaches

  1. Engaging in Gospel Discussions: The Keep-It-Simple Approach—Aaron Shafovaloff
  2. LISTEN: The Conversational Approach—Dr. David Geisler and Brian Henson
  3. Authentic, Humble Dialogues with Mormons: The Columbo Approach—Dr. Lynn Wilder
  4. The Power of a Simple Invitation: The Come-and-See Approach—Dr. Bryan Hurlbutt

    Spotlight: Shane Jones

Section 5: LDS Event Approaches

  1. Let Your Voice Be Heard: The Open-Air-Evangelism Approach—Andrew Rappaport
  2. Extra! Extra! Read All About It: The Newspaper Approach—Sharon Lindbloom
  3. The Miracle of Forgiveness: The Free-Book Approach—Eric Johnson and Randy Sweet
  4. Website Advertising: The Sign Approach—Rob Sivulka

    Spotlight: Steve Dealy

Section 6: Salvation Approaches

  1. When Being Good Is Not Good Enough: The Awareness-of-Sin Approach—Joel Groat
  2. Can Something Valuable Really Be Free? The Meaning-of-Grace Approach—Dr. Loren Pankratz
  3. Are You Considered as Good as Jesus? The Imputation Approach—John Kauer
  4. I'm Trying My Best: The Impossible-Gospel Approach—Keith Walker

    Spotlight: James Walker


Go For It!—Dr. Sean McDowell


  1. The Gospel (Good News) According to the Bible
  2. 101 Mormons Terms Defined (from Aaronic Priesthood to Zion)


  • Subject Index
  • Scripture Index

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