An important early examination of Mormonism by a former Mormon, first printed in
Table of Contents
- Mormonism Explained
- The Mormon Prophet
- The Gold Plates
- Organization of the Church
- The First Conference
- Satan Threatens the Church
- Meeting of the Prophets
- The Promised Land
- Zion's Camp
- Twelve Apostles Chosen
- First Great Apostasy
- The Prophet Becomes a Banker
- Cutting Off Apostates
- War Commences
- The Church in Danger
- Expulsion or Extermination
- The Prophet Resolved to Fight It Out
- The Missourians Triumphant
- In Prison
- The Exiles Find an Asylum in Illinois
- The Prophet's Political Life Begins
- The Fickle Fortune of Politics
- Political Difficulties
- Joseph Predicts the Rocky Mountain Zion
- The Prophet Surrenders to the Law
- Last Hours of the Prophet
- Polygamy in Illinois
- Polygamy Repudiated
- After the Prophet's Death
- The Exodus From Nauvoo
- On the Missouri
- Founding of the Frontier Cities
- Changes in the Church
- The Civil History of Utah
- The Irrepressible Conflict Between Theocracy and Republicanism
- The "Reformation" in Utah
- Emigrating to Utah with Hand-Carts
- The Mormon War
- The Two Armies
- Peace Restored
- The Judges at Work
- The Expedition a Failure
- The Mountain Meadows Massacre
- The Springville Murders
- The Faith of the Saints
- The Mormon Theocracy
- The Book of Abraham
- The Book of Mormon
- The Priesthood in Zion
- Polygamy in Utah
- Utah During the Rebellion
- After the War
- The Dawning of Freedom
- Brigham Young
- The Territory of Utah
- Salt Lake City
- The Mines of Utah